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Full text of "Catalogue of the ... library of C. Fairfax Murray, esq. : ... sold by auction by Messrs. Christie, Manson & Woods .."

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Qfornell Hniucraitg ffiibrarg 

3tl|ata, STem garb 


^WiUi,McuY%bcrY\ ^Wocdb 

The original of tiiis book is in 
tine Cornell University Library. 

There are no known copyright restrictions in 
the United States on the use of the text. 














Mill be SolC) bg auction bg 


(L. Hanxen, W. B. Anderson, and V. C. W. Agnew) 





May be viewed on the Thursday and Friday preceding, and 
Catalogues had, at Messrs. Christie, Manson & Woods' Offices, 
8 King Street, St. James's Square, London, S. V/. 1 


I. THE highest Bidder to be the Buyer ; and if any dispute arise 
between two or more Bidders, the Lot so in dispute shall be 
immediately put up again and re-sold. 

II. No person to advance less than Is. ; above Five Pounds, 5s. ; and 
so on in proportion. 

III. In the case of Lots upon which there is a reserve, the Auctioneer 

shall have the right to bid on behalf of the Seller. 

IV. The Purchasers to give in their names and Places of Abode, 

and to pay down 5s. in the Pound, or more, in part of payment, 
or the whole of the Purchase-Money, if requireA ; in default 
of which, the Lot or Lots so purchased to be immediately put 
up again and re-sold. 

V. The Lots to be taken away and paid for, whether genuine and 
authentic or not, with all faults and errors of description, at 
the Buyer's expense and risk, within Two Days from the Sale ; 
Messrs. Christie, Manson and Woods not being reponsible 
for the correct description, genuineness, or authenticity, of, 
or any fault or defect in, any Lot, and making no warranty 

VI. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery, and inconvenience in the 
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removed during the time of Sale ; and the remainder of the 
Purchase-Money must absolutely be paid on the delivery, 

VII. Upon failure of complying with the above Conditions, the Money 

deposited in part of payment shall be forfeited ; all Lots un- 
cleared within the time aforesaid shall be re-sold by public or 
private Sale, and the deficiency (if any) attending such re-sale 
shall be made good by the defaulter at this Sale. 

VIII. Books. — The books are presumed to be perfect, unless otherwise 

expressed ; but if, upon collating, any should prove defective, 
the same may be returned within a week, or an allowance 
made thereon. 

IX. Books. — The Sale of any book or books is not to be set aside 
on account of any stained or short leaves of text or plates, 
want of list of plates, or on account of the publication of any 
subsequent volume, supplement, appendix, or plates. All the 
manuscripts and autographs, all periodicals, transactions, 
magazines and reviews, all books in Lots or Tracts in Lots or 
volumes, will be sold with all faults, imperfections and errors 
of description. The Sale of any Lot of prints or drawings is 
not to be set aside on account of any error in the enumeration 
of the numbers stated, or errors of description. 


In speaking of this, the first portion of the 0. Fairfax Murray 
Library, as a Collection of German Books, it is necessary to point 
out that the term is used in a wide general sense, so as to include 
the Presses of Holland, Belgium and Switzerland, all of which 
produced a style of typography and illustration different from 
those of the Latin countries. The period included embraces the 
years 1465 to 1680, the first date being approximately the date 
of the Block-Books, and. the last that of the book containing 
Eembrandt's etching to Jan Six's Medea. The majority of the 
books are of the 15th and 16th Centuries, but a few of the 17th 
were included by Mr. Fairfax Murray on account of their Diirer 
interest. The whole forms a representative collection of books 
with woodcuts of remarkable importance and completeness, com- 
mencing with the earliest xylographs, i.e. the Apocalypsis, Ars 
Memorandi, Ars Moriendi, Biblia Pauperum, and Speculum 
Humanae Salvabionis. While few of the books were collected 
as examples of type-printing only, the famous early German 
presses at Augsburg, Basle, Coin, Frankfurt, Lubeck, Mainz, 
Niirnberg, Strassburg, and 13 Im are all well represented, besides 
those of Antwerp, Gouda, Louvain, Bamberg, Briinn, Leipzig, 
Eougemont, Schiedam, Speier, Zwolle, etc. The Collection con- 
tains many fine and important books from the Ashburnham, 
Marquis d'Adda, William Morris, Huth, Pembroke, and other 
recently dispersed Libraries. As, with a few trifling exceptions, 
all the books are rare, it has not been thought necessary to 
repeat the usual terms of praise. 

The present Catalogue is based on Mr. C. Fairfax Murray's 
own privately printed Catalogue, 2 volumes, royal 4to, 1913, in 
which very elaborate and detailed descriptions of the various 
items will be found. 

An index of Presses and Printers will be found at the end 
of the Catalogue. 


A 2 


First Day's Sale. 

On MONDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1917, 


iBsopus.^ MoEALizATUs, dim bono comento, goti)tf letter, 
26-27 lines to a full -page, signatures, painted initials 
(sotne leaves worvied), olive morocco extra, g.e. 

sm. 4to. \_s.n., Cologne, 'Jo. Galclinschaff, c. 1480] 

■,,/" Eaely edition without cuts. Not in Hain (not 298) or 
Proctor. There is no note of place or printer, but the 
type is probably Guldenschaff's No. 1. Contemporary 
MS. notes 

Collation: — a-hS (last blanli) = 64 lea^es, un- 

iEsoPus. MoEALizATUs, cum bono comento, gotijic Iftttr of 
tioo sizes, signatures, calf, with ex lihris C. L. Prince 

sm. 4to. Impressus anno salutis nostri \_s.l. Cologne, 

H. QuenteW] 1491 

".,,■" Hain, 309 (no collation). Not in Copinger or Proctor 

Collation : — a8, b-f6 = 38 leaves, unnumbered 

iBsoPUS. MoEALizATDS. Title : Esopus cum comento optio 
z morali, gotijt'c Irttrr of two sizes, initials painted red or 
blue, the first one decorated, ivith signatures 

sm. 4to. Impressus Dauantrim per me Bicharclum 
pafroecl. vicesimaquarta die mensis Deccmbris 

[c. 1495] 
Collation : — a-e6, f8 (last blank) 

^sopus. Esopus MoEALisATUs CLi bono comento Ite^ text' 
de nouo emendatus, goHjt'c letter, two sizes, signatures, 
title with square luoodcut ivith sacred vionogram, green 
morocco extra, g.e. 

sm. 4to. Impressa Daiientric per me Jac. de Breda, 


'"\,," Haic, 318. Not in Proctor 

Gollation :— aS, b4, c8, d4, efS (last blank, missing) 

Esopus. Esopus Mobalisatus cum bono commento, et 
glosa interliniari, roman letter, title in 4 lines of gothic, 
signatures, black pigskin {large copy, some leaves uncut) 

sm. 4to. \_s.n., Cologne, H. Quentell, c. 1498] 

„- Hain, '■'2^1. Proctor, 145? 

Collation : — a-p6 = 36 leaves, numbered in roman 
(gothic letters) 

iEsopus. Esopus Mobalisatus cum bono cometo, et glosa 
interliniari, roman letter, title in three lines of gothic, half 

sm. 4to. [s.?i. ? Cologne : or ? Strassburg, Martin 

Schott, c. 1498] 
"■''.,,■"■ Apparently undescribed, but very similar to Quentell's 
c. 1498 (see Lot 5). The text consists of 58 Fables in 
Latin verse, with commentary 

Collation : — aB, bc4, d8, e-g4, b8 = 44 leaves, 

Esopus. Pacecie Moeales Laueetii VallEsis. alias 

Esopus Grecus per Laurentium translatus, goti^ic letter, 

38 lines to a page, rubricated, square woodcut on title (as 

in Lot 4), blue morocco, g.e. tvith ex libris Bev. W. Sneyd 

sm. 4to. [s.n., Deventer, Jac. de Breda, c. 1498] 

'"../"■ Copinger (Suppt. to Hain IL), 112. Not in Proctor 

Collation : — a in 6, unnumbered 

iBsopus. PABUL^i. Title : iEsopi Pabulatoris Clarissimi 
tres et triginta fabule sanequam lepidae et morales ab 
laurentio valla e greco in latinum sermonem conuersee 
Aesopi vita in comentariis vrbanis r ab Eap. Volaterrano 
Iradita, etc., goti)tc letter, 20 long lines to a page, green 
mcyrocco, lettered on side and back 

sm. 4to. Devefiter [i?. Pafraef], 1512 

Collation : — ab6 = 12 leaves, unnumbered, no head- 

Face p. 7 

iEsopus. Vita [et Fabulje] Esopi fabulatoris clarissiaii e 
greco latina per Eimioium facta ad reuerendissimum 
pafcrem dominu Anthoniu tituli sancti, etc., sej/w-gotijir 
tftttr, 42 liries to a page, signatures, woodcuts {coloured) 
and initials, hroion morocco extra, with blind tooling, dull 
g.e. {the Ceawfoed and Butlee coijy) 

sm. folio. [s.?t., Strassburg, H. Knoblochtzer, c. 1481-2] 

-■■■,,•" Not in Hain. Copinger I. 325. Proctor 387. The full- 
length figure of iBsop is without border and is inlaid. 
Several leaves repaired 

Collation: — a8-o6 (8 and 6 alternately), pq8 = 1L4 
leaves. 1 leaf (a8) is missing 

[See Illusteation] 

10 .aSsopus. Fabule r vita esopi : cum fabulis Auiani : 
Alfonsij : Pogij florentini : z aliorum : cum optimo comento : 
bene diligenterg3 correcte x. emendate, gotljtc tcttrr of -two 
sizes, with signatures, 192 ivoodcuts, besides that of ^sop 
occupying nearly the ivhole of title, brown morocco extra, 
gilt and blind tooling, g.e. 

folio. Impresse Antiverpie per me Gerardum leeu 

. . . 1486 
'"","•■ Probably the fiest Latin edition (v^ith date) printed 
in the Netherlands. Seven leaves, including title, are in 

Collation : — a-g6, h8, a-i6 = 104 leaves, not numbered, 
last page blank, al-6 and i6 are in facsimile 

11 ^sopus. Vita [et Fabuls;] Esopi fabulatoeis claeis- 
siMi E GEECo latina per Eimioium facta ad reueredissimu 
patrem dominu Ant. Tituli sancti Ohrisogoni prespiterum 
Cardinalem, gotljic Itttcr, 35-36 lines to a piage, signatures, 
with large woodcut of j3Ssop, 194 other ivoodciits, and 
initials, dark green Levant morocco extra, g.e., by Lloyd 
(fine copy) 

sm. folio, \_s.n., Augsburg, A. Sorg, c. 1486] 

'"■.,,-' Peobably Soeg's only Latin edition. Hain, *326. 
Proctor, 1723. With MS. quotation, etc., on last blank 
leaf. One or two leaves slightly repaired 

Collatimi : — a-p8, qlO (last blank) = 130 leaves, un- 

12 jEsopcs. Vita (et Pabul^) Esopi fabulatoris clarissimi e 

greco Latin per Einucium facta . . . (cum Extravaganti- 
bus, Fabulis Aviani, CoUectis ex Poggio, etc.), goti)k Ittteiv 
43 long lines to a page, signatures, 193 woodcuts, including 
large cut of J^sop, and initials, English calf gilt, red edges 
(fine copy) 

folio, \_s.n., Basle, Joh. de Amorhach or M. Furter, 

c. 1490 

■",,'•' Appaeently the fiest edition printed in Switzbe- 
LAND. There is no note of place or printer. Hain, *327. 
? Proctor, 7629 

Collation: — a8-o6 (alternately), pq8 = 114 leaves, not 



g;ott)if Itttfi', 44 lines to a page {same type as Furter's 
clition), signatures, 335 luooclcuts, calf, blind tooled 

folio. Basle, Jac [_Wolff^ of Pforzheim, 1501 

,,." This is the fiest edition with the second paet by 
Seb. Beant, the famous author of " The Ship of Fools " 

Collation : — ab8, c6-o8 (alternately), p-s6 (last blank), 
a-b8, cd6, e8-k6 (alternately), l4, m6 (last blank, missing) 
= 204 leaves, unnumbered 

14 iEsoPus. [Fables in GeemanJ a2 : Hye hept sich an das 

biich vnd leben das fabeltichers, etc., gotljir letter, 44 lines 
to a page, frontispiece of JEsop {in facsimile), xuith over 150 
iroodcuts, ornamental initials {few piainted red), an imper- 
fect copy, luanting 19 leaves besides the first, half vellum 

sm. folio, \_s.n., Basle, M. Furter, c. 1495J 

"",,■" Hain, "'334, Not in Proctor 

15 .^sopus. Dee teutsch Bsopus, ptiju Itttrr {German text), 

double columns of 39 lines to a page, signatures and folia- 
tion, woodcuts cmd initials, large ivoodcut of Msop under 
title line ivitlmi a border {repeated ore ccrso luithout the 
border), half bound 

folio. Augsburg, Hans Schoenspergcr, 1498 
'.,,.'"' From William Morris's library, and used by him in his 
German Woodcuts. Hain, 340. Not in Proctor 

Collation: — a-dS, e-p6, q8 = 106 leaves. Six leaves 
are missing (a7, b5 & 6, h6, p4, qS), also corner of n6. 
The title is slightly repaired 

16 J^lsopus. Pheygis Fabul^e, elegantissimis leonibus veras 

animalium species ad viuum adumbrantes lo. Posthij 
Germershemij Tefcrastichis illustratae, etc., Lat. and Ger., 
nearly 200 ivoodcuts by Vibgil Solis, italic and gotl)if 
Icttnv crimson morocco, g.e. 

12mo. Francoforti ad Moenum ajmd G. Cor. Sig. 

Fcyrabend, etc., 1566 
Collation : — a-z, ab8 = 204 leaves 

17 Albbbtinus (Franc). Opusculum De Mirabilibus Novae et 

Veteris Vrbis Eomae, rovian letter, 27 lines to a page, title 
in red and black ivithin ivoodciit border including iirinter's 
marl;, full-page tvoodcuts of Virgin and Child and SS. Peter 
and Paul, printer's device on last page, half morocco 

sm. 4to. Basle, Th. Wolff, 1519 
Collation : — 4 prel., a4, bc8, d4-n8 (alternately), o, p, 
q4, eB 

18 Albebtus Magnus. [Summa de Bucharistiae Sacramento] 

F. la: Suma prelucidissima de mirabili eucaristie sacram'to 
disputabilis & p'dicabilis deuotissimi fratris Alberti Magni 

small goti^ic letter, 34 long lines to a page, loithout 

marks, folios numbered, oiMine looodcut half border to 
page 1, initials, half russia, gilt 

folio. Ulinac, Jo Zeiner, 1474 

Collation: — Hain, *456 gives 7 plus 175 folios, This 

copy has 7 plus 176, as it contains the rare cancel leaf 

(printed on one side only) to verso of fol. LX. Proctor 2503 

19 Albumasae. Introductorium in Astronomia3 Albumasaris 

abalachi octo continens libros partiales, small gotijtc letter, 
40-41 lines to a page, signatures, looodcuts and initials, 
blue morocco, g.e. (laegb copy) 

sm. 4to. Augsburg, E. liatdolt, 1489 
■'■ ■ First edition, and probably the only XV. Century 
edition. The author was a famous Arabian Astronomer, 
A.D. 805-885. Hain-Copinger, *612 

Collation : — a-h8, 16 = 70 leaves, unnumbered 

20 Albumasae. De Magnis Conjunctionibus : annorum reuolu- 

tionibus : ac eorum profectionibus : octo continens 
tractatus, small gotfjtr letter, 40 lines to a page, ivith 
signatures, looodcuts and initials, blue morocco, g.e. (few 
early leaves repaired) 

sm. 4to. Augsburg, E. liatdolt, 1489 
""'., ■"' First edition, and only one published in the XVth 
century. Hain-Copinger, "611. Proctor, 1882 
Collation : — a-n8, o6, p8 = 118 leaves 


21'.^Albxandee Anglicus. Desteuctoeium Vitiobum. a2 : 
Tabula compendiosa sin alphabet! or dinem operis pre- 
sentis destruotoriu viciorum intitulati, gotijtc Utttv, double 
columns of 63 lines, on el is a fine coloured woodcut border 
of foliage, huntsmen, etc., the loiver part has a reinesenta- 
tion of the Adoration of the Magi {used in the Coin Bible 
by the same printer), the initial on this leaf is also iti 
several colours, text rubricated, half russia 

folio. Coin, H. Quentell, 1480 

*^* Second edition. Hain, 649. Proctor, 1242 

Collation: — a-x, a8, b-d10, e-vB, x-z6, abcdS = 360 
leaves, not numbered {first and last 2 blanks ?nissing) 

22 Alexandee Magnus. Das buch dee geschicht des 

GEOSSEN ALLEXANDBES, gotl)tc Ittttv, 40 long Unes to a 
page, with signatures, large ivoodcut of Alexander on bach 
of title, 27 woodcuts m the text, brown calf with blind 
lines {title slightly mended, and text slightly stained) 

folio. Getrucket vnd vollendet in der lohlichen stat 
Strassburg von Marten Schotten, 1488 

*,j.* The eaeliest Geeman edition feinted at Steassbueg. 
Hain, *791. Proctor, 399 

Collation: — a8, b-n6, 08, pq6, r8 (last blank) = 108 
leaves. 3 only are numbered 

[See Illusteation] 

23 Aliaco (Pet. de) Cocordatia Astronomie cu theologia 

Oocordatia astronomie cu hystorica narrations, g;oti)u Ittttv, 

39 lines to a page, with signatures, full-page woodcut, 
representing two doctors, diagrams and fine coloured 
printer's device, old half calf, with ex libris G. Eloss 

sm. 4to. Augsburg, E. Batdolt, 1490 

'^* FiEST EDITION, only one other published in the 15th 
Century. Hain, *834. Proctor, 1884 

Collation : — a-g8 = 66 leaves, unnumbered 

24 Alphabetum Saceedotum, goti^i't Ittttr, 25 lines to a page, 

signatures, woodcut on title and another on verso of the 
Annunciation, crushed brown Levant morocco extra, g.e., 
by Lloyd 

12mo. Impressum Traiecti p'me lohdne Bernardi 

[c. 1505] 
Collation :^a8, b4 = 12 leaves 


Face p. 10 


25 [Altdoefbe (Albr.)] Alberti Dureri Noriberg. German. 

Icones Sacras. In historiam Salutis humange per Eedemp- 
torem nostrum lesum Christum Dei & Marias filium 
instauratae . . . Nunc prinum 6 tenebris in lucem editse, 
roman and italic letter, title with architectural border, 38 
luoodcuts, on verso of each leaf, signed ivith monogram AA, 
with MS. Latin quotations on one or two lea res, dark green 
'morocco, g.e., by "Thompson St. Lazarc 106" [ex libris 

sm. 4to. [_Hamburg, G. L. Frobeji'] 1601 

Collation : — a-k4, l'^ = 42 leaves. The recto of each 
leaf is blank, save border 

26 AiiJiAN (Jost) Eygentliche Beschreibung Aller Stande auff 

Erden, Hoher vnd Nidriger, Geistlicher vnd Weltlicher, 
etc., gotljic Irtttr, title in red and black, portrait and 114 
luoodcuts with German verses [fine impressions), original 
calf with blind borders and ornaments 

sm. 4to. Franckfurt am Meyn, hey Georg Baben, in 
verlegung Sig. Feyerabents, 1568 

*.^* EiRST EDITION, with the German verses by the shoemaker 
poet Hans Sachs 

Collation: — 4 pre!., b-z, ag4, last blank = 120 leaves, 

27 [Amman (Jost)] Habitus Pb-ecipuoeum Populorum, Tam 

Viorum Quam foeminarum Singulari arte depicti. Trach- 
tenbuoh : Darin fast allerley vnd der fiirnembsten 
Nationem, die heutigs tags bekandt sein Kleidungen, title 
in red and black within woodcut border (backed), and 219 
full-page costume figures, plain red morocco, g.e. 

folio. Xiirmberg, bey Hajis Weigel, 1577 

*^* EiEST EDITION. The Ashburnham Copy 

Collation : — 4 preL, a-z, ae-zz, Aaa-iii4 = 224 leaves 

28 Amman (Jost) Cleri totius Eomanae Ecclesiae subiecti, Seu, 
Pontificiorum Ordinum Omnium Omnino Vtriusque Sexus, 
Habitus Artificiosissimis figuris, quibus Francisci Modii 
singula octostioha adiecta sunt, etc., italic letter, first 
EDITION, 100 woodcuts of costume, sprinkled calf 

sm. 4to. Francoforti Ad Moenum, ex Off. Martini 
Lechleri, M.D.XXCV. (1585) 

Collation : — a6, b-z, a-e4 = 110 leaves, unnumbered 


29 Ammam (Jost) Gynaeeeum, sive Theatrum mulierum, in quo 
prascipuarum omnium per Europam in primis, nationum, 
gentium, populorumque, etc., editio pbima, italic letter, 
title in red and black, with cut, 122 fine full-length woodciit 
figures of Women, broivn morocco extra, Grolieresciue tooling 
on sides, edges plain, by fratelli Binda di Badice 

sm. 4to. Francoforti Ad Moenum, Impensis Sig. 

Feyrabendij, 1586 

Collation : — a-z, a-g4 = 120 leaves, unnumbered 

30 AiiiiAX (Jost) Chaeta Lusoeia, Tetrastichis iLlustrata per 
lanum Heinricum Scroterum de Gustrou, etc., roman and 
gotl)ic Trttfr, with 52 beautiful woodcuts of PLAYiNG-CAEDii 
with Latin and German verses, and 2 other looodcutSy 
modern olive morocco extra, tooled with a fine Grolieresque 
design, red morocco doubliircs with gold tooled borders, g.c., 
by S. David {in morocco case) 

sm. 4to. Noribergae, excud. Leonhardus Heuslcrus, 


*.^* First editiox. The four suits represented by the cards 

are (a) printer's dabbers, (b) books, (c) drinking cups, 

(d) glass bowls. The 10 in each case is represented by a 


Collation : — a, a(:), b-p, all in 4 = 64 leaves, un- 

31 Amman (Jost) KrNSTiiucHLiN, darinnen neben Fiirbildung 

vieler geistlicher vnnd weltlicher, hohes vnd niderstands 
Personen, so dann auch der Tlirkischen Kayser, vnnd 
derselben Obersten, allerhandt Kunstreiche Stuck vnnd 
Figuren, 293 fine full-page woodcuts icithont text, crimson 
morocco, gilt over marble edges, by Duru (fine corv) 

sm. 4to. FrancJifurt am Mayn durch L'oiiMtumi 
Beatum in verlegung Jo. Feyrahcnds, 1599 

Collation : — 4 prel, a-oo3 (one transposed by binder) 

32 Andeeae (Job.) Super arboribus consanguinitatis, affinitatis 

necDon spiritualis cognationis, gotJji'r Itttfr, 34 lines to a 
page, luithoiit marks, 3 remarkcMe luoodcut trees of con- 
sanguinity, coloured, painted initials, sprinkled calf 

folio. Nurnberg, Fr. Creussner, 1488 
■*\,* Hain, *1038. Not in Proctor 

Collcdton : — 10 leaves, unnumbered 

Imi^r' tt iWu 1 tru p auo^^ tniUcftuu lit- inl m i^I^vCxt. 
c5&«uf PuuUcrau crpott-IiCTOpo :ht?! hi folm lunDic) tp. t JS 

fti*i frt» ii n"-i ■-• '»■--'■■■-<• ^•■'■'!^"'' ■'■*»• 

^i-JiiMil**"-'*!!. j.^- ^»>" 

, 'rSi 

36 J 


33 AN•DBELI^a-s (P. F.) Bpisfcolae Proverbiales et Morales, roman 

letter, 32-34 lines to a page, title with large device of 
Thierry Martens, neat cojitejnporari/ MS. notes in margins, 
roan (laege copy, a few leaves uncut) 

sm. 4to. [_Louvain], T. Martens, 1616 
Collation : — a6, bc4 = 14 leaves, unnumbered 

34 Angelus (Job.) Astrolakium plant in tabulis Ascendbns, 

small god^tc Icttrv, 40 lines to a page, signatures, looodcuts 
(coloured) and initials, original oak hoards covered ivith 
hroion leather, stamped with flowering branches, roll, etc., 
in cloth case 

4to. Augsburg, E. Batdolt, 1488 

■.,,■' First edition ; tbe only other XV. cent, edition being 
tbe imitation by Bmericb de Spira at Venice, 1494. Hain, 
*1100. Proctor, 1876 

Collation : — 4 preL, a-eS, f-s4, t-y8, zl2, a-cB, d12 
(last 2 blank) = 176 leaves. There are errors in signa- 
tures. A few leaves mended 

35 Apianus (P.) Petri Apiani Cosmographia, per Gemmam 

Phrysium, apud Louanienses Medicum ac Mathematicum 
insignem, Denuo restituta. Additis de eadem re ipsius 
Gemmae Phry. libellis, 53 tvoodcuts and diagrams, some 
with volvelles {mnunted) and printer's device, original limp 
vellum (in cloth case) 

sm. 4to. [Colophon] Excusum Antuerpiae opera 

Aegidij Copenij, 1540 
",,."'■■ America is described, dating the discovery 1497, and 
stating that Vespucci gave the continent its name 
Collation: — a-o4, p6 = 62 leaves 


GEAPHIO EDITION. The last twelve leaves 
(37-48) of the second edition of the Apocalypse 

[s.H., Germamj, c. 1460-70] 
[See Illusteation] 
■■ ■"" The blocks are printed in a greyish brown ink and coloured 
as originally issued in green, crimson, vermilion, yellow 
and slate. Pasted on the backs of these block-book-leaves 
are (a) an original leaf of the first edition of the block-book 
" Cantica Oanticoeum " (coloured), (b) Nine Xylographic 
Prints of Saints {coloured), (c) An impression in Paste 
representing a Gothic Screen of three divisions with 
representations of SS. Dionysius (Denis), Emeran and 
Wolfgang (Batisbon smc. XV). (d) Large Woodcut of 
S. Gregory disputing with Peter Diaconus {coloured), 
probably extracted from an Ulm printed book, (e) Four 


36— cont. 

Saints, full-length figures, probably by Wieeix. These 
Block-book-leaves are inlaid or mounted at the end of the 
following book : — 

[BECK (Leonhard)] [Die Heiligbn aus dee 
Sipp-Mag- und Schwagebschaft DBS Kaisbks Maxi- 
milian I.] 95 exqtdsite full-page woodcuts of Saints 
sup-posed to have beeii, progenitors of the Emperor Maxi- 
milian, with descriptions in gothic letter above, contemporary 
stamped pigskin binding, covered loith beautiful blind 

rolls, etc. 

folio, \_s.n., ? Nuremberg, ? H. Hblzel, c. 1523] 

" ■" FiBST COLLECTED EDITION of thcse beautiful woodcuts, 
formerly attributed to Burgkmair, but now (see Dodgson 
II., 131) ascertained to be by Beck. The book contains 
124 leaves. Eight-nine cuts are printed on the like 
number of leaves with text at top. The remaining 34 
leaves are blank but for the lines of text, and were in 
anticipation of other cuts. In this copy 6 of the delayed 
woodcuts (early impressions) have been added to the spaces 
provided for them, by inlaying 
[See IllusteationJ 


GRAPHIC EDITION. Pobty-eight leaves, bach 


PACE EACH OTHEE, old Velvet binding [from the Huth 
Collection) ; vbey pine copy 

sm. folio, \_s.n., Germany, 1 Bavaria, c. 1460-70] 


Schreiber registers 19 known copies including the present, 
half of this number are imperfect. This copy is quite 


are yellow, dark green, pink, pale crimson, vermilion, 
black graduated into grey, and white ; as usual no blue is 

[See IllqstbationJ 


GEAPHIC EDITION, 48 leaves, each pbinted on 
ONE SIDE ONLY, and inlaid to folio size, blue Levant 
morocco extra, g.c, by Lloyd 

folio, [s.w., Germany, c. 1460-70] 

•;;■•::- Pip^jj EDITION OP THE ApOCALYPSE BlOCK-BOOK, partly 

made up (and parts in duplicate from the 4th edition). 
There is no actual deficiency in this copy except in 
folio 44, which lacks the lower compartment. Two con^ 
temporary hands have written a good deal on the backs of 
the leaves 

[See Illusteation] 

& 2 


Eace p. 14 


i ^ * ^LD^ totua mithractomtdatioyjabri ctii\iiDiiuo^]|amnori 


i TBBirfiTii?'~-'''''^'*aMl I II 


h •., 


t^/ 1 \ 4*. 


/ ^ 



4 J 

Face p. 15 



39 Apuleius (Lucius) Ain Schon Lieblich auch kurtzweylig 

gedichte Lutij Apuleij von ainem gulden Bsel, etc., gDtf)tc 
Tetter, 52 lines to a page, title in gothic letter with luoodcut, 
and 78 remarkable looodcuts, some by Haxs Schaupelein, 
limp vellum 

folio. Augshirg, A. Weissenhorn, 1538 
Collation : — a, a-s4 = 76 leaves 

40 Aquino (S. Thomas de) Summa TheClogica, secunda secundse 

partis, gotJju letter, double columns of 59 lines ivithout 
marks, several illuminated initials, and many painted in 
red or blue,' original wooden boards and stamped leather, 
with clasps 

folio. [.s.?i., Strassburg, Joh. Mentelin, not after 1463] 
",,."'•' First edition of Part II (2), and earliest appearance of 
any part of the Summa. With rubricator's date on last 
leaf ; other instances are known in five other copies of this 
work in different libraries, proving that this present edition 
precedes all others. Hain, *1454. Proctor, 199 

Collation : — 248 leaves, unnumbered. The printer or 
binder has numbered the quires 1 to 22, and written 
catchwords at the end of each. There should be 4 blanks, 
but these have been cut away 

41 Aeistoteles. Opera quae quidem extant omnia . . . Item lo. 

Lod. Vivis Valentin! de libris Ari^totelicis censura . . . 
Ad haec De vita Aristotelis . . . per Phil. Melanohthonem, 
roman letter, contemporary brown morocco extra, fully gold 
tooled sides, including panel of arabesques, g.e., in cloth case 

folio. Basle [ 7 H. Petri'], 1538 
,.'"" With book-plate of Marquis d'Adda and autograph signa- 
ture on title of " Georgius Triuultius,'' author of many 
commentaries on canon law, and friend of Grolier, whose 
binder probably bound this book 

Collation : — a6, a-z, a-z, aa-zz6, aabe4 

[See IllusteationJ 


30 LEAVES {three of ivhich are in facsimile, i.e. first two and 
last), EACH PBINTED ON ONE SIDE ONLY, inlaid to foUo size, 
crushed blue Levant morocco extra, g.e. 

(olio. [_s.n., Germany, c. 1460-70] 


Three copies of this issue are cited, viz. Leipzig, Munich 
and Wien. All the blocks being printed on one side of 
the paper, they were probably taken off by friction. The 
ink is grey, occasionally deepening to browD. The 15 
pages of text are in large gothic letter 
[See Illustration] 


43 [Aes Mejioeandi] Hbxastichon Sebastian: Beant in 


cuts representing remarkable objects, such as musical 
instruments, a pulpit, leper's clappers, plough, etc., green 
straight-grained jnorocco, joints, luith Grolieresqtce blind 
design on sides, g.e., by Hering 

sm. 4to. [Pforzheim'], T. Anshelm, 1503] 

*,jj* Thied EDITION, having been preceded by two issues with 
date of 1502. The Latin verses are by Petrus de Eosen- 



ISSUED (except the first and last leaves of text), modern 
vellum (one or two leaves loose in the binding), from the 
HuTH Collection 

sm. foho. \_Gc7inany , lAugsburg, c. 1465-70] 

*,,.* FIRST EDITION OF THE BLOCKS foeming Geoup 

IV. OF ScHREIBEE's division op the various XYLO- 

THE FIRST OF Geoup I. Of thess blocks there were three 
other editions. In these three the outer border line and 
the hatching to same were removed from the blocks, which 
were in each case then printed on both sides of the paper. 
In the 3rd edition two other cuts were added, and in the 
4th two more. Like similar block-books, this is of 

THE utmost EAEITY 

[See Illustrations] 

45 Ars Moribndi. Begins i^. 4? : [woodcut with sig. D.] verso: 

Bona inspieacio angeli contea despbracionem, gotiii'c 
Ifttff, double columns, 38 lines to a page, green crushed 
Levant morocco extra 

sm. folio, [s.w , Cologne, ?Nic. Gotz, c. 1475] 

*^ A fragment of 6 leaves (out of 12), presumably the first 
TYPOGRAPHICAL EDITION (Hain, 1831). The subjects are 
not in their usual order, nor do they always face their 

46 Aes Moribndi. F 1 a: Ars Moeiendi [Q] Vamuis scd'm 

philosophu tertio ethicoru. Oim terribilium mors corporis 
sit terribilissima : morti th anime nullatenus est coparada, 
etc., gotljtc htUv, 11 full-page woodcuts 

[s.n., Cologne, '?Goswin Gaps, or Nicolaus Gotz, c. 1475] 


44 1 

I'ace p. 16 







V\\\^\\\V\\\\\S\\\\\\\\\^\\\V\U\\v,'.|.,l'.u|;,,|.ii,' ^iivimii'">l-"n,</^.. ■<■:■.:,://. "',:■//, i,'{ 

Face p. 17 


*jj* Second typographical editii^. Not in Hain. Pj-obibly 
Copinger (Suppt. II) 667. Probably Proctor, 1115 

Collation : — 12 leaves 
[See Illustration] 

Gerson (Job. [Gbarlier] de) Monotessaron, gotbic 
I(tttr, 40 lines to a i)age, luithout marks, rubricated 

[s.n., Cologne, 7 Goswin Gaps or Nic. Gotz, c. 1480] 

*,* Hain, *7719. Proctor, 1259 

Collation : — 68 leaves (first and last blank). A few 
MS. signature^ remain 

Joannes de Sancto Laurbntio. Postillae Evangeli- 
orum Dominicalium, g;otJ)ic tetter, doiible columns of 40 
lines, witJiout marks, rubricated 

Bruxelles \_Fratres riiae covwmnis'], 1480 

*^* Hain, 9410. Proctor, 9332 

Collation : — 198 leaves, the last blank. A few MS. 
signatures remain, as well as catchwords 

The three sm. folio volumes bound in one, XVth Centnrij 
binding of wooden boards covered with stamped leather, 
rebacked, boxmd at the Monastery of Dulmen, Westphalia, 
and bears the characteristic stamps of that binding, notably 
the square stamp of two birds 

47 Ars Moriendi. Ars.Moribndi ex Variis sententijs collecta 

cum Piguris ad resistendum in mortis agone dyabolice 
suggestioni valens cuilibet Christifideli vtilis : ac multum 
necessaria, goti)ic letter, large woodcut on title (repeated on 
verso), and 12 full-page woodcuts, brown morocco extra, 
blind tooled, gilt borders inside, g.e., by Chambolle-Duru 
(ex libris Seilliere, ivith arms on sides) ; fine and large 


sm. 4to. Impressum Normhenjae loannis 

Weyssenbu?-ger, 1512 

Collation : — a6, b8 = 14 leaves, unnumbered 

48 [Ars Moriendi] Een seer profitelijck boecxken om alle 

menschen wel te leeren steruen, gotijic letter, 22 lines to a 
page, with signatures, 6 woodcuts with gothic letter inscrip- 
tions cut on the blocks, crushed Levant morocco gilt, g.e., 
by Lloyd 

12mo. Gheprent tot delft In hollant Bi mi Cornelis 

cornelissc [c. 1520] 

Collation : — ab8, c4 = 20 leaves, unnumbered 

49 [Abs Moeiendi] F^io 2a: Das ist die vobeed in das 
BucHDiN DES Steebendbn mbnschen, goti)tc Ittter, 21-22 
lines to a page, without marks, 5 full-page woodcuts, 
coloured hy hand, and woodcut initials {first woodcut 
inlaid, corners of 3 leaves mended), half calf 

sm. 4to. [_s.n., Augsbury, A. Sorg, c. 1478-80] 

%« HaiD, *11629. Proctor, 1677. (Brifc. Mus. copy, imperfect) 

Collation : — 96 leaves, unnumbered [a-m8] 

[See IllusteationJ 

50 [Attavanti (Paulus Florentinus)] Bbeviaeium totius jueis 
CANONici, small (jotijic letter, double columns of 50 lines to 
a pageiivithoiU signatures, but leaves numbered, rubricated, 
portrait, red morocco (ivith ex libris Robert Proctor) 

sm. folio. Memmingen, Alb. Kunne, 1486 

'./ Thied edition, but piest peinted in Geemany. Hain, 
"'7161. Proctor, 2780. The remarkable portrait of the 
author (1419-99) on the first page has been ohamcterised 
as the earliest Eenaissance woodcut in a German-printed 

Collation : — 4 prel. + cxxix 

51 Adbeswald (Fabian von) Eingee Kunst : fiinff vnd achtzig 
stiicke, zu ehren Kurfiirstliohen gnaden zu Sachssen, etc., 
got})ic letter, fiest and only edition, title with nearly 
full-page coat-of-arms of John. Frederic, elector of 
Saxony, full-page portrait of the author by L. Cranach, 
and 85 full-page cuts by the same (a-h6 = 48 leaves, last 
blank), Gedruckt zu Wittemb., durch Hems Lujft, 1539 

Vegetius (Flavius) Vier biicher der Eitterschafft, Zu 
dem aller durchleuchtigesten grossmachtigesten Fursten 
vnd Herren.herrn Maximilian Eomischen Kayser loblicher 
gediichtnus to. geschriben, etc., gotljic letter, double columns 
of 52 lines, fiest edition by this pbintee, large -cut 
on title, also full-page cut of a Landsknecht, and over 
100 woodcuts of military engines, guns, etc. (102 II. un- 
numbered), Augsburg, H. Staincr, 1529 

Keiegs Oedung New gemacht, gotI)tc letter, 40 lines 
to a full page (42 lecivcs) [,s n., Augsburg, c. 1530] 

Together in 1 vol. sm. folio, original German binding 
of calf, blind tooled, in Italian style, in cloth case {icith ex 
libris of C. W. G. V. N[ostits^, and A. Lanna 


Face p. 18 


52 Al-gsbcrgeh Geschleebter Buch, second edition, title in red 
and hlai:h ivith cut, 156 full-page woodcuts icpi i:\cnting 
full-length figures of hiights in aniujur, etc., original 

folio. Frankfurt-on-Main, S. Feyrahend, 1580 

Collation -. — a6, b-t4, v6 = 168 leaves 

53 AviTUS (Alcimus) De origins mundi. De originali peccato. 
De sententia dei. De diluuio mundi. De transitu maris 
rubri. De Virginitate, goti)tc letter, 25 lines to a pcMje, 
luoodcut of master and pupils on last leaf, green morocco 
{some edges uncut) 

sm. 4to. Iinpressum Gcjlonie pjcr Martinu de Wer- 

dena , 1509 

*jif* Not in Proctor. Probably second edition 

Colhdioii : — a6, B-p4r, q6 = 68 leaves, unnumbered 

54 Bamberg. Die Weykl-xg vnnd al-szruffung des Hoch- 
wiEDiGEN HEYLTHCMBS zu Ba;\I];ueg. nach dg rechten 
waren heiltbumb abgezeychnet, 1509, gotljtc htttr, luoodcut 
on title of Henry II. and Kuncgundc holding a model of 
Bamberg cathedral, on the reverse a full-page cut cjf a 
procession unth the sarccjphagus of the Emperor Henry, 
ivith vieiv of Bamberg cathedral, nu^nerous other smaller 
cuts of relics, etc. (134 subjects), crimson morocco extra, 
by W. Pratt {from the Huth Collection) 

sm. 4fco. \_s.l. et typ., Bamberg, Joh. PfeiV], 1509 

Collation: — a-c8 = 24 leaves, unnumbered, last page 

55 Bambergischb Halsgebichts ORuxiJNG, gotfjtc Ictttr, 29 
lines to a page, 13 full-page cuts and 10 others three- 
quarter-page, broiun morocco extra, g.e., by F. Bedford (from 
(he HuTH Collection) 

sm. folio. U7id ist die also auss vnserm beuelhe, jn 

vnser Stat Bamberg, durch vnscru Burger, Hann- 

sen Pfeyll dasclbst gcdrucli, 1507 

*5j* The Bamblieg Celmtnal Code. Thie title in one line 
above a large woodcut of torturing apparatus, and on 
reverse the coat-of-arms of the Bishop of Bamburg. The 
other cuts represent the execution of the ancient and 
barbarous criminal la.w of Germany 

Collation : — prel. 8 + ff. iii-lxxx 

B 2 


56 [BavaeiaJ Eefoemacion dee Bayeischn Lanndeecht nach 

Cristi vnsers Hailmachers geburde Im fiinftzehenhundert 
vnnd Achtzehendm Jar Aiifgericht, German goti)tc Utter, 
PBiNTED ON VELLUM, in Tccl and black, cut on title and 
tuoodcut tree of affinity, fiest edition, oak hoards covered 
loitli stamped pigskin (Ashbuenham copy) 

folio. Munich [Joh. Schobsser, after 23 Apl. 1518] 

Collation -. — a-f6, a-v, w, x-z6, Aa-cc6, odS (f6 and 
Dd8 are blanks, last one missing) 

57 [BavaeiaJ Geeichtsoednung Im fiirsfnthiimb Obern vnd 

Nidern Bayrn Anno 1520 aiifgericht, German goti)tc letter, 
FEINTED ON VELLUM, in red and black, fiest edition, 
large woodcut on title, original (?) ivooden boards ivith 
15th cent, calf, gold tooled, clasps, with arms of Max 
Gomte de Preysing on sides 

folio. Munich \_Joh. Schobsser, after 23 Apl. 1520] 

Collation : — abB, a-m6, noB (b8 prel. and o8 are blanks, 
the first missing) = 103 leaves 

58 [Beck (Leonhard)]. Images de Saints et Saintes issus de la 

famine de I'Bmpereur Maximilien I., 119 woodcuts 
arranged alphabetically, each cut has the coat-of-arms 
belonging to the person depicted, half blue morocco, ivholly 

folio. Wien, 1799 
*,g* " The woodcuts themselves are 123 in number ; 121 blocks 
are preserved at Vienna, three of which are so badly 
injured that they were omitted from the edition of 1799 
(the above), while two more subjects exist in old proofs, 
though the blocks are lost " 

59 Beham (Hans Sebald) Disss buchlin zey get an vnd 


letter, ivith 16 images of woodcut diagrams and designs of 
the proportions of the Horse, blue morocco, g.c. {from the 
HuTH Collection) 

sm. 4to. Gedruckt zu nurmberg. jm 1528 jar 

*s* Fiest edition. Holzel or his successor is suggested as 

the printer. The author was suspected of having stolen 

the materials of this work from Diirer- see Thausina's 

JDiirer II., p. 311-12 ' 

Collation:— K-\j^-]i = 20 leaves, last blank, numbered 
in arable 

GO BnuNAuiiiNVTS (S.) Somioiios lUi festiuilalilms vii>;inis t;lorioso 
por luuiii oil siiiL;ulaaissiiiiis laudibuM oiuHilc, hinidsomc 
ilo(l)(f Itllrr, ;! I lilies to <i puije, pai.iih'd niilidh, lh<tl on A \ 
ill ;/(>/(/ and coloiiVH, fnll-jiaijc culuiircd iroodciil <i/' S. Ilcni- 
iinliii pr<'achiiuj, ivilli jiijiirv of Ihc \irtjin, orujnial onk 
lioords rorrri'd willi brown Irollirr, alaiitpcil on froni side 
irilli panel of oijcc onniiii-fiil Jillcd in irilh jlonil hranolivs, 
I III' no nil' " Hcriiliiiril " in ijotliic Irtlrrs at lop, clanjin {nealhj 
rvbaclicd), in cloth, case. 

am. Uo. ^'inrinliiTij, /■'. ('ri'iisner, 1493 

*^* TuK ONiiY \\'. cuNTuuY EDITION, llaiu, ' 'J832. riocdof, 
2U)(). Tho woodcut Ins luion att.l•ih^lk^^l by Oa,inpbell 
DoiljiHon lo Micbaol Wol^oinufc. Tlie volume was 
originally in tbo (-arlihusian monnsfcory of lUixhoim 

I'ollalioii : — (i pvol., A -m8, n6 (last blaiikl 108 leaves, 
umumiberod. Tbo first two sheets are wvont;!) bound up 

61 Hlihn \iiiHis (B.) Moililalionos, gotl)if Ifttfl', ./''',vi i-ililioii with, 
date {ll'aiii, '^288;!), paliitfd. initiitis, [luisir, ,loh. dc Aiiior- 
harli^, 111''-! 'I'amiiaoo (Job. do) Consolatio Tbtolofjiae, 
goll)if Irlln-, /""'"/I'l/ iniHaJs. I'lus'i' koition (//(u'«, *ir)237), 
\ilii.d.\. 119'J -Zv'ri'u VNi \ (doiardus do) He rolormationo 
virium auimao, //r.s/ i-diliiin with date, (jotl)if icKrr, painted 
initials, eoloiired cut of Adaiir iiiid Eve {Main *1629n, 
[ibiil.\, llDli toLjotbov in 1 \'ol., oriijinal wooden boards 
and stamped leather {baek repaired) V2 mo. 

(i'J lii'',ivN.Uiinis (k^.) IHorotus in in so itiuous sano tbeologie r 
oa,iiomi iloi'os ad j;audia jiaradisi linali lorcos (ipii so in 
illos oxiMi-iliUioiint) porducontos, gotijir lf(ttf, large iroodeiU 
on title (>/' N. (Ireijori/ sealeil at a (/r,s7i-, rubricated initials, 
boards {fartlji iinciit), I'UNK corv 

sm. llo. [.s',»., ClUii, II. Qiicntell, not after 1491] 

(\)IIation: -a-bC, i8 = 56 loaves, unnumbered 

63 HnuNUiinis (S.) li'loi'otus sancli Hornardi in so contiuens 
sacro llieoloi;io el. canonum lloves ad gaudia paradisi 
tinaliter oos (ipii so in illis oxei-citauei'iiit) perdueontos, 
tJOtl)if Ifttcr ot' tiro si:es. signatures, iroodeiit ini title, 
rubricated, half nn<nhco [wants 1 leaf. rcG) 

sm. Ito. Coloniae [11. (ficntell, 11991 

* * llain, *±m. rroolov, 1359 

Collation: v.i ligd, nbl, liG (last blank wuntint;") 52 
leaxos, unumnboioil 


64 Beeoaldus (Phil.) Declamatio de fcribus fratribus, roman Utter, 

33 lines to a p<Kje, v:iih woodcuts of Virgin and Child and 
arms of Strassburg, morocco, g.e. 

sm. 4to. Strassburg, Jo. Priiss, 1601 

■/ J Probably the second edition of this curious work against 
loose living 

Collation :— a8, b4, cd6, ef4, g8, h4 = 44 leaves, un- 

65 Beeoaldus (Phil.) Heptalogus sive Septem sapientium 

Grecie sententias prestantiores explioans, QOti)ic Ittttf, 
32 lines to a page, title with woodcut, half morocco {title 
and last leaf repaired, the corners of the others have 
rubbed round) 

sm. 4to. Deventer, A. Pafraed, 1517 

Collation: — a6, bc4 = 14 leaves, unnumbered 

66 Bbetholdus. Horologium, gnti^ir letter {Hain, *2990), 36 

remarkable woodcuts, coloured, painted initials \_s.n., Basle, 
J. de Amorbach, c. 1490] — [Cheistus] De Vita et 
Beneficiis Salvatoris, goti)tc letter, painted initials {Hain, 
'10992j \ibid.'\, c. 1490— Zutphania (Gerardus de) De 
spiritualibus ascensionibus, gotl)tc letter, painted initials 
{Bain, *16296) \ibid.\ c. 1490— together in 1 vol. calf 



EDITION, 24 OUT of 40 leaves each pbixted ox one 
SIDE OF THE paper, inlaid to folio size, blue Levant 
morocco extra, g.e., by Lloyd 

folio, \_s.n., Netherlands and Germany, c. 1460-70] 

"^* This appears to be the foceth edition according to the 
details given by Schreiber. This authoeity r ites only 

3 complete copies besides one (Eylaxds) wanting 

4 leaves. The Eoyal Library, Berlin, possesses only 
two leaves and the Brit. Mus. only the same number 
(possibly 3) 

[Si:;e Illustration] 


DAICE, GEAECE ET LATIN, the second Polyglot 
Bible, PEINTED ON VELLUM, 5 vols, in 10, dark 
blue morocco extra, joints, vellum ends, g.e., by Henna 

folio. Antwerp, C. Plantin, 15(69j-72 

"tnul^ vt- rum aia-jptf ipc 
lusi^^ fa ^-fi nfrntt*"' cuvj.'.ti 

Vfi iJi'UtUjTMlvl'fiffril Uif 

,,._ ^^1 

,lptTmi vHTrttu liTKofrt frii f 
ir It ;ifi;a -imiiMnn p mm 
aivHm r' morrrP ci raiuii 

air uU-." ■;! ";nnO!iT26r'uis'pr 
iTuuCaiiih iifTpruiliicftti 
Whir ^uro rruuttitmrh 

^ liiiilillpYl In 

•^^ ■■—iMn inniiiii iinT'iTYi — MJiii C. .,*cfe»^a^^i■:;:":;t^^^:^jcS^i?1-»T,-•B.-.,— .- i*JliW il > i i "*'^i ' I " "' " " i" I ' "1 IIWIW 




Kittu Qci^ critt taUfug 


Between ri'- 22, 23 


Only 5 copies feinted on vellum are said to be in 
EXISTENCE, i.e. Turin, Vatican, the Escurial, Salamanca, 
and the present copy. Besides the last 2 vols. (Apparatus) 
— which were on paper and for that reason were never 
rebound like the other vols.— the present set lacks Vol. I., 
but in a sense Vol. VI. (part 1), consisting of the Hebrew- 
Latin Bible, supplies this deficiency. The present is the 


69 BiBLiA Sacea Latina. Biblia, Ad vetustissima exemplaria 
castigata, old olive morocco extra, gold tooled on back (iiid 
sides ivith geometrical comiMrtments, g.e. (in cloth case) 

16mo. Excud. Antverpiae Christophorus Plantinus, 

xviii. Aug. 1564 

*^* Plantin's thied edition. This volume only contains 
Gen.-Euth. The remaining 2 vols, were probably pub- 
lished in 1565. There are no indications of the accom- 
panying volumes having been bound as this 

70 Biblia Sacea Geemanica, finely printed in large German 
gotljtc letter, double columns of 50 lines to a page, leaves 
numbered, no signatures, with 109 looodcuts, all with 
original colouring, that of the Creation, the size of half the 
page, is in gold and colours, 3 illuminated initials, capitals 
in blue and red, 2 vol. oak boards with stamped leather, 
metal bosses, in cloth cases (William Moeris's copy) 

foho. Nuremberg , Ant. Koberger, 1483 

*^* The ninth Geeman Bible, the fiest peinted at 
NuEBMBEEG. With woodcuts from the Cologne Bible, 
0. 1480. Hain, *3137. Proctor, 2028 

Collation : — Vol. I. i-ccxcv -I- 3 blanks = 298 leaves. 
Vol. II. cexcvi-ccccclxxxiii -f- 2 blanks = 290 leaves 

71 Biblia Sacea Geemanica. Title : De Biblie mit vlitighee 


aueeghesettet. Mit voiiuchtinghe vnde glose : des 
hochghelerden Postillatoers Nicolai de lyra. Unde anderer 
velen hillighen doctoren, gotljtr Ifttfv, double columns of 
66 lines, with signatures, nearly 100 la^-gc and small wood- 
cuts, half pigskin, red edges (a few margins mended, but 
good copy) 

folio. Lubeck, S. Arndes, 1494 



*,* FiEST Bible in Low Geeman. Haiii, 3143. Proctor, 
2645. Only two other specimens of this press at Lubeck 
are in the Brit. Mus. The woodcuts are remarkable as 
showing gothic ornamentation wherever possible, especially 
in architecture ; there is no sign of this in the Eoberger 
Bible, of which the Lubeck illustrator probably was en- 
tirely unaware. From the library of William Moeeis 

Collation : — a6, b-z, r, c, a-e8, f-g6, h-i8, k-m6, 
N-o8, p-q6, e-z8, aa-oo8, pp-qq6 = 492 leaves, un- 
numbered. There are several errors 

72 BiBLicAE IcoNEs. Beham (Hans Sebald) Biblicae Historiae, 

Artificiosissimis picturis effigiatae, woodcut border to title 
and 80 icoodcuts, red morocco extra, g.e. 

sm. 4to. [^Frankfort, C. Egenoljih, c. 1540] 

*'^* Early edition, without place, date, or printer. The cuts 
were first published in 1533 at Frankfort by G. Bgenolph 

Collation: — a-k4 = 40 leaves, unnumbered (last fage 

73 Biblicae Icones. [Beham, Weiditz, etc. J Novi Testamenti 

Jesu Christi Historia eftigiata : Apocalypsis S. Joannis : 
toith 169 luoodcuts (inchiding those on the two titles), 
crushed brown Levant morocco, t.e.g. 

12mo. Franc, cvpud Heere. Chr. Egcnolff, 1557-8 

*-,,* Of the 169 cuts 46 of the finest are by Hans Weiditz. Of 
the others 19 are by Hans Sebald Beham. One is signed 
H.S. (H. Schauffelein) 

Collation : — a-i, Aa-Bb8 = 88 leaves, unnumbered 

74 Biblicae Icones. Solis (Vergil) Biblische Figuren dess Alten 
Testaments, gantz klinst-lich gerissen : Biblische Figuren 
dcs3 Neiiwea Testaments, gar kiinstlich gerissen-in 1 
"ol., with 218 woodcuts within handsome borders of 
scrolls, foliage, etc., with Latin and German verses, both 
with leaf of imprint and device, livip tellnm 

oblong 4to. Gednickt zil Franckfurt am Maijn, durch 
D. Zephelium, J. Baschen, und S. Feyerabend, 


Collation:— (1) A-ir4, n6 = 54 leaves, unnumbered, (i^) 
a-p4 = 60 leave's, unnumbered 

I'ace p. 26 



76 Biblicaa Icones. Stimjiee (Job.) Neue Kiinstliche Figuren 
Biblischer Historien, griintlich von Tobia Stimmer gerissen : 
Vnd zu Gotsforchtiger ergefczung andiichtiger hertzen, mifc 
arfciger Reimen begriffen, durch I.RG.M. [Johan Fisohert 
genanfc MenzerJ, gotl)ir letter, ivith 170 woodcuts of figures 
and emblems within archchitectiiral borders, bine crushed 
moTdcco, g.e., by Lortic fils 

4to. Zu Basel bei Thoma Gwarin, 1576 

Collation:— {*)&, a-u4, x6 = 92 leaves, unnumbered 
(last leaf with imprint, wanting) 

76 BiBLicAE Icones. Stimuob (Job.) Nouae Tobiae Stimmer 

Sacrorum Bibliorum Pigurse, title within woodcut border 
ivith figures, and 170 cuts {same as in 1576 edition) 
with Latin and German verses, red morocco, fall gilt back, 

sm. 8vo. Strassburg, B. Jobin, 1590 

Collation : — 8 prel. and a-l8 = 96 leaves, -unnumbered 

77 [BiDPAi. Fabulae] Dieectobiusi humane vite alias paea- 

BOLE ANTiQUORu SAPiENTu [Bdita a Johaune de Capua], 
goti)k Itttrr, long lines, 50 to a full page, ivith signatures, 
full page cut in reverse of title, and 118 spirited woodcuts, 
broion calf xoith blind stamps and rolls 

sm. folio. \_Colophon'] Explicit liber parabola-q. 
antiquo-g. sapientum [s.l.a. sed Angent, Jo. Priiss, 

c. 1490] 

*JK* There appear to be two, or perhaps three, XVth century 

editions. The present copy is the same as Hain, *4411. 

The title-leaf and one or two others have been slightly 

repaired, two leaves are misplaced 

Collation : — a-m6, nlO = 82 leaves, unnumbered 

78 [BiDPAi, Fables in German] : Buch der Alten Weisen, finely 

printed in gotlji'c tetter, 34 long lines to a page, frontispiece 
and lib full-page remarkable woodcuts, rubricated initials 
in red, and ornamental woodcut initials, oak boards covered 
ivith stamped leather (clasps missing) 

Gedrucht vh vollendet durcli licnhart liotlcn zil vim, 
nach cristi geburt 1483 . . . xxviii tag des Mayens 


THESE WOODCUTS. All the cuts are perfect in this copy. 
A few leaves at end slightly wormed 

Collation : — alO, b-z8, aIO (last blank) = 196 leaves, 

[See Illustration] 


ri;iNTi;n on vei.ia'ji //; bold 2oti)n- Irttri', double roliiiniis, 
46 Hues to a jxhje, wiHi .viijiiaturex, 15 woodcuts {lifiiU- 
patje) and Itistt'iialed n'oodciit initials, old half morocco, 
greot relhuii bides (Ashiu'unhaw vovy) 

folio. [Lubcck, Barth. (ihotaii, 1492] 

*^* FEINTED ON A'ELLUIM {one of 16 copies) Kikst 
Latin KiniioN, those of Nuremberg, 1481, and Eome, 
1488, beiDg doubtful. The last 30 leaves (a-c) consisting of 
the ■' Yisiones Extravagantes,'' are lacking, and few leaves 
stained. In the blank spaces are written in a contem- 
porary hand the Bulls of the Popes relating to these 
writings. Hain, *3204. Proctor, 2625 

80[;BiKGiTTA (8.) EevetjAtionks ciKi.ESTKs, gotijif Irttcr, double 
eolnvins of 57 lines, tciih signatures, rubricated luilials, 
18 fine u-oodcuts, and tlic luipcrial and ]Valdanf Aruis, 
'inaroon calf, with blind tooling 

folio. Nurejubenj, A. Kobergcr, 21 Sej)!., 1500 

*s- ■ Seiond Latin edition. The woodcuts are after the style 
of Diirer, and they have often been assigned to him. There 
are slight worm holes and stains on a few leaves, and one 
or two leaves repaired. Haiu, 3205. Proctor, 2124 

Collation : — 14 prel., a-z, a-i'S, (ih6 (last blank), a-f8, 
g6 (last blank)' =■■ 312 lea\OB, unnumbered {the last blank is lu this eopij) 

[Si'.E Illustkation] 

81 BiEtiiTTA (8.) Ebvelationes effiLESTES, tfolijir Irllri', double 

ciihnirns of 64 lines, Inindxoine woodcut border to title-paije in 
8 eonipartnients, Imj)cri.(il and W'alduuf Anns, each a full 
jiaije, ormtviental initials, dark broivn Lecant uioi-occo extra, 
(j.e. on- the rough- 

folio. Knreud)erg, h\ I'eiipus for Jo. Koberger, 

15 Nov., 1517 
*^,* Thiiui Latin edition.- Mul.lior, 428. Proctor, 11125. 

Collation -.— aQ, b-z, a (i, a -f6, g-h8 2;{4 loaves 
(clxxxii + 52, unnumbered) 

82 BinciiTTA (S.) R.i.;vi.;i,ati()ni;s [in (lermanj. Ti-tle: Das 

puch der Himlisohoii ollenbarung dor heiligen wittibt'ii 
Birgitte von dem kiinigroich Sweden, goti)if Ifttfr, 5;i lines 
to page, full page n-oodcul on title and other icoihIcuIs, oak 
boards and stamped pigskin, with cla.\ps 

folio. Xurnberg durcli Authotiien Kohenier, 1502 

race p. 


*^* FiEST COMPLETE GBR^rAN EDITION, Only preceded by 
three editions in Low German. At back of title is the 
monastery stamp " Bibl. Buxheim " 

Collation: — i-v 8 leaves, vi-xi 10 leaves, a6, b8, c-z6, 
a-x6, yS, z6, aa-gg6, hhS (last leaf, probably blank, is 
missing), unnumbered 


Certaldo, de molieeibus claeis, ad andrefi de acciarolis 
de florencia alteuille comitissam Rubrice incipiunt feliciter, 
goHjic Itttfr, 33 long lines to a page, loithout siijnatures, 
ivith tine half-border on verso of page Hi, 81 luoodcuts, each 
occupying a third of tlic page, and initials, green morocco 
extra, g.c, by De Covedeij (fine copy) 

folio. [Colophon. J Liber Johanis boccaccii . . . per 


impressus . . . 1473 
*,-it* Editio Peinceps ; exteemelt eaee, and remarkable for 
its fine German vroodcuts. Hain, *3329. Pellechet, 2474. 
Proctor, 2496 

Collation : — 2 prel. (unnumbered) and i-cxvi 


BUS, gotljic Iftttr, hug lines, 44 to a fall page, with 
signatures, 76 spirited woodcuts, including one of Pope 
Joan, crushed brown morocco extra, g.e., by F. Bedford 

folio. [Colophon] Explicit compiendiiuu Johannis 

Boccacii de Certaldo: quod de preclaris mulieribus 

Imp/ressuiii Louanii pier me Ecjidium vander 

hccrsiraten, 1487 
*^* Peobablt the 3ed edition, the 2nd with date and wood- 
cuts, and the Isfc in the Netherlands 

Collation : — ab8, c-l6 = 70 leaves ; first and last 
leaves blank, but missing in this copy 

85 Boccaccio (Giov.) Joannis Boccatii De CEETALDt) Insigne 

Opus de Claeis Mulibeibus, roman letter, 38 long lines 
to a page, loith 15 fine ivoodcuts (two repeats), half green 
morocco gilt 

folio. Bernae Helvet. per Mathiam Apiariumi, 1539 

*jif* The woodcuts are signed I.K., and have been attributed to 
J. Koebel or J. Kerver. The last leaf, otherwise blank, 
contains a device of a bear sucking honey from a tree. 
A few leaves browned 

Collatinn : — a6, a-l6, m4, no6 = 88 leaves 




Geeman.] la : ^ Hyenach volget der kurcz syn von 
ettlichen frauen von denen Johannes boccacius in latein 
bescbriben hat vnd doctor heinricus stainhowel geteiitschet, 
gotijif Ittttr, 33 li)ies to a page, u-ithout signatures, icitli 
79 u-oodcu.ts, leather, with original sides of old stamped 
binding inlaid {a feio leaves slightly wormed and stained) 
sm. folio. Gedruckt vnd volenndet in d'stat Augspurg 
vo Ant. Sorgen An freytag nach sant Talciiteins tag, 


*5^* FiEST DATED EDITION IN Geeman. Hain, *3835. Not 
in Proctor 

Collation : — prel. 8 + i-exxxix = 147 leaves 

87 Boccaccio (Giov.) De Claris Mulierbus, in German, translated 

by Steinhowel, German gotijtc Itttn-, 42 lines to a page, 
numerous woodcuts, half morocco (text rather stained) 

sm. folio. Gedruckt in.7i der Kayserlichen 

statt Augspurg durch Hainrich Stayner, 1543 

Collation : — a-q6 = 96 leaves 

88 Boccaccio (Giov.) De Casibus Virorum, semt-gotJjtf letter, 

35 lines to page, without marks, painted initials in red and 
blue, that on first page in gold and red, calf, gilt and blind 

sm. folio, \_s.n., Strassburg, G. Husner, c. 1475] 

*_,j,.* FiEST AND only XV. CENTUEY EDITION. Hain, *3338. 
Proctor, 552. The first two leaves are stained and mended 

Collation : — 156 leaves : al is blank, but missing in 
this copy 

89 BoDBNBOEG (Daniel) Betbiichlin Der lieben heiligen Voter, 

Patriarchen, Propheten, Konigen, vnd vieler herrUchen 
Gottfurchtigen Menner vnnd Weiber, etc., German pti^it 
letter, device on last leaf, original wooden boards unth brown 
calf, stamped with ornaments in gold and silver, gilt 
gaujfrcd edges, clasps, in cloth case (fine and laege copy) 
sm. 8vo. Zu Wtttemburg driickts Hans Er/ifft, 1564 
■*,/' On fly-leaf is written in bold gothic letters: "1565 
Katharina CJiristoff Krcssin," and on opposite side her 
ex libris stamped on the end-paper. The binding is in 
first-class condition. 

Collation :— 224 leaves (12 unnumbered + 207 numbered 
+ 4 unnumbeied + 1 blank) 

90 BoKTuiOH. De Disoiplina Scholiiiiam, cfi notabili comento, 

2oU)if Ictlcr of I wo xtiv.v, v'ooilciil- of ((■ Uiiirir.iifi/ li'diirer 
(t.iid jiiipils on I till', lialf •inonifco 

Bin. 4to. Colon. iiiLpiosHiis in off, pic. rcrordaJonin 

II. (JllT'lrll, 1501 
*, ' Not in Proctor (GGmian, 1501-20) 
('olldlion: -a-l6, unnumbered 

91 Ijoissahdus (.1. J.) Bmblomatum lihor. Ipsa J'lmbleniata ab 

Auctore delineata : a Theodore do I'ry sculpla, & nunc 
recens in luoenm edita, riKjrarcd tilte, poiirail. of Boitinonl , 
mill 51 cnijravingH of I'Jiiildcms [irilli Lalin vi'i:ses), hij 
'I'll, ill' III I/, rriiiinoii iiiiirorro c.rlrii 

sm. 4to. li'riiiinifiiiii ad Moeinuii, 1593 
*^* "Edition recherchoo "- -ilniiu'l 
( 'idliiliini. : — A-r4 --^ 60 loaves 

92 BoNAVENTUKA (Saint) Speculum Mariae, in (loinian, l)y 

Lud. Moser, gotljic (ctlfr, 23 //'»('.s lo ,/, /oti/c, ml of Vinjm 
and (Jliild, irilli llir luillior mill liaiisliilor, on lille, ami 
ollirr .\iii(iJI woodriih, iiirliiiliiig p r i n I er' s deoirr, iieir 
cnislicd iiiororro i-.rlrii, g.c, li;/ Lloi/d 

12mo. Hie ciiilel riiscr Vrowcii Sjiiiujel l\Iarie 
(lelriirfl .I'Ti ISasel diircli l\f. Fiirirr, 1506 
%, * Probably the first edition in German: first published in 
Latin, 1476 

Col lad ion: -6 prel., a-z8, rlO (last blank, missing) 

93 BoNAVBNTUUA (Saint) [PsAi/noiuuM B.M.V., in (Ieuman.J 

a2 : Dye vorred sand Bunauentura vber den psalter 
vir^inis Marie (■//( rrd), cjotljir letter, riihrinilrd, I'lUNTBD 
ON VELLUM, 19 lincfs lo II. jiaije, luilli siijnalnrcK, Imijc 
inoiidrnl iiriliiil, oIIiits ■jiiiinlril nioallij red, oriijinitl irondi'n 
lioiirdu mid piijslnn , Klmnjinl irilli paneh unil floirer.s, 
iIiisjK, in pnll-off ciisc (AsiiniMiNHAM coi'v) 

12mo. i\'uri'iiilii'nj, [/ AnI. Kobnnjcr'], 1500 
*, ' PitiNTJci) ON vioiJjUm. Probably the first edition. Ilain, 
3571. Apparently unrecorded liy other bbliographers 

CidliiJion: —B,-vH (liisl^ l)lank), a8 (last 3 leaves, 
■' blank, missing) 

91 Beadant CiiiiONiCLB. Van Brabant die excellente Cronike 
\i\.n Ylaendeio, Hollat, /(^olant int K'onerael, etc., gotljic 
Ifltcr, donlili' rolnuins of 42 lines, Idle irilli lanje ciil of 
lliti Dnkc of Brahanl, nhonl 150 curious ciil.i and liinjr 
foldinij ijcnralogiriid churl, conlaining porlruih [perfect); 
iilxo large viiip (1647), irilli vieici of cilies, innerled (ii 
feiv leare.s repaired), old Dalcli relliiin 

sm. folio, .\iiiirerp, J. ran Iktexhorglb, 1530 


94:— emit. 

*^* Probably the fourth edition. 

Collation: — a-g6, h4 (last leaf blank), Aa-zz, aa-zz, 
a-z. >}< 4 = 326 leaves. cc3-Dd4 form the chart 

95 Beack (Wenceslaus) Vocabularius Eerum, gotljic Irttjr, 

37 lines to apaeje, device of ijrinter on title, half calf 

sm. 4to. Impressiim Anjentine per Martinuvi Flach, 

\* An interesting Latin- German vocabulary, with some 
etymologies, classified according to subjects 

96 Brandon (Saint) Legende. Fol. la -. Hie hebt sich an sand 

Brandons Buch waser wunders erfaren hat, gotiju \tttn, 

xuithout marks, 18 luooclcuts and woodeut initials, blue 
morocco, ricli and broad gold borders on sides, ij.e. 

folio. \_Augsburii, Ant. Sorg, c. 1475] 

*^* FiEST EDITION. The Ashburnham copy. Hain, *"3718. 
Proctor, 1661 

Collation:— 18 leaves, without signatures. Several 
are uncut, one or two mended 

97 Bkandt (Seb.) Navis Stultifera a domino Seb. Brandt 

Deinde ab Jaoobo Lochero philomuso latinitate donata. 
demum ab Jodoco Badio Ascensio vario carminii gen ere 
no sine eorumdum familiari explanatione illustrata, gotl)tc 
letter, title in> red and black ivith woodcnt, and over 
100 woodcuts in text, broion morocco extra, g.e., zrith blind 
tooling covering sides (fine copy) 

sm. 4to. Impressiim Basilee p. Nic, Lamparter, 1507 

Collation: — a8-s4 in 8's and 4'8 alternately 

98 Beandt (Seb.) [Ship of Pools (Low German)] Dat nye 
schip van Narragonien : myt besunderem flyte gemaket, 
vnde vp dat nye myt vil schonen togesetteden hystorien 
vorleoget vnde erkleert, gotlji'c Iftttr, 30 lines to a page, 
114 woodcuts, besides one on title, and initials, brown 
morocco extra, g.e., lnj F. Bedford (fine copy) 

sm. 4to. Boystock dorch Ludouieum Dictz, 1519 

B * 


Most probably the earhest edition in Low German 

Collation:— T\t\Q 1 leaf, folios 2-175, register 2 leaves, 
colophon 1 leaf 


Face p. 31 


99 Brandt (Seb.) Carmina in laudem B.M.V., roinan letter, 
28 lines to a page, rubricated, woodcuts, vellum 

sm. 4:to. \_s.n., Basle, J. Benjniann, c. 1495] 

*^* Probably the piest edition. Hain, *3733, that of 
" 1494 " mentioned by Hain being iinlinown 

Collation : — a-b8 (last blank) 

100 Bebydbnbach (Bernhard von) [Pbregeinationes in Terraii 

Sanctam], Gcrmaii ^at\)\c Ifttrr, 42-44 lines to a page, 
without signatures or foliation, folding woodcut views and 
other illustrations, painted initials in red and blue, 18th 
Century French mottled calf gilt, iii.e., m cloth case [the 

WODHULL copy) 

sm. folio. Erliardu reinoich de Traiccto ... .In 
ciuitate Moguntijia Anno suhitis 1486 die xi Feb. 

*jj* First edition. Hain, *3956. Prootor, 156. The wood- 
cuts are the first authentic representations of the famou? 
places depicted, and are by Erhard Eeuwich, who accom- 
panied the author. The views are seven in number, viz. : 
Venice, Parenzo, Corfu, Modon, Candia and Jerusalem. 
The folding cut of Venice has been repaired, and the one 
of Jerusalem is rather damaged at the folds, a few leaves 
also slightly wormed. The work, as usual, is sold not 
subject to return 

Collation : — 158 leaves, unnumbered + view of Holy 
Land 6 leaves. Total number of single leaves, including 
extensions of views, 164 

[See Illustration] 

101 Bbeydbnbach (B. von) [Pbregeinationes in Terram 

Sanctam], gotijic Ifttrr, 52 lines to a page, signatures but 
no foliation, ivoodcut vieius and other illustrations (as 
above), 18th Century crimson morocco extra, style of 
Derome, g.e., in cloth case {the Wodhdll copy); as 
usual, sold not subject to return 

sm. folio, per Petrum drach ciuem Spirensern irn- 
pressum Anno salutis nostre 1490 die xxix Julii 

finit feliciter 

*5,.* Second Latin Edition, the first by Drach, with the 

original Mainz woodcuts. Hain, *"3957. Not in Proctor. 

The Venice woodcut is repaired, the others in very fair 


Collation: — a-n8 (o omitted), pl0 = 114 leaves -i- View 
of Holy City. Total number of single leaves, 120 


102 Breydenbach (B. von) [Peregrinationes in Terram Sanc- 

tam], gotl)tr Irttcr, 55 lines to a page, signatures, but no 
foliation, woodcut views and other illustrations (as above), 
frontispiece coloured, maroon morocco extra, blind tooled 
borders, g.e., by Ghambolle-Duru, in cloth case (as usual, 
sold not subject to return) 

sm. folio, per Pctrum drach cine Spircnscjn imp'ssum 
Anno 1502 die xxiiij noucbris 

\.* Third Latin Edition, the second by Drach, with his 
copies of the original cuts. Proctor, 11190. The frontis- 
piece is from the original block. Duplicate plate of 
Modon (tmbound) 

Gollalion :— a6, b-m8 = 94 leaves, unnumbered + View 
of Holy City 

103 Breydenbach (B. von) [Peregeinationes in Teeeam 

Sanctam], in German, German gotijtt tctttr, 41-42 lines 
to a page, without signatures or foliation, painted initials 
in^ red, woodcut views and other illustrations (as above), 
all coloured, German binding [c. 1520] of wooden boards 
covered with brown leatlier, stamped ivith borders of Bible 
scoies (initials A.G.), title lettered in an upper panel (re- 
backed), in cloth case; sold, as usual, not subject to return 

sm. folio. Durch Erhart rewich von Vitricht ynn der 
stait Meyntz, xxi Brachmoncdts .... 1486 

*,/' First Edition op the German version, printed four 
months after the first Latin edition, by the same printer, 
with the same type and woodcuts. Hain, *39o9. Proctor, 
157. Small portion of the views have been mended and 
made up, and all have been backed with thin paper. The 
arms of an early owner are painted on inside cover, and 
around this are coloured devices and emblems. The 
initials on the binding are probably those of Andreas 
Giittig, a AVittenberg binder who died in 1574 

Gollation : — 174 leaves, unnumbered + View of Holy 
City 6 leaves. Total single leaves, including extensions 
of views, 180 

104 Breydenhach (B. von) [Peregrinationes in Terram Sanc- 

tam J, in German, gotl)tc Itttrv, 36 lines to a page, loith 
signatures <md foliation, woodc uts and ornamental initials, 
lialf brown morocco, in cloth case (large copy, some uncut 

sm. folio. Augsburg, A. Sorg, 1488 


*„* Second Edition in German : the only one printed by 
Sor«- at Augsburg. Hain, ' ::i960. Proctor, 1706. No 
woodcut views were executed for this edition, as far as is 
known. The smaller cuts, however, are adapted from 
the earlier editions 

Collation : — ab8, c6-v8, w6-z8 (6 and 8 alternately), 
A-c8 (last blank, missing) 

105 Bri-.ydkniia('h (];. von) [Peregrinationes in Terram Sanc- 

tam],.in Flemish, g;oti)if Uttfr, 42 lomj lines to a pujc, 
tuiih \i/j7iiiliires, but no foliation, woodcut views and 
other illnstralions as in the first edition, orvjinal (?) 
wooden boards luith lllh Century vellum, blind i-cHtrcj)iere, 
brass clasjis, blue edijcs, in doth case (sold, as usnul, not 
subject to return) 

sm. folio. < th.edrnct doir meister Echwrl rriricJi, ran 
vtrccht in die Stadt van mentzs 1488, xxiiij dacli 

in Meye, etc. 
*,ij* First and only edition in Flemish, and third edition 
from the original press. Hain, 3963. Proctor, 159. 
The folding woodcut views have been repaired 

Collation ; — 190 (unnumbered) leaves in all, reckoning 
every leaf of views in the total 

106 Biu'GMAN (Job.) Vita 8. Li.tdwi, ptl)tf Ittttr, 28 lines to a 

j^age, loith 26 luoodcuts ineludinj the large initial P. and 

the tiuo small shields, and ornamental initials, brown 

morocco, g.c., by L. Claessens (from the Huth Collection) 

sm. 4to. Hoc opus dei fan etc gr'a ex pletcu^ scie- 

diltnis. Anno 1498 
'j„* First and onia' edition in Latin. The first book 
printed at Hchiedam. Hain, 4002. Proctor, 9180. No 
more than four or five perfect copies are known. The 
first page is occupied by two woodcuts showing S. Lydwina 
before Brugman, with inserted type forming a title-page 

Collatmn : — a8, b-t6, uB = 124 leaves, unnumbered 
(sheet c and d transposed). Last 3 leaves repaired and 
made up in facsimile 

107 Brune (Joh. do) Emblemata of Zinne-werck : voorghestelt. 

In Beelden ghedichten, en breeder uijt-legginghen tot 
uijt-druckinghe, en verbeteringhe van verscheijden feijlen 
onse eeuwe, fine engraved title, roman and italic letter, 
51 lialf-page copjier-plato; hy W. de Pass, Venne, Gcllc, 
etc., original vellum 

sm. 4to. Amst., bij Ian Evertscn Kloppenburch, 1624 
Collation : — Half title, engraved title, *4, a~z, Aa-yy4 


108 Bhunpels (Otho) Precafciones Biblicae Sanctoru Patrum, 

Ulustrium Yironi et Mulierum utriusq. Testamenti, italic 
letter, title in red mid black, ivith luoodcut border, also 
tjorder round each page of text (Hans Weiditz), broivn 
morocco, g.e. {with ex libris G. B. Blomficld) 

12mo. Strassburg, Jo. Schott, 1528 
Collation: — prel. 8 + 91 numbered + 1 unnumbered 
= 100 leaves 

109 [BuECHAEDUs DE Bibeeach] F. 2 : Hystoria Friderici 

imperatoris magni. hui' nomis primi ducis sueuoram et 
paretele sue, etc., finely prijited in roman letter, 38 lines 
to a fage, luithout siijnatitres or ether marks, painted 
initials, original looodcn boards covered luith buckskin, 
blind stamped in geometrical compartments {rebacked) ; '} he 


sm. folio. [sM., Augsburg, Monaster}/ of SS. Ulrich 

& Afra, c. 1474] 
*5j,* First edition, probably not reprinted until 1790 (Ulm), 
when the name of the author is first given. Hain, 8718. 
Proctor, L633. Inside front cover is a large woodcut ex- 
hbris of Chris. Scheurl the elder, 1 481-1542, and author 
of several works 

Collation : — 46 leaves (first and last blank) 

110 [BuECH.vBDL's DE Bibeeach] Anothee Copy, bound up 

with : — Adelff (.Toh.) Baeb.aeossa. Ein warhafftige 
beschreibung des lebens vnd der geschichten keiser 
Friderichs des ersten, genant Barbarossa, goUjtc Irttrr, 
double columns of 40 lines, large cut on title of Barbarossa 
on horseback, and 23 other large woodcuts in text {includ- 
inij a view of Venice), brown morocco, ij.e. (ivith ex libris 
of Sir H.E. Bunbury) 

sm. folio. Strassburg, A. Farckal for J. Griiningcr 

[Beinhard], 1530 
Collation :— a4, b-h6, i4, k8, l6, m6, n4 = 74 leaves, 
with signatures and foliation (5-6 are missing in foliation, 
but the book is quite complete) 

111 C.vmeeaeius (Jo.) De Philippi Melanchthonis Ortu, Totius 

Vitae Curriculo Bt Morte, etc., original binding of brown 
leather gilt, with panel-portraits of "Philip Melan." and 
" Marti Lvter," each figure full-length and finely engraved, 
with names on scrolls, each stands under ornamental 
arches and holds a book, arms of Saxoni/, etc., gilt 
gauffrcd edges, in leather pull-off case (the Ashburnham 
^°^'^') 8vo. Leipzig, E. Vogelin, 1£C6 

",. ■• Weale, Bindings, 738 and 740. 

Collation :— A-z, a-f8 = 232 leaves 

Face p. 35 



112 Caoubsin (Guillaume) [Opbha] a2 ; Guillelmi Caonrsin 
Ehodiorum Uicecancellarii : obsidionis Ehodie Urbis 
descriptio, g;otl)tc letter, 47 Imcs to a page, signatures, 
36 full-page remarkable woodciUs and iroodcut initials, 
calf gilt 

sm. folio. Ulm, Jo. Beger, 1496 

* * 

First collected edition and only (?) edition with 
these interesting cuts. Hain, *4369. Proctor, 2586. 
Contemporary inarginal MS. notes 

Collation ; — a-f8, gh6 = 60 leaves, unnumbered 

[See IllusteationJ 

113 Oaouesin (Guillaume) Stabilimenta Ehodioeum Militum, 

gotljic Irttcv, 47 lines to a page, ivith signatures, woodcut 
arms of d' Aubusson and 2Q fine full- page woodcuts, initial 
letters, brown morocco extra, doublA of red mwocco with, 
rich gold borders, g.e., by Chambolle-Duru [zvith many 
uncut leaves, a feiu slightly repaired), fine copy ; from 
the Seillieee and Amherst Collections 

sm. folio. Ulmc impressa p' loannen Ecger de 

Kemtuat, 1496, .rxiii Aug. 

*j^* First and only edition with these woodcut illus- 
trations. Hain-Copinger, 4364(Y. Proctor, 2585. 

Collation : — a-e8, f6, g-18, m6 = 92 leaves, unnum- 

114 Gato. Disticha de Moribus : [Joh. de Gaelandia] 

Facetus. Fol. 1 : Catho tzo latyne vnde tzo 


Catho was eyn vromer man 
Der sich der wysheit wail v'san 
Ind was so rome yn ere grois 
Mer do he sach de werlt bloys 
Van durch de ind van tzuchte 

gotijic Icttfv, 24 lines to a page, without marks, painted 
initials, old calf [from the Huth Collection) 

sm. 4to. \_s.n., Coin, Joh. Culdcnschajf, c. 1477] 

*»* One of the earliest editions if not the first. Unknown to all 
bibliographers prior to Pellechet, who describes the only 
other known copy (Biolioth. Nat.). On folio 24 begins 
the Facetus attributed to John Garland 

Collation: — [a-dB, ef6] = 44 leaves 



115 Cats (Jacob) I. Oats Spiegel Van den Ouden ende Nieuvven 

Tijt. Van nieus oversien, vermeerdeb, ea verbetert. 
Derden Druck, printer's device on printed title, engraved 
title by De Bre?nden, and 123 engravings, 3 parts in 1 vol., 
calf antique, red edges 

sm. 4to. Tot Dordrecht, Ghedruckt by H. van 
Esch . . . voor Matt. Havius, 1635 

116 Celtis (Conrad) Conradi Celtis Profcucii Primi .Inter 

Germanos Imperatoriis Manibus Poete Laureati Quatuor 
Libri Amorum Secundum Quatuor Latera Germanie 
Peliciter Incipiunt, roman letter, 35 lines to a page, wood- 
cut title, loith full-page portrait of the author as Laureate, 
ivith border of vines, etc., on verso, folding view of 
Nuremberg and other full-page looodcuts, origitial oak 
boards, stamped white leather back, with clasp, in cloth 
case (fine laegb copy) 

sm. 4to. hipressa autem Norebergae eius d'anni 
Nonis Aprilihis. Sub Priuilegio Sodalitatis 

Gelticse, etc., 1602 

*^* PmsT EDITION. Proctor, 11029. Tbere are references 
in the text to the invention of printing at Mainz, and 
against that on sig. il, line 7, the original owner (G.B.) 
has written " Joannes genssfleysch inuentore " {i.e. Guten- 
berg). There are other MS. notes in margins 

Collation :— ab8, cd6, ef8, g4, h6, 18, k6, ImB, n6, o-q8, 
r6 = 120 leaves 

117 Cessolis (Jac. de) D1S3 pijchlin wbiset die ausjlegug 
DES scHACHZABEL \_sic'] SPILS vB menschllcher siten 
Auch von de ampten der edeln., German goti^tf Itttfr, 
34 lines to a page, the title is on the verso of first leaf, 
with cut of man and woman playing chess, also 14 other 
fine ivoodcuts and a few ornamental initials, crimson 
morocco extra (lakge and fine copy), xuith some imcut 

sm. folio. Augsburg [Jo. Sohonsperger] 29 March, 

*.^* Third edition of the German translation, the second 
with date. Hain, *4896. Not in Proctor. Hain was 
unaware of the first leaf (title on verso), as also was 
Schreiber, who gives only 14 cuts, as though the first 
was missing 

Collation :— 38 leaves (last blank), unsigned and un- 


118 Cessolis (Jac. de) Dis biichlin weiset die aus3legQng des 

schaohzabel spils, Vnd menschlicher sitten, Auch von 
den ampten der edeln, fine hold gotljtc Irttri', 34 lines to a 
l)age, ivoodciit on title of a table ivith chess-board, 15 
woodcuts and several fine initials, crimson Levant morocco 
extra, g.e., by Beviere (laegb and fine copy) 

sm. folio. Strassburg, H. Knohloclitzer, Sept. 1, 1483 

*j^* Fourth edition in German, the third with a date. Hain, 
4897. Proctor, 389 

Collation: — a8, b6, c8, d-f6 (last blank, missing) 
= 39 leaves, unnumbered 

119 Chelidonius (Bened.) Passio lesu Chr'i amarulenta, certis 

& primal ijs effigiata locis, uario carmine Bened. Chelidonij 
& tandem Christiani Ischyrij illustrata, ivoodcuts by the 
master NH {one signed), mottled calf {the Hebee copy) 

12mo. Coloniae in off. Quenteliana, 1526 

*^* The 17th cut in this copy is inverted 

Collation: — a-e8 = 40 leaves, unnumbered 

120 [Oheistus. Auslegung des Leben Jesu Christi.]. a2 : 

Gaistliche vsslegong \_sic'\ des lebes \_sic'] Ihesu Cristi, 
goti)tc letter, 40 lines to a page, with signatures, with 
87 large and remarkable woodcuts {wanting 8), with 
contemporary colouring, xuoodout initials {also coloured), 
icanting several leaves (a2 and last leaf in facsimile), 
original luooden boards with stamped brown leather with 
figures of roses, dogs, dragons, etc. {rebacked) 

sm. folio. [s.TO. Augsburg, Joh. Schobsser, c. 1490-4] 

*j^* First edition, probably never reprinted. Hain, *2146. 
Proctor, 1868. 

Collation : — a-x8, ylO (?) = 178 leaves, unnumbered. 
This copy lacks a2-6, x7.8, yl-9 : a2 and ylO are in 
facsimile. An extra (?) woodcut, inlaid, is added between 
e6 and e7 

121 [Oheistus] Hier beghint dat leven ons heren Ihesu cristi, 

square gotljic Irttcr, 20 lines to a page, signatures, 50 full- 
page ivoodcuts inclioding one on title, all luith cejntemporary 
colouring, brown morocco, gold inside borders, g.e., by Bclz- 
Niedree (fine copy) 

12mo. Geeprent Tantwerpc . . . . Bi m i Henrijc 

Eckert va Hoberch, 1510 

Collation :— a-dS, e4, f-r8, s4, t-z, r, ''8, a- b8 = 208 
leaves, unnumbered 


122 [Cheistus. Die Neue Ehe und das Passional]. ¥.1 verso : 
Hie hebt sich an der anfang der newen ee, vnnd das 
passional von ihesu vnd marie leben, goti)ir Itttrv, 38 lines 
to a page, ivithout marks, 75 woodcuts, and many small 
ivoodcut initials, crushed brown Levant morocco (fine and 

LAEGE copy) 

sm. folio. Augsberg, A. Sorg, 1476 
^.^* FiEST EDITION. Sorg's second dated book with wood- 
cuts. Hain, *4057. Proctor, 1647. Old MS. signatures 
on first page. At the end are two leaves, taken from the 
original binding, in the same type as the present 

Collation : = 156 printed leaves 

123 [Cheistus. Die Neue Ehe und das Passional]. Title -. Von 
der kinthait vnsers her ihesu cristi gent vita cristi, 
Cierman gotijtc Ifttfv, double cohcmns of 36 lijies, signa- 
ttires, 74 fine woodcuts, ornamental initials in outline, 
brown morocco extra, blhid tooled to a XVth Century 
pattern, dull g.e. {the Bateman and William Moeeis copy) 
sm. folio. Augsburg, A. Sorg, 1491 
*ji;* FouETH EDITION. Haifl, *4060. Not in Proctor. Morris, 
German Woodcuts, No. 23 (this copy). MS. inscriptions 
on title-page. Title and few leaves repaired 

Collation : — a-q8, rlO = 138 leaves 

124 [Cheistus] Vox dee kint hait vnnsees heeeen ibsu 

CRISTI genat vita ceisti, German Qot\)ic letter, double 
I'oJwnns of 42 lines, wi.tJi signatures, about 80 woodcuts 
and large ornamental iintials, half calf (MS. writing on 
title, few passages scored through, last leaf repaired, and 
margin defective of anotlier) 

sm. folio. Hat getnickt Hanns Schaiir zii Augspurg, 

*,/' Fifth edition in Geeman. Not in Hain, Copinger or 
Proctor. Schreiber cites four copies, viz., Berlin, Darm- 
stadt, St. Gallen and Prag 

Collation :— Title + cix + 1 blank. This copy lacks 
m6 and 6 and the blank 

125 [Cheistus] Passio Domini. [a2] : (e) Gressus ihesus venit 

cu discipulis su is in villa q' d'r getzemani tras torrete 

cedron in monte oliveti , gotljte letter, 24 Unes to a 

page, woodcut on title, i)ri liter's device on last leaf brown 
morocco {large copy, most leaves uncut at tail) 

12mo. [s.n., Antwerp, G. Back, c. 1495] 
'.jf* Not in Hain or Proctor 

Collation :— a8, b4 = 12 leaves, only bl has signature 


Face p. 


126 Cheonica, Beschreibung vnd gemeyne anzeyge, Vonn aller 

Wellt herkommen, Fiirnamen, Launden, Stande, Eygen- 
schafften, Historien,\vesen, manier, sitten, an vnd aljgang, 
(h'niian goti)tc Irttcv, 52 Unas lo a paijc, titlc-pinji' loitliin 
a bolder of 14 cuts, 59 Bible cuts by Behaji, and 190 
medallion heads of Emperors, etc., etc., half bine murocco 
folio, (ietriicld zu Franckenfort am Meifn JJei 
Cliri%li((n Eijcnolffen, 1535 
CuUatiiin :— a, a-i_'6, *2, x-z6 (last leaf, ? blank, miss- 
ing) = 115 leaves 

127 Cicero (M. T. ) Officia M.T.C. Ein Biich, So Marcus TuUius 

Cicero der Eomer, etc, German goti)ic Icttrv, lanje ii-oodrid 
on title of Julius Casar enthroned, and on verso the fine 
portrait of Johann, baron Sehtrarlra'nbcrej, iriih coat-of- 
arnis, by Weiditz, after Dubeb, over 100 other woodcuts, 
chiefly by Weiditz, (dso ornamental initials, hedf calf 

sm. folio. Augsburg, H. Steyner, 1531 

*.,* FiEST EDITION o£ Neuber's version 

Collation : — Prel. 8, a~o6, p8 (last leaf missing, pro- 
bably a blank) 

[See Illustration] 

128 Cicero (M. T.) [De Officiis], in German, translated by Jo. 

Neuber, German gotI)tc Icttrr, a pctge-for-piaga reprint of 
the (diiire with slight alterations (a. new cut m.5 verso), 
Augsberg, H. Stcincr, 1535 — Dietys Cretensis & Dares 
Plirygius, Yon dem Troianischen Kreig, trans, by Tatius, 
FIRST edition, gotljic Irttfi", 67 icoadcuts by Buegksiair, 
Weiditz, etc., ibid., 1536 — 2 vols, in J , parchment 

sm. folio 
Collation : — (1) prel. 8 + xci leaves. (2) prel. 12 + 
Ixxxii leaves 

129 Cicero (M. T.) Des hochberujipten Marci Tullii 

CiCEEONis BUCHLEIN v6 DE.M Alter, diirch herr Johan- 
Neiiber, Caplan zii Schwartzenberg vsj de latein in 
Teiitsch gebracht, German goti)tr Irttcr, 40 lines to a 
jiagc, title luithiit fine tcoodcut border, 5 large woodcuts by 
Hans Weiditz, each occiipying more than hedf the page, 
half morocco 

sm. folio. Augsburg, Sigism. (Inmni, 1522 
* Probably the first edition of the first German 
TRANSL.ATION OF THE De Senectutb. A few marginal 
MS. notes 

Collation : — a-d4, e6 ^= 22 leaves, unnumbered 


130 Cicero (M. T.) Ex Platonis Timaeo particula, Ciceronis de 
Vniuersitate libro respondens, (irve].- ami ilidic letter, 
/viijiiiid black luoracco, uriKiiiiented with jkinels of gold 
mid blind lines oiclosiiig gold inudiesqiiex, three bunds on 
back luith contenipurary lettering reading downwards, g.e., 
in cloth case 

sm. 8to. Jbale [.s. /., ,s a., c. 1530] 

CoUal'ion: — a-m8, n4, op8 = pp. 232 

131 Clemens V. (Papa) Constitutionks cum atparvtu Jo. 

A^^DKEMi, ftnelij printed in gotljit Ifttfu, double columns, 
TEiNTED ON VELLUM, initial on first pjage in gold and 
colours with, viarr/inal decorations, other initicds jiainted 
red and blue, original binding of wooden, boards and broirn 
leather, blind tooling forming dictgoncd compartments 
which are filled irilh various stamps, original gilt centre 
boss and coiner pieces, jderced. and ciujraeed, clasps, 
enclosed in case (pine cory) 

folio. Main.z, Peter Schoffer, 13 Aug. 1471 
%* Hain, *5412. Proctor, 96. 

Collation : — 65 leaves, without signatures or marks, 
but occasional MS. signature at extreme lovyer edge 
[See Illustration ] 

132 CoLLAERT (Jan) Monilium, BuUarum Inauriumque Arti- 

ficiocissimae Icones. loannes Collaert Opus Postremum. 
1581. Theodoras Galleus Bxcudebat ; 10 ^;/((/rs {in- 
cluding title leaf) if designs fir jewelled pendants, dark 
blue morocco extra, t.e.g. 

sm. 4to. [Antwerp'], 1581 

Collalion : — 10 plates, numbered, blank on versos 

133 Columna ((iuido de) Em huiskchio histori von dee 


SOtljlc Ifttn-, 39 linrs to a page, without marks, title in 3 
hues of large xi/bigrajdnc letters, with full-jiage cul on 
rererse, 106 other woodcuts, l,order to All, and ornamental 
iniliids, crimson luorocco extra (pine copy) 

sm. folio. .SIrassburg, Martin Schott, 1489 

%.* First Strassburo edition. Hain, 5518. Proctor, 401 
t'ollation :— 65 leaves 
[See IllusthathinJ 


yace p. 40 



Face p. -H 



134 Conrad von Megenbeeg. [Buck der Natte. j F. 1 : Das 

Register. Zu dem ersten baltet dz piich jnn vo do 
mensche in einer gemein, etc., (jcrnuni gotljif Icttfv, 28 
lines to a full iiage, ivithout marks, woodcut initials and 
12 full-iuujr u'oodcuts, crushed green Levant morocco 
extra, g.c. on the roiujli 

sm. folio. Augsburg, Jo Biimler, 1478 
*^* Second edition, with the same cuts as the first of 1475, 
also by Biimler. Hain, •■'4042. Not in Proctor {i.e. not 
in Brit. Mus. nor Bodleian). In the present copy 4 leaves 
(29 and 30, 231 and 288) are shorter than the rest of the 

[See IllustrationJ 

135 Ceanach (Lucas, the elder) Das Symbolum oder gemeine 

Bekentnis der zwelff Aposteln, darinu der grund gelegt 
ist des Christlichen glaubens, auffs kiirtzte ausgelegt vnd 
erkleret., German gotljir Ifttfr, n-ith 12 large and fine 
woodcuts of the Martiinloms of the Apostles, blue Levant 
morocco e.vtra, g.c. 

sm. folio. Gedruclt zu Wiitemherg, durcJt (f. Bhaw, 


*jj* FiEST edition. There appeal s to be no marks of the 

artist, but in each cut the two shields of Saxony are 

introduced. MS. insciiptions on title, and MS. notes 

under cuts. Title and some margins repaired 

Collation : a-e6 = 30 leaves 

136 Ceescenzi (Piero de') Opus Euealium Commodoeum, finelij 

pri)ited in a round gotl)it Irtttr, 35 lines to a page, painted 
i)iitial'i, red ynorocco, xeith blind tooling, g.c. (fine and 
large copy), leith some uncut edges 

folio. Augsburg, Joh. Scli Ussier, 1471 

*^* First edition, and 2nd book from this press, the 2nd 

established at Augsburg. Hain, *5828. Proctor, 1590. 

Top margin of first leaf repaired. Marginal MS. notes. 

The Marquis d'Adda's copy 

Collation : — Without signatures or other marks. 209 
printed leaves 

137 Ceescenzi (Piero de') Opus Euralium Commodorum, gotljtc 

Itttrr, double coIuudis of 53 lines, over 300 u-oodcuts of 
husbandry, falcons, bees, etc., mottled calf 

sm. folio, [s.n., Spcier P. Drach, c. 1493] 
^* Proctor assigns the book to the press of Quentell at 
Cologne, but Pollard and Scbreiber to Drach. Hain, 5826. 
Proctor, 1441 

Collation :— a8, b-q6, e8, s-z, ab6 (last blank) + Table 
4 leaves 



138 Ceonike van Vlabndbren, gotijtc Ifttcr, title in red and 

black, u-'itJi large woodcut of Charles V. mounted on 
horseback, another on verso of the same, also inounted, and 
about 200 woodcuts, printer's device on last leaf, with MS. 
notes on recto, old vellum 

sm. folio. En cs gheprcnt Tantwerpen, by my Willem 
Vorsterinan, buyten dye Cumerpoorte inden gulden 

Eenlioren, 1631 

*^* There are several signatures in the volume, including the 
Earl of Clancarty, Ambassador to the Netherlands in 

Collation: — 6 prel. + ff. ccc + ff. lix (error for Ixi) 
+ 5 unnumbered 

139 CuEiA Palatium, gotijic Itttrr of two sizes, 36 li)ies to a page, 

woodcut on title of a man tcith a scroll {Jesus, son of 
Sirach), half veil am 

sm. 4to. [s.H., Coin, ? J. Koelhoff, c. 1495] 

*jj.* Probably an unrecorded edition, differing from all authori- 
ties consulted 

Collation : — a in 6 

140 OuuKus Beatae Mabiae Virginis, cu plerisq3 oursib' necno 

oratoib' deqj figuris sulptis. x suis allegatoib' assignatis 
que statuit vrban' papa ij quotidie dici. t sabbato soleniter 
fieri, gotljic Icttn- in red and black withiji pictorial borders, 
title [m facsimile) with device, full-page cut of the " Ana- 
tomu-al Man," and other full-page woodcuts, green morocco 
extra, g.e. 

12mo. [s.n., Strassburg, J. lieinhard of Griiningcn, 

c. 1490] 
' »* Not in Hain. Proctor describes the Brit. Mus. copy in 
his Bibliographical Essays, p. 37. x\ccording to Proctor, 
there should be an astronomical table on the 8th leaf 
(verso blank), in this copy it is missing. Eight leaves 
are also wanting, and two are in facsimile 

Collation :— a-e8 = 136 leaves. Missing leaves are 
a8. Hi and 8, e1-3, 6, 7. a1 and e8 are in facsimile 

141 CrsANus (Jo.) Algorithmus linealis Proiectiliu, etc. Uicnne 
■impressus pier Hier. Uietore : z loannem Singremum 
11 July, 1514. : Tractatulus artificiose memoriae, ibid., 
1514— the two works in 1 vol., gotl;tc Irttfi", crimson 
morocco extra, g.e., by F. Bedford 

sm. 4to. 


*,K* In the latter work are 10 leaves of woodcuts arranged as 
alphabets to assist the memory. Brunei only mentions 
the first work 

Oollation : — (1) 4 leaves, unsigned and unnumbered. 
(2) a6, b12 = 18 leaves + 1 leaf cancel (between vA and 5) 

142 DA^[H()UDBEE (J. de) Practycke ende handbouck in criminele 

zaeken, verchiert met zommeghe schoone fnguren (ul 
beilde ter materie dienede ghemaect efi vergadert by loos 
de Diihoudere van Brugghe, gotl^ic Ittttr, niunrron-a fnll- 
jKKjc >r<K>dciUs, device on title, oriijinit.l e(ilf\ with hlind 
iiriiavu'iitid borders (^manj in ill tail inoriiied) 

sm. 4to. Tot Liiiien, < lliepri'iit hij Sleiien IVdiilera 

ende Inn Butlieii, 1055 
Colin lion : — 10 leaves + pp. 292 + 1 leaf 

143 DiALOGUS Cbeaturaiu'm Moralizatus. F. 2 : Prefacio I 

librti qui dicitt dyalog' creaturarfi moralizat' omni 
materie morali iocudo et edificatiuo modo applicabilis 
Incipit felioiter, g;otl)tc letter, 34 line.s^ lo n pmje, the first 
leiif of text has a leide iroodcut border, a fine initial ,S', 
(Uid cut of Hie Sun mid Moon, and over 100 other wood- 
cuts, jn'inter's device iit end, pnintcd initials, half calf 
gilt, u'itli arms on front side and another [Ex liiliHottieca 
Biinaviana) on tJie under side. Purchased by Mr. Fairfax 
]\[urray, from William Morris 

4to. (louda, G. Leeu, 3 June, 1480 

*.^* First edition, one of the first books printed at Gouda, 
and the first with woodcuts. Hain, 6124. Proctor, 8920 

Collation :— Prel. 10, a-18, m6 = 104 leaves, ff. 1 
and 11 are blank, but are both missing. Pour leaves are 
in contemporary MS. 

144 DiALOQUs Cbeatubarum Mohalisatus. a2 : IT Prefatio 

in libru3 qui dicitur dyalogus creaturarum moralisatus 
om'i materie morali iocundo t edificatiuo modo appli- 
cabilis, gotijlf letter, 39-41 lines to </ [lage, u-oodcuts 
as hi the first edition (Lot 143), 2 iroodciit initials, 
otiiers jiainteil red, and jirinter's large device repre- 
senling the city of Antwerp, crimson morocco extra, g.c, 
by Bur u (fine copy), /;()»( the Yembniz Collection 
sm. folio. Fer (rcrardum Lecu in opido Anliverpiensi 

inceptiis . . 1486 
*,^* Leeu's fourth Latin edition, the first at Antwerp. 
Hain, 6129. Proctor, 9363. With MS. note by M. Noel 
respecting the author 

Collation:— .\6, a-k6, 18 = 74 leaves, unnumbered 


lio DiALOGUs de sene efc iuuene de amore disputantibus, title 
2 lines above a ivoodcut showing the disputants. Sig. dl : 
Tractatus breuis lacobi de reno decani grauien efc canonici 
ecclesie sanctoru apostolo-^ Oolonien in laudem musice 
arfcis et de eius vfcilatatibus ; gotijtc Itttfr, 24 lines to a 
page, printer's device at the end of each tract, calf gilt 
{from the Huth Collection) 

12mo. Antwerp, G. Leeii, 1491 
*^* First edition. Hain, 6144. Proctor, 9398. It is un- 
certain if both parts were written by Jae. de Eeno 

Collation : — ab8, c6, deS = 38 leaves 

146 DiETTERLiN (Wendelin). Architectura von den fiinf Saulen 
und aller darauss folgender Kiinstarbeit von Penstern, 
Caminen, Thiirgerichten, Portalen, Bronnen vnd Bpi- 
taphien, fine engraved titles and over 200 plates of 
windows, doors, fireplaces, etc., old vellum 

folio. Gedruckt zu Nilrnberg, In verlegung, Bait. 

Gaymocx, 1598 


Collation : — 210 leaves, text and plates 

117 DioNYSius Alexandeinus. De Situ Orbis, opus studiosis 
necessarium, Grasce soriptum. Ide in Latinitate a 
Ehemnio grammatico traslatu, etc., Greek and italic letter, 
title within woodcut border by one of the Holbein's {top 
margin repaired) and printer's device, crushed Levant 
morocco extra, g.e., by Lloyd 

12mo. Basilese apud Val. Gurionem [Schaffner], 

" 1522 
Collation : — a-g8, h6 = 62 leaves, unnumbered 

148 DoDOENS (E.) Frumentorum, Leguminum, Palustrium Et 
Aquatilium Herbarum, Ac Eorum, italic letter, with 84 
fine ivoodcuts of pdants, original limp vellum, with ties 

12mo. Antverpiac Ex off. Christ. Plantini, 1566 
Collation : — a-e8, s4 = 140 leaves 

End of First Day's Sale 

Second Day's Sale. 


149 DiJEEE (Alb.) Apocalipsis cO Pigueis, goti^tc Itttrr, double 

columns of 61-62 lines, large cut on title and 15 full-paijc 
woodcuts, each toiih Dueer's usual signature at foot, and 
the text of the Apocalypse on hacks, 11th Geni-uri/ dctrl: red 
morocco, blind ornaments 

large folio. [Colophon. J Impresso denuo Nurnhergc 
p' Alberium Durer pictorem [H. HolzeT], 1511 

*^* Second Edition of the Latin text. The cuts appeared 
in 1498 

Collation : — 16 leaves, without signatures or foliation 

150 DiJEEE (Alb.) Apocadypsis cum Pigueis. Anothee copy, 

each leaf inlaid, and bound in crimson morocco extra, by 

*^* Peobably unique, having on the last blank page the 
mark of an unknown engraver, possibly he who executed 
these very woodcuts, below which is the Formschneider' s 
knife, somewhat differing from the usual shape 

151 DiJREE (Alb.) Life op the Viegin. A set of baely 

Peoofs of the Twenty Woodcuts, (with two extra, 
see 'below),- without text, large margins, red morocco, gilt 
inside borders, g.e., by Gobden Sanderson 

*^* Seventeen of these cuts were finished before Diirer went 
to Venice in 1505 : (the cut of Joachim and Anna 
embracing is dated 1504). The series was completed in 

1510 when Diirer added the frontispiece, and the Death 
and Assumption of the Virgin 

The frontispiece in this set is a proof, and inserted 
(loose) is the same cut from the 1511 edition, with 
woodcut title. Added at the end is a brilliant impression 
of the single woodcut of the Adoration of the Magi, dated 

1511 [Bartsch 3). An early owner has stencilled two or 
three lines of text on backs, imitating print. Twenty-two 
cuts in all 


152 DiJEER (Alb.) Pas&io Doiiini Nostei lEsr....per fratrem 
Chelidonium collecta cum figuris Alberti Dureri Norici 
Pictoris, ro)«a?i letter, 30 lines to a page, 12 large woodcuts, 
the icJwlehinged to large folio sheets and bound in crimson 
morocco extra, by Lloyd 

folio. Xiirnberg [H. Hohel], 1511 

'',..* " The first and only complete edition of the 
12 WOODCUTS of the Great Passion, with Latin 


The frontispiece appears to be a proof on thin paper, 
without text of any kind. The 11 following full-page 
cuts are all with text on backs 

153 DiJREE (Alb.) Passio Chbisti. A set op the 16 engravings 
OF the Little Passion on copper, mostly icith narrow 
margin, fine impressions, hinged to 4 sheets (4 on a 

page), hoards 

4to. [^Xiirnberg, 1507-13] 

. ■ On the back of one of the mounts a former German 
owner has noted 12 different imitations of these engravings. 
Bartsch, 3-18 

154 DtJREE (Alb.) Passio Cheisti. Fol 1 : Martinus Petrus 

Exoudebat In Insigni Aurei Fontis Prope Novam Bursam, 
this lettering is engraved on a tablet hcn-eath a circular 
engraving of the crucifixion, with 13 engravings of the 
Little Passion on copper, closely copied from the originals 
{including the original dates), original limp vellum 

sm. 4to. [Antwerp, c. 1570] 

Collation : — 15 leaves, unnumbered, and without 

155 DuREE (Alb.) Passio Cheisti ab Alberto Durer Nuren- 

bergensi efiSgiata cu varij generis carminibus Fratris 
Benedicti Chelidonij Musophili, roman letter, 24 lines to 
a page, title with ivoodcut, 36 woodcuts by Dceer, dark 
brown morocco extra, blind tooling, g.e., by Gruel (fine 


sm. 4to. Impressam Xurnberge per Albertu Diirer 

Pictorc [H. HdlzeV], 1511 

~jj* First edition of the woodcct Little Passion, with 
Latin text by Ohelidonius. Early signature on title 

Collation: — a-d8, e6 = 38 leaves, unnumbered 


156 DiJBEK(Alb) La Paswione di N.S. Girsu Ghrihto, roinan 
letter, 25 linen to a page, title witli portrait of Di'vrer (ft. 
56 in red, 37 woodciits hij DfiREK, green crushed Levant 
morocco extra, g.r., bi/ Lloyd 

sm. 4to. In Venetia, 1612, apprenso D. Bissucciu 

*„,* Second edition of the original Little Passion outs, the 
blocks of which are said to have been purchased in the 
Netherlands by the Venetian pubhsher. First and last 
leaves repaired and a few slightly stained 

Collation: — a-k4, l2 = 42 leaves, unnumbered 

157 [DiJuEB (Alb.)] Historia Passionis Domini Noatri lesu 
Ohristi : Ab Alberto Durero delineata, title with cut of the 
Man of Sorroius and the 36 cuts of tJie Passion, tlierr is no 
text, contemporary MS. hack of first plate, crushed green 
vioroeco c.iira, t.e.g., by Lloyd 

sm. 4to. Bru'.rellae, excnd. Juanfies Moiiuiiartiiis 

('otliition: — a-i4, k2 = 38 leaves, unnumbered 

158 [DiJEER (Alb.)] Passio Unsers lieben Horren lesu Christi 
aus3 den vier I'lvangelisten gezogen, (ierman gotljic Irttcr, 

title irithin woodcut border and 24 cuts of the Passion 
from Uie originals, but signed ivith initials of Virgil 
Solis, originiil ivhite sheepskin, blind tootdiig 

12mo. (Icdriickt su Miinchen, bey Anna llergin, 

Wiltib. Im lahr, 16ia 

159 DiJEEE (Alb.) and Others. Historical Subjects i^'hom 
THE Triumphal Arch op the Empjorok Maxihhlian. 
Title : Imperator Caesar diuus Maximilianus, plus felix, 
augustus Ohristianitatis, supremus Princeps (lermania; 
Hungariae Dalmatias Croaciaa Bosnacq3 Rex Anglia;, etc., 
20 compartments, printed on. 12 sheets inlaid to large folio, 
and bound in crimson morocco, e.rtni, by Lloyd 

[_Niirnberg, liicr. Andrcii, c. 1519] 


,5* Of these separate cuts this is the only edition with Latin 
text above each picture. The ornamental border (generally 
wanting) all round the full sheet is perfect in this copy, 
except for a few trifling tears 


160 DiTEEE (Alb.) [The Gbbat Teiumphal Cae]. Hcoiliug : 

Triumphalis hie Currus Ad Honrorem Invictiss. Ac 
Gloriosissimi Prineipis D. Max. Caesaris Semper Augusti 
concinnatus est, Ac per Albertum Durer Deliniatus, 
printed on 8 sheets, each hinged to a blank folio page and 
boimd ill crimson morocco c.rtra, by Lloijd 

large folio. Impressus est Ciu-rii.s iste Ainstcl. per 
Harinunnum Allardi Koster, k Davidciii de 

Mei/nc, 1609 

^,* Sixth (?) edition, not in Dodgson, who gives that of 
J. Kinig, 1589, as the fifth edition. The woodcuts have 
been neatly repaired 

161 DiJREE (Alb.) Undeeweys'ong dee Messung, mit dem 

Zirckel vnd richtscheyt, in Linien Ebnen vfl gantzen 
Corporen, second edition, German gotljic Iftttr, iitlepage 
in gothic, with a large monogrcmi of Diner's, nwmerotts 
ivoodciits of architectural figures, alphabets, draughtsmen 
at work, etc., Niirnberg, Hier. Andreii, 1538 — Btlichb 


flecken, (jotljic Itttfr, second edition, title of the arms of 
Ferdinand I, licloii' which is the text, 20 dia-grams and 
illustrations, ibid., 1527 — De Symmeteia Paetium 
CoEPOEUM, Books I and II, gotijic Icttrr, 85 full-length 
ivoodcuts, ibid., 1532 — the three works together in 1 vol., 
early binding of calf gilt, in cloth case 

162 DiJEEE (Alb.) Albeeti Dueeei clarissimipictoris et Geometiae 
de Symeteia paetium in bectis formis huanoeum 
coEPOEDM, German gotijtf Icttfv, title in 6 lines of gothic 
letter, heloto which are verses and the artist's monogram, 
with 85 full-length woodcuts of the human frame and 
other diagrams, Norimbergac. . . . In aedib. vidiue 
Durerianac, 1532 — De Vaeietate Piguaeum et flexuris 
partium ac gestib. imaginum, pti)!c Irttrr, 60 full-length 
figures similar to the above, but now represented as in 
movement and diagrams, Impensis vidiice Durcriana, per 
Hier. Formschnei/dcr Norinbergae, 1534 — together in 
1 vol., old vellum 

sm. folio 

*\^* The former is the first edition in Latin of Books I and 2 
of the original German work ; the latter the first edition 
in Latin of Books 3 and 4 

Collation ;— (1) a-e6, f4, g-n6, o4 = 80 leaves, the last 
blank ; (2) a-k6 = 60 leaves, the last blank 


163 Effigies Eegum PiiANCOKUM Omnium, A Pharamundo, Ad 
Henricum Vsque Tertium, ad viuum, quantum fieri 
potuit, expresses, 62 nearlij full-page atclied flates of 
portraits of the French Kings, with pictorial borders, olive 
morocco extra, tooled ivith interlacing pattern on sides, 
g.e., by Biviere 

sm. 4to. Niirnberg, 1576 

*.^* PiBST EDITION. The engraviugs are by Jost Amman and 


Collation: — a-q4 = 64 leaves, numbered 

'164 Epistola de miseria Curatorum seuplebanorum, ptl)ic Icttrr, 

31-33 lines to a page, without marks, below title of tivo 
lines is a looodcut dated 1489 representing the parish 
priest and the nine plagues of his life, calf gilt [from the 
HuTH Collection) 

sm. 4to. \_s.n., Leipzig, Conr. Kachelofen, c. 1489] 

*^* Hain, 6617. Not in Proctor. 

Collatiofi : — 8 leaves 

165 Bbasmus (Des.) Moriae Encomium, reman letter, with 

Hebrew and Greek, Froben's second edition of the Praise 
of Folly, title in red and black loithin a border by Hans 
Holbein (a-z, a-k4, l6), Basle, J. Froben, 1517 — De 
Copia Verborum, etc., roman letter, title icithin a wood- 
cut border [by one of the Holbcins), ornamental initials 
(a-z, a-g4, h6), ibid., 1517 — Sileni Alcibiadis : Scarabeus, 
roman letter, 2 titles loithout borders (il, leaves numbered), 
ibid., 1517 — Bellum, roman letter (20 leaves), ibid., 1517 
— Querela Pacis, etc., roman letter, 4 titles with ivoodcut 
borders by Holbein, etc., ornamental initials by the same 
(324 leaves, numbered), ibid., 1517 — in 2 vol. russia gilt 
(from the Maequis d'Adda's Collection, luith monogram 

on sides) 

sm. 4to. 

166 Eeasmus (Des.) Moriae Encomium, italic letter, with Greek 

title within pretty border and printer's device, calf 

12mo. Argentinae Apud locmnem Knoblonchium, 


167 Eeasmus (Des.) Catocis Disticha Moralia, etc., roman and 

italic letter, title loithin luoodcut border by Urs Graf, 
ornaments , and printer' s device (pp. 112), Basle, J. Froben, 
1520 ; Epistola ad Arch. Moguntinum, title within wood- 




cut border (6 leaves), Schlettsiadt [Laz.] Schiircr for 

N. Cufer, 1520— Faventinus (Didymus) Defensio pro 

M. Luthero, curious woodcut border to title (58 leaves), 

Wittenberg, 1520 — Doepius (Martin) Oratio, roman letter, 

title within Holbein border (pp. 55), Basle, J. Froben, 

1520— HuTTEN (Ulr, von) Conquestiones, roman letter 

(24 leaves), [s.n., Strassb., J. Schott, c. 1520]— and other 

Tracts, in 1 vol. vellum {from the Maequis d'Adda 

Collection, with arms on sides) 

sm. 4to. 

168 Eeasmus (Des.) Bpistola, ad illustriss, Principe ac Duce ' 
- Saxoniae, &c. Fridericu. Positiones loannis Eckij 
scholasticae. Positiones Martini Lutherij tbeologicae, 
etc., roman letter, 33 lines to a "page, border to first page 
(a1.) containing cherubs playing among branches of trees, 
half cloth 

sm. 4to. \_s.n., Leipzig, 31. Loiter, c. 1519] 

Collation : — a in 6 

169 Eeasmus (Des.) Des Eeasjii Eot. Ecclesiastae sive de 
Eationb Goncionandi Libri quatuor, opus ucens, nee 
antehac a quoquam excusum, rojnan letter, 40 lines to a 
page, with Dukbb's fine poeteait of Eeasmus, 
inserted, original hroivn calf, gold lines and arabesques, 
loith title in circle on front side, and " Gbolieeii et 
Amicoeum " on reverse, g.e. {neatly rebacked), in cloth case 
folio. Basilae hi Officina Frobeniana, 1535 

*^* From the libbary of Jean Gbolibr. On page 444, 
in probably Grolier's own hand is: "lo Grolierij Lugduneh 
et amicorum " 

Collation : — 230 leaves, partly paged 
[See Illusteation] 

170 EusEBius Ceemonensis. Beschreibug des heyligen Bischoffs 
Eusebii — von dem leben vu sterben, desselben heyligsten 
Hieronymi, etc., German gotiju Ifttcr, 35 long lines to a 
page, on reverse of title is a full-page cut of •' S. Jerome 
in a Cave," by Dueeb, dated 1512, boards 

sm. 4to. Niirnberg, H. Holzel, 1514 
Collation :— a8, bc4, d8, e-g4 = 36 leaves, unnumbered 


I'acc ]). SO 


171) ExHOETATioNES Novifciorum. Colloquiu iesu on puero 
Dyalogus iesu t senis, gotijic Irttff, 39 li7ies to a page, 
title with woodcut of the patron of Deventer (Liafiuin), 
painted initials, half calf 

sm. 4to. Impressum Dauentrie In platea episcopi 

[E. Pa ff root], 1491 
*^* First edition. Hain, 6777. Proctor, 8998 
Collation ; — a-e6 = 30 leaves, unnumbered 

172 Bybe (Albrecht von) Ob einem Man gezimezlinemen ein 

Eeweib oder nit, sampt der antworfc darauff, aus den 
alten Philosophis, Oratoren vnnd Poeten bewerfc, CfOti;ic 
Ifttfi", 33 lines to a page, ivoodcut of a marriage on title 
and 25 other cuts in text, crushed red morocco extra, g.e., 
by F. Bedford {from the Huth Collection), (fine copy) 

sna. 4to. Gedruclct zu Augspurg durch Heinrich 

Steiner, 1540 

Collation: — a-t4, v2 = 78 leaves 

173 Fabulen dee Dieeen. De Waraohtige Fabulea der Dieren, 

romaji and italic letter, large woodcut on- title, and 107 
other fine woodcuts in the text, by Gheekaeets, pupil of 
Maetin de Vos, original sheep. 

sm. 4to. Ghedruct te Brugghe . . . by Pietcr de 

Clerck, 1567 

Collation : — a-z, Aa-Be4 = 112 leaves 

174 Paeinatoe (Matt.) [Lumen Animae]. i^ 2 ; 1[ Liber morali- 

tatum elegantissimus magnarti rerum naturalium Lumen 
anima dictus. cum septem apparitoribus . . . felioiter 
incipit, semi-goti)ic letter, 43 lines to a page, without signa- 
tures, 3 large ornamental initials, pigskin, dull g.e., with 
title on same in bright gold (toith ex libris of the Maeqdis 

folio, \_s.n., Augsburg, G. Zainer, 1477] 

*^* Second edition, first published by Sorg the same year. 

Hain, *10330. Proctor, 1552. This is the last dated 

book printed by Zainer. Large copy, with some uncut 

leaves. This copy has the colophon 

Collation : — 350 leaves, unnumbered : ff. 1 and 49 
are blank 

175 Felicianus (Fr.) De Diuina Predestinatoe, cjoti)ic Irttfr, 

34 lines to a page, with woodcut on title representiyig the 
Almighty supportiiig the nude figure of a man, old boards 
{old cuts pasted on inside cover) 

sm. 4to. [_Spcier, Gonr. Hist'], 1495 
*^* Hain, *6954. Proctor, 2429 

Collation : — a6, b5, c6 (last blank, missing) = 15 leaves, 

D 2 


176 Fenestella (L.^De Magistratibus.sacerdotijsq; Eomanorum 

libellus, iamprimum nitori restitutus. Pomponij Laetd 
itidem de magisU-atibus, italic letter, woodcut border to 
title attributed to Holbein, and printer's device, old vellum 
{old armorial ex libris) 

12mo. Basilece apud Valetitinum Curionen, 1523 
Collation : — alS, mI = 92 leaves 

177 Fexestella (L.) De Magistratibus sacerdotijsq. Eomanoru 

libellus, etc., italic letter, title within a woodcut border 
after Holbein, boards 

12mo. [s.7^., Coin. ? E. Cervicornus, c. 1530] 
Collation : — a-l8 = SS leaves, unnumbered 

17S Ficixus (Marsilius) Epistolae, roman letter, 42 lines to a 
page, original Xuremberg bijiding of tcooden boards, 
covered with pigskin, blind' stamped with borders of a 
stag-hunt, etc., clasps (rebacked), laege copy, uncut at tail 
sm. 4to. Xiirnherg, Ant. Eoberger, 1497 
*^* Probably the second edition. Hain, *7062. Proctor, 2113. 
Contemporary MS. on fly-leaves 

Collutioii : — 10 prel., a-z, a-gS, h4 = 254 leaves 

179 Feateknitas Eosaceae Coeonae, small gotljtr Irtttr, 45 lines 

to a page, below the five lin-es of title is an illustration cut 
ijn a metal plate, fastened to the wooden block by pins, 
ivith three border pieces probably on wood, on last leaf 
■i small cuts, vwrocco extra, icitli blind panel (fine copy) 
small 4to. [_s.n.. Coin,'? Joh. Landen, c. 1498] 
*^* Apparently there is only one other edition known, both 
privately printed for the confraternity at Cologne. 
Hain, 7356. Not ia Proctor 

Collation : — a-c6 = IS leaves, unnumbered 

180 Feeculphus. Feegulphi Episcopi Lexoviexsis Cheoni- 

COECM Tojii II. Quorum prior ab initio mundi usqj ad 
Octauiani Caesaris tempera, etc., roman letter, title with 
device of Arnold Birckman, several large initials of 
children playing, original brown calf, the sides covered 
with elaborate Grolieresque scrollivork in gold outline, 
title in centre of front side, and at foot Tho. Maioli kt 
Amicoe.,"o?i reverse is one of his mottoes, g.e. (jieatly 
rebacked), in brown morocco pull-off case, 7vith leather e.r. 
libris of Barox Double a7id Eobeet Hoe 

sm. folio. [Co/)!] m. Xovesianusfor A. Birckman, 1539 
^5,* FiEST EDITION. A copy was also bound for Jean Geoliee : 
see Le Eoux de Lincy, p. 21S 

Collation : — 'A, ap6, q4, e-z, aa-dd6 = 161 leaves 

[See Illusteation] 


Face p. 52 


181 FucHS (Leonhart) De Histoeia Stirpium Commentarii 

Insignes, fiest edition, ivoodciU portraits of the mUhor 
and the three engravers, H. Pullmaueee, Alb. Meybe 
and E. Speckle, and numerous (512) figures of plants, all 
coloured by hand, original limp brown morocco, elaborately 
gold-tooled on both sides with design of involved strapwork 
and arabesques, portio7is filled in with dots, g.e., ribbon 
ties, enclosed in cloth case (pine copy) 

folio. Basle, Mich. Isengrin, 1542 

Collation :— 14 leavea unnumbered + pp. 896 + 2 leaves 

182 FuCHS (Leonhard) Historia de Yeruas, y Plantas, traduzidos 

nueuamente en Espanol con sus virtudes y propriedades, 
y el vso deltas, roman letter, about 520 woodcuts of plants, 
mottled calf extra, g.e., by Larldns 

sm. 8vo. En Anvers, En la Gallina gorda, por los 
herederos de Arnaldo Byrcman, 1557 

Collation : — prel. 8 + 520 pp. + 1 leaf unnumbered 

183 FuQGEE. Pinaootheca Fuggerorum S.E.I. Comitum Ac 

Baronum In Khierchperg Et Weissenhorn Editio Nova 
Multis Imaginibus Aucta Vlmae Apud loan. Frid. 
Gaum, 1754, engraved title and 139 portraits, original 
vellum, with arms o?i side 

folio. Vhnce Apud loan. Frid. Gaum, 1754 

Collation :^2 pi. + 4 11. letterpress + 139 ports. 
+ 22 11. letterpress 

l64 Gaelandia (Job. de) Sj^nonyma et Aequivoca cum commento, 
goti^tc IttUr, large woodcut on title, {Hain *7476), Coin, 
H. Quentell, 24, Dec. 1500 — [Gaelandia] Verba Deponen- 
tialis cum commento, Job. Syntbis, g;oti)ic Itttrv, citt on 
title as above (Hain, *14790), ibid. c. 1500 — Stnthen 
(Job.) Composita Verborum, goti)tc Uttrv, woodcut on title 
{Not in Proctor) Coin, [.? Martin of Werden'] for H. 
Quentell, 1601 — togetber in 1 vol. dark blue morocco 
extra [from the Carthusian monastery of Buxheim) 

185 Gengenbach (Pampbilus) Der NoUbart. Dis3 sind die 
propbetie sancti Metbodii vnd Nollbardi. Welcbe vo 
wort zii wort nacb inhalt der matery vnd anzeigung der 
figure sind gespilt worden jm xv^ vnd xvij. lor vff der 
barren fastnacbt von ettlichen ersame vnd gescbickte 
Burgeren einer loblicken stat Basel, etc., gotI)tc Irttfr, 


185 — cont. 

34 Ivies to a page, tooodcut mi title con.iaini;:g imperial 
arms and 19 other ivoodcuts by Ambrose Holbein, calf 
extra, g.e., by F. Bedford, from the Huth Collection 
(fine copt) 

sm. 4to. [s.?;., Basle, P. Gengenbach, c. 1517] 

■ First edition of this Play : the 2nd appeared in 1522 

Collation: — a-g4 = 28 leaves,- unnumbered 

186 Geoegius Trapezuntius. Ehetoricum Libri, in quibus 

quid receus praestitum, proxima facie indicabit liminaris 
Epistola, italic and Greek letter, 38 lines to a page, title 
with arched border showing the torture of " 21. Crassus," 
attributed to Holbein, ornamental initials, original binding 
of brown leatlier stamped tvith borders of fleurs-de-lis and 
ermines (France and Brittany), at intervals, etc. 

8vo. Gudebat Basileae Tal. Curio, 1522 

Collation: — aa6, a-z, a-x4 (last leaf,? blank, missing) 
= 181 leaves 

187 Geeson (Job. [Oharlier] de) Monotessaeon, gotJjtc Ifttn-, 40 

lo7ig lines to a page, without marks, rubricated, brown 
leather, loith Grolieresque strap-work, inlaid and painted, 
heavy dotted gold corners, flowers, etc., with "fvl.coe. 
C'" within an oval on sides, in cloth 

sm. folio, [s.n. Coin, Printer of " Salomonis et Mar- 

colphi Dialogus," ? Goisioin Gops or 

Ntc Gotz, c. 1480] 

*** There were only two other editions printed in the 
XV. Century, this is probably the 2nd. Only si.x books 
in this type are known. Hain, *7719. Proctor, 1259 

Collation:— 68 leaves, without marks, the last a blank 

188 Gesta Eohanoeum. F.2: Ex gestis romano-.; hystorie 

nobiles : de vitijs v'tutibusq3 tractates cu applicaconib' 
moralizatis z misticis, gotijic letter, double columns of 
36 lines, luitlwut marks, rubricated, broivn morocco, g.e. 
{some edges uncut), from the Huth Collection (fine copy) 
sm. folio, [, Coin, U. Zcll, c. 1470-6] 
*.j,* Peobably the fiest edition. Hain, 7734. Proctor, 
872. The first leaf (a blank) is absent in this copy 

Collation:— l^-nO-] =. 170 leaves. Partly signed in 
old MS. ^ ^ 



189 Gesta Eomanoeum cu applicationibus moralisatis t mysfcicis, 

gotiju Ifttrv, double coIuDitis of 50 lines with signatures 
and foliation, wooden boards and stamped pigskin {re- 

sm. folio, \_s.n. Augsburg, A. Sorg, c. 1487] 

*^» Hain, *7789. Not in Proctor, Pollard or Burger's Index, 
MS. on title 

Collation : Title + xci + Table 6 leaves = 98 leaves 

190 Gesta Eomanoeum. Das biich Gesta Romanorfi. derromer. 

vo : den geschichte oder geschehen dingen gaistlichen. 
vnd Voeltlicbe, German Qotljir Irttrr, double columns of 
36 lines, signatures, ornamental outline initials, Ijroivn 
morocco extra, joints, g.e., by Beh^-Xidrec, iviih arms of 
Baeon Seillieee 

sm. folio. Augsburg, J. Schobsser, 23 Feb. 1489 
*ju* FiEST Geeman edition. Hain, *7753. Proctor, 1863 

Collation :~Prel. 4 + a-q8 = 132 leaves. Sig. dl 
is missing 

191 Ghetiden (Die) vanden seuen bliscappen onser lieuer 

vrouwen. Die seue psalme onser lieuer vrouwen, etc., 
bold gotl)ic letter, 20 lines to a page, fine full-page woodcut 
of Virgin and Child with floral border, a similar border 
to opposite page, about 140 smcdl woodcuts, within borders, 
with conteinporary colouring, old vellum (fine corv) 

12mo. (iheprent ter Goude tot die Collacie broeders 
Iiit iaer ons here M.CCCGC cnde Hi 
*.^* Probably unique. Books from this press of the Fran- 
ciscan monastery of Emmaus at Gouda are extremely rare 

Collation : — a-m8, n4 = 100 leaves, unnumbered 

192 Giovio (Paolo) Eigentliche vnd gedenckwiirdige Contra- 

facturen oder anbildungen, v^olverdienter vnnd Weit- 
beriimpter Kriegshelden, etc., German gotljif Ifttfr, 133 
woodcut portraits, each tvithin a border of trophies, yellow 
morocco extra, g.e., by lliviere 

sm. 4to. Getruckt zu Basel bey Peter Perna, 1577 
Collation: — a, h-b4 = 72 leaves, unnumbered 

193 Giealdi (Lilio Gregorio) Syntagma de Musis, roman letter, 

30-31 U7ies to a page, with Greek quotations, tooodcut on 

title and 9 others in the text, representing the JIuscs, half 

mcrrocco, g.e. 

sm. 4to. Strassburg, Matt. SchHrer, 1511 

'*\;.* Probably the fibst edition. Proctor, 10188. 

Collation:— Ai, b8, c4 = 16 leaves, unnumbered 


194 [GoDPREt DE Bouillon] Hertzog G'otfrid wie er wider die 
Tiirgen vnd Hayden gestritten Ynd dz heylig Grab 
gewunen hat, gotijtc trttrr, 27 lines to a fcige, with wood- 
cut on verso of xylographic title [inner margin repaired) 
of Urban II preaching from a pulpit, and 82 jine orna- 
mental initials, brown morocco, g.e., by Holloicay {from 
the HuTH Collection) 

sm. 4to. Gedruckt Lucas Zeissenmair zil Augspurg. 
Vnd volenndet am afftermontag vor leorij. 1502 

^j^* Second edition in German, the first being printed by 
Baemler in 1482. Proctor, 10656 

Collation : — a-nS, o6 = 110 leaves, unnumbered 

195 GoLTz (Hubert) Vivas Omnium Fere Imperatorum Imagines, 
A. C. lulio Gees. Vsque Ad Carolum V. Et Ferdinandum 
Eius Fratem, etc., italic letter, original edition", oirna- 
mcntal title-page [defective and repaired) icith small 
portrait of Goltz, 133 lai-ge medallion portraits in tints; 
also several leaves, with only the circular space provided, 
calf gilt [rebacked) 

folio. Antwerp, Gillis Copeniiis van Die st, 1557 

"%5* The illustrations are remarkable as one of the earliest 
processes of chiaroscuro printing in which a combination 
of etched plates and wood blocks are used. The blocks 
are said to have been cut by Jose Gietleughen of Gourtrai 

Collation:— *Q, ab, a-z, Aa-Bb6, ccDd4 (last blank) 
= 176 leaves, unnumbered ; al is imperfect and mended 

196 Goltz (Hubert) Los Vivos Eetratos De Todos Los Empera- 
dores, desde lulio Cesar hasta el Emperador Carlos. V. 
y Don Fernando su hermano, sacados de las mas 
antiquas monedas, title-page as above, but different 
colouring, with 134 portraits printed in a deep brown, 
hrmrn viorocco [llth Cent.) gilt, g.e. 

foHo. Antwerp, Gillis Copenius van Diest, 1560 

*»* First edition in Spanish 

Collation :— A, a-b, d-z, Aa-Ee6, Ff-Gg4 (last blank) 
= 176 leaves, unnumbered 


197 GoLTz (Hubert) C. Julius Caesar sive Historiao Imperatorum 
Caesarumque Eomanorum . . . liber primus, rovian 
letter, 40 and'Vl lines to a page, engraved title, 54 -plates 
of coins, Goltz's device on last leaf, and u-oodcut initiids, 
original red morocco extra, gold lines on side and GroHcr- 
esque tooling, the back fully gilt wiiJioxd bands, icith 
inscription on front side, etc., g.e., in cloth case 

sm. folio. Brugis Flandrorum apud Hubertina 
Goltzium, Sept. 1562-3 

*,,,* The binding of this volume was no doubt executed for 
Mark Lauwrin, Lord of Watervliet, and according to an 
inscription on the front side was presented to a relative 
of his. In the centre of each side within a wreath is 
" HvBERTAS AvREA Secli.," the motto of Goltz. Eepro- 
ductions are given of two bindings for Lauwrin in 
Fletcher's "Foreign Bindings" and in "Burlington P. A. 
Club Exhibition Cat." There is a specimen in the Louvre 
with the inscription " lo. Geolibevs M. Laveino, d.d." 

198 GEAPHiEus (Corn.) De Triumphe va Antwerpen. Title : 

De seer wonderlijcke, schoone, Triumphelijcke Incompst, 
van den hooghmogenden Prince Philips, Prince van 
Spaignen, Caroli des vijfden Keysers sone. Inde stadt 
van Antwerpen, Anno m.ccccc.xlix., goti)ic letter, title 
[half title) ivithin ivoodcut border, 29 large ivoodcuts by 
Pieter Coeck, mostly full-page, others on 2 cmd 3 pages, 
half morocco 

sm. folio. [Colophon. J GeprintTantuerpen,voer Peeter 
Coecke van Aelst, gestroren Priritere, by Gillis van 

Diest, 1550 

*^* This edition in Flemish is not mentioned by Brunet : a 
copy is in the S. Ken. Mus. 

Collation: a-h4, i6, k4, l2 + 1, m-o4 = 57 leaves, 

199 Geegoeius Magnus, Papa. Eegula Pastoralis, prmto/ m a 

remarkable goti)tc Irttn-, 24 li7ies to a page, half calf 
(ex libris Gomte de Paris) \ 

sm. 4to. \_s.n., Basle, Martin Flach, not after 1472] 

It is a question whether this edition or that of [U. Zell's] 
is the first issue of this work. Hain, *7982. Proctor, 

Collation: — 152 leaves, unnumbered, and without 
signatures or other marks 



200 Gkunbach (3ohann,'aUas Lichtenberger) Conjunctio Satumi 
et Martis, anno 1473, gntijir Utter, 24 long lines to a page, 
painted initials, boards covered with vellum from a 
XV. Gent. MS. 

sm. ito. [s.n., ? Coin, unknown printer, c. 1474-5J 

*■,* An unknown work of Johann Lichtenberger, and much 
earlier than any hitherto [described by bibliographers. 
With autograph signature of Eobert Browning 

Collation : — 12 leaves, first blank 

201 GEiJNBECK (Joseph) Bin newe aus3legung. Der seltzamen 
wundertzaichen vnd wunderpiirdeo, etc., gotijtc Iftttv, 

37 lines to a full page, woodcut on title {? by W. Traiit), 
vdlum {from the Huth Collection) 

sm. 4to. \_s.n., Niirnberg, ? H. Holzel, c. 1507] 

Collation : — a4 

202 [Hbebal] [Herbarius. Maguntieitapressus Annorc.lxxsiiii], 
setni-^oti)ic Utter, 32 lines to a full-page, ivithout 7uarks, 
150 half -page ivoodcuts of plants tn outline, coloured by a 
contemporary hand, russia (back broken) ; Ashbuenham 


sm. 4to. {_s.n., Mainz, P. Schoeffer, 1484] 

*.jf*" The first work printed in Germany with woodcuts 
OF PLANTS. There appear to be 3 varieties of the first 
edition. This copy is the one without a title, but in place 
of the original blank leaf is one of a somewhat later date 

203 [Herbal] Herbarius Patauia impressus Anno dome r cetera 
Ixxxv, gotijtf Uttrr, 31-34 lines to a, page, without marks, 
150 coloured luoodcuts, wooden boards and broivn leather, 
stamped wiih blind ornaments including vases 

sm. 4to. Passau [^Joh. Petri'], 1485 

*^* The second edition with a date, but the first dated book 
from this press. MS. signature on flyleaf. Hain, *8445. 
Proctor, 2829 

Collation: — 174 leaves, unnumbered. The cuts and 
text are in correct order, but some numbers are wrong 

204 [Herbal] Herbarius Patauie, Another Copy (feiv leaves 
stained at end), half calf 

Face p. B9 



205 [Herwal] Herbarius i latino cu figaris, goti)ir Ifttcv, 28-29' 
lines to a page, without marks, numcnms luoodcuh, title 
within the device block of Veldencr (repaired), blue crushed 
Levant morocco c.rira, g.e., by Lloyd 

sm. 4to. \_s.n., Louvain, J. Veldencr, c. 1485] 

* * 

Not ill Hain. Copinger II., 2916 (no details) 

Collation : — [a4, b-v8, x-z6] = 174 leaves, un- 

206 [Herbal] [H]Ortus Sanitatis, gotljir letter, double columns 
of 47 lines, title in one line large gothic letter, ivith full- 
page cut on verso {in facsimile), 6 other full-page cuts, and 
over 1000 cuts of plants, animals, etc., painted initials, 
vellum gilt tvith lattice design on sides, g.e., by Hering 


thick sm. folio. IMainz, Jac. Mei/denliach , 23 June, 1491 
*»* First edition of the Latin " Hortus Sanitatis." 


Hain, *8944. Proctor, 160. 

Collation : — A-c8, d6-z8, a6-m8 (6 ct 8 alternately), 
n8-z8 (6 & 8), t8, aa6-ii6 (G & 8), kk, 116, (i, ii, iii, iiii) 8, 
(v, vi, vii) 6, a8, b-e6 (last blank, missing) = 454 leaves 

[See Illustration] 

207 [Herbal] [H]ortus Sanitatis. De herbis et plantis. De 
animalibus et reptilibus. De Auibus et Volatibus, etc., 
gotljir Ifttfi', double columns of 55 lines, numerous loood- 
cuts, and large ornamental initials, old half binding 
(large copy, uncut at tail), last 2 leaves very slightly 
defective and repaired 

sm. folio. [_s.n; Strassburg, J. Prilss, c. 1507] 

*^* These are three undated editions in Latin very difficult 
to distinguish apart, all with the same cuts (some differ- 
ences) and in the same or similar type, thus probably all 
from the same press. Hain, 8943. Proctor, ? 1448 

Collation : — 360 leaves, unnumbered 

208 [Herbal] [H]OaTus Sanitatis de Herbis et Plantes, De 
Animalibus et Eeptilibus, De Auibus et Volatilibus, etc., 
ptl)if Ifttn-, double columns of 57 lines {on a2), title in 


208— con t. 

red and black within border, with over 1000 ivoodciots in 
the text, old vellum (Ashburnham copy) 

sm. folio, [s.l. et typ., Strassbitrg, Beinhard Beck], 1517 

*j^* Possibly the 2nd Latin edition with a date, that is, printed 
in Germany; the 3rd, if the 1511 edition of Venice i3 
reckoned with. Proctor, 10310 

Collation: — 356 leaves, unnumbered 

209 [Heebal] Herbarum imagines uiuse. Der kreuter lebliche 
Conterfeytunge, 2 parts, 2 titles within border of plants, 
etc., and upwards o/200 cuts of plants, boards, g.e. 

sm. 4to. Frankfort, C. Egenolff, 1538 

Collation : — a-l4, a-e4, f2 = 66 leaves 

210 [Hebbal] Bednfels (Otho) Herbarum Vivae Biconeb. ad 
nature imitationem, suma cum diligentia et artificio 
effigiate, etc., title in red and black within a woodcut border 
by Weiditz, and numerous cuts of plants by him, also 
full-page cut (coloured) of the ? author''s coat- of- arms, old 
vellum (from the Kebeich and Haetshoene Collections) 
sm. folio. Argent, per lo. Schottum, 1530 

*^* FiEST EDITION. A second and third volume were issued 

Collation : — prel. 4 + pp. 266 + 33 11, unnumbered 
[See IllusteationJ 

211 Hebodianus. Der Fiirtrefflich Griechisch geschicht schreiber 
Herodianus .... vnd Hier. Boner in nachuolgend Teiitsch 
pracht, etc., fiest edition, German gotljic Ittttv, large 
woodcut on title, and another ivoodcut by Weiditz (fol. 1), 
large ornamental initials, Augsburg, H. Steiner, 1531 — 
JusTiNrs. Des Hochberiimptesten Geschicht schreybers 
Justini, warhafftige Hystorien . . . . die Hier. Boner, etc., 
FIRST EDITION, German gotijir Ittttr, woodcut on title and 
numerous others, by Weiditz and Bebu ; also woodcut 
initials, ibid., 1531 — in 1 vol. boards 

sm. folio 

Collation ;— (1) 4 prel. + lxx leaves. (2) 4 prel. + cxix 
+ 1 blank 

V E N V S 


R V M 


ad naturg imitationcm.fuma cum 

dil^entia et artificio effigiatg , 

una ciim E F F E # 

C T 1 B V s earundem.ingradamue? 

tens illius , Sc ramiam renafcentis 

Herbaria: Medidna:, 


rccens edita:. M. D. xxx. 

^ Quibus adicAa id ciUem , 

APPENDIX ifagogicadcufu&^adi 
miniftratione simpliccvh. 
Itcmlndex Contentorufingulorum. 

Argcntorariipud loannem Schoctu,aira 
Carf.Miicll.Priuilegio ad Stxennlum. 


Inutntu Mcdicina mtif 
c(l,opifcrcj! g orbf m 

DicoT & Hcrbirii fub. 
icAa potentii hobis. 


Face p. 


212 Herodotus. Historiarum lib IX, roman letter ivith Greek, 

51 lilies to a page, title loithin border of four pieces 
representing in 13 covipartrtients the Labours of Hercules, 
signed in top centre AW., i.e. Anton Woensam von Worms, 
looodcut initials [by Dilrer], half russia 

sm. folio. Coloniae apud Eucharium Geruicornitm, 
are ct impensa M. God. Hittorpij, 1526 

Collation : — Aa6, Bb8, a-z6 (last blank) 

213 HiEBONYMus (S.) Epistolae, etc., finely printed in gotfnc 

Itttfi-, red and black, double columns of 56 lines, at foot of 
first page is the painted coat-of-arms of the abbey of 
Georgental, to ivhich the book belonged (see inscription 
inside cover of Vol. 2), painted initials in red and blue, 
2 vol. original wooden boards and stamped leather, clasp 
fittings (from Georgenthal Abbey) 

large folio. Mainz, P. Schoeffer, 7 Sept., 1470 
*^* Probably the 4th or 5th edition, but the 2nd or 3rd with 
date. Hain, *8553. Proctor, 91. See No. 409 

Collation -.— {l) 198 leaves, (2) 210 leaves; without 
marks. The first leaf of Vol. 2 in facsimile 

214 HiEEONYMUS (S.) [Leben der heiligen Altvater], semi-goUjtc 

litter, 34 lines to a full page, without signatures or other 
marks, 147 woodcuts (a feiu coloured) and ornamental 
initials, olive morocco extra, silken ends and fly-leaves, red 
edges, with gold stamp on side " Ex libris Caroli Becher 
M.D." tvith monogravi and motto 

sm. 4to. [s.w., Strassburg, unknoivn printer, ? /. Prilss, 

c. 1480] 
*^* First edition of the German translation of the "Vitas 
Patrum." Hain, *8603. Proctor, 3251. There appear 
to be only four books known in this type 

Collation: — 232 leaves, the first and last blank. 
Wanting 11 leaves 

215 HiEEONYMUS (S.) [Leben der heiligen Altvater, Part II : die 

Beispiel], German goti)t'c htttv, dozible coluynns o/ 34 lines, 
without marks, large ivoodcut of eight hermits on verso of 
second leaf, 137 smaller woodcuts, all coloured, and 
ornamental initicds, luooden boards and brown leather, 
stamped with ogee pattern 

sm. folio. [s.M., Augsburg, J. Schonsperger, c. 1481] 

■"■,./" Peobably the second edition. Not in Hain, Proctor, 

or Pollard. The book usually consists of 2 parts, but of 

this edition only the 2Dd portion, as the present, is known 

Collation: — 188 leaves, unnumbered (first and last 



216 HiEBONYMUS (S.) [Leben der heiligen Alfcvater], German 
gotijir Itttrr, double columns of 40 lines, ivith signatures, 
with full-page cut of six hermits and 263 smaller woodcuts, 
few ornamental initials, black morocco, vellum ends and 
flll-leaves, g.e., bi/ Lortic fils (fine copy) 

sm. folio. Aiigsbnrg, J. Schobsscr, 19 Dec, 1492 

*^* Haia, 8607. Not in Proctor 

Collation:— &&, a-r8 ; a-eB, s6 = 284 leaves, un- 
numbered. r8 and s6 are wanting, but were undoubtedly 

217 HiEEONYMUs (S.) Der heiligen Altvilter leben niiw getruckt 
wie sie ir beiliges leben volbracht haben, goti)tc Irttrr, 
double columns, 49 lines, loith signatures, numerous ivood- 
cuts, all coloured, and ornamental initials, vellum {some- 
vhat stained and mended), William Moebis's copy 

am. folio. Strassburg, J. Grruninger [^Reinhard], 1507 


Collation : — 4 prel. + v-cxciiii (several errors) 

218 [Holbein (Hans)] Imagines Mortis. His Accesserunt, 
Epigrammata, e Gallico idiomate h. Georgio Aemylio in 
Lalinum translata. Ad Haeo Medicina Animae, ronian 
letter, title with printer's device, 53 fine woodcuts after 
Holbein, morocco, g.e. (luith autograph of Lord Leighton) 
12mo. Goloniae apud hieredes Arnoldi Birchmanni, 

Ci illation :— a-m8, n4 (?last blank, missing) 

219 [Holbein (Hans)] Historiarum veteris instrumenti Icones 
ad viuu expressae, title within a border, and over 90 w-ood- 
cuts, half red morocco, uncut 

sm. 8vo. Antverpiac apud loan. Steelsiuin, 1540 

*^* Thied edition, but first with a text in Spanish 

Collation: — a-m4 = 48 leaves, unnumbered 

220 Holtzwaet (Math.) Eikones .... veteris Germauiae 

Heroum, italic letter, woodcut arms {? of author) on title, 

and 1'^ full-page cuts of Heroes, device on last leaf, celluin 

12mo. Per Bernhardum lobinum, Argentorati, 1573 

Collation : — ab8 -= 16 leaves, unnumbered 


221 HoRATius. Opera, roma7i letter, 3 columns to a fagc, large 

ivoodcut on title and numerous other ivoodmts in the text, 
boards gilt 

sm. folio. Argentina, opera i(' ipensis . . lohanis 
Beinhardi cognometo Gurninger . . . 1498 
■' ■" First illusteated edition and the fiest edition 
FEINTED IN Geruany. Hain, *8898. Proctor, 485 

Collation:— Tpvel.Q + i-ccvii + 1 blank (missing) + 6 

222 HoRATius. Opera, cum commentariis & Enarrationibus 

Commentatoris Veteris, et lacobi Cruquii Messenii . . . 
Accedunt, etc. ,conte7nporari/ red French morocco extra, sides 
covered with fleurs-de-lis, loith arms in centre of Collegium 
Grassinaeum, g.e. {title repaired and leaves browned) 

4to. Antwerp, ex off. Plantiniana Baphelengii, 1611 

223 HoEATius. De Arte Poetica, bold gotljit Irttcr, 18 lines to 

a page, cut on title, feio conte7nporary MS. notes, old calf, 
with the Sunderland arms on sides and ex libris 

sm. 4to. [Colophon. J Impensis Petri Os de Breda 

[Zwolle, c. 1495] 
*_, * Not in Hain or Proctor. First recorded by Copinger 
(3154) from this copy. Probably unique 

Collation : — a6, 34, c6 = 16 leaves, unnumbered 


224 HoETULUS Animab. Title : Hortulus anime denuo diligen- 

tissime per pre statissimos viros z duos doctorem Brant 
mgr'm lacobti Wympffelin gum castigatus, gotljic Ifttfr 
in red and black, 25 lines to a page, numerous small cuts, 
mottled calf 

12mo. hnpresstim Argentine pier Joh'em Wehinger, 

'■,,"■■■ Several missing leaves are supplied in manuscript. Other 
leaves of MS. are additions. Slips of MS. are also pasted 
over the print in a few cases. Proctor, 10162 
Collation : — prel. 20, a-z, a-eB = 244 leaves 

225 HoETULUS Anime cum alijs q jplurimis orationibus pristine 

impression! superadditis, etc., goti)ic Irttcr, 25 lines to a 
page, printed in red and black within ornamental borders, 
numerous woodcuts by H. Speinginklee, Erhaed Schon, 
etc., green crushed morocco extra, dull g.e. 

sm. 8vo. Lyon, Jo. Glein for Jo. Kobergcr of 
Xiirnbcrg, 15 Mar., 1516 
■••■„■" First edition with these illustrations 

Collation : — 20 unnumbered + cox + 10 unnumbered : 
the last leaf (? blank) is missing 


226 Heoswitha. OPEEi Heosvite illustris Virginis et Monialis 

Germane Gente Saxonica Orte nvper a Gonrado Celte 
inventa, roman letter, 44 lifies to a page, Q full-page wood- 
cxots [the first tiuo hy Dueee, though unsigned, the others 
being attributed to Teaut), initials painted red and blue, 
brown morocco extra, g.e. (Ashbuenham copy) 

folio. Impressum Norunbergae Sub priuilegio sodalitis 

Gelticae a senatu rhomani Impej-ii impetratae 

[? F. Peypus'], 1501 

*.,,/■' EiEST EDITION, and said to have been printed in the House 
of Pirckheymer, Diirer's friend and patron (see device on 
last leaf). Fine and laege copy 

Collation : — alO, b-k8 = 82 leaves, unnumbered 

[See Illusteation] 

227 HuTTEN (Ulr. von) OiVts, Nemo, title cut on the block in a 

panel at the top of a woodcut of a bearded mail in Boman 
■military costume, by Weiditz, new green morocco 

sm. 4to. Impiressam Augusta in off. Miller ana [1518] 

'"■.,,"■ Peobably first edition. Not in Proctor 

Collation : — a-c4 = 12 leaves, unnumbered, b3 is 
marked a3 

228 HuTTEN (Ulr. von) Aula. Dialogus. Ad Lectorem, title 

within broad ivoodcut border, dated mdxvii., by Weiditz 
{its first appearance), and large initial, new green morocco 
[slightly wormed) 

sm. 4to. lAugsburgl In off. excus. Sig. Orimm 
Medici d Marci Vuyrsung, 1518, xvii. Sep)t. 

■ , Peobably fiest edition. Proctor, 10882 

Collation : — a-d4 = 16 leaves, unnumbered 

229 HuTTEN (Ulr. von) De Guaiaci Medicina et Morbo Gallico 

Liber unus, large ivoodcut coat-of-arms of Archbishop 
Albrecht IV. of Brandenburg [by Weiditz), and fine 
portrait of the Author on last page, brown morocco extra, 
g.e., by Hardy [some uncut edges) 

sm. 4to. Mogutice. In JEdibus loannis Scheffer, 1519 
■ .., ■■ FiEST Latin edition of this singular work. Proctor, 9865 
Collation ■.--&~\4: = 44 leaves, unnumbered 


Face p. 6i 


230 HuTTBN (Ulr. von) Invectivae efc Opuscula, with nearly full- 
page ivoodcid depiciiny the miinler of the author's cousm 
by the Duke of Wurtcmlwrg, by Hans Weiditz, portrait 
of the author, and initials, old riissia (ivith ex. libris 
W. H. Ceawford) 

sm. 4fco. Opus Excmum In Arce Stckclbark [Mainz, 

J. Schoffer'], 1619 

*^* This book was at one time thought to be the product of 
a private press in the castle of Stechelberg, but was really 
printed by Set offer, as is proved by the type, initials and 
cuts used 

Collation: — A-cl, d6, e-z1, a-ci = 106 leaves, un- 

231 HuTiEN (Ulr. von) Dialogi, curious ivoodcxit of Fortime on 
title (Proctor, 9872), 7icw green morocco 

sm. 4to. Moguntiae Ex off. Libraria loannis Scheffer, 

Collation : — ab4, c6, d-n4, o6, p-e4 = 72 leaves, un- 

232 HuTTEN (Ulr. von) Concilia wie man die halten sol . . . 
Brmanung das ein yeder bey dem rechten alien Christ- 
lichen glauben bleiben, vnnd sicb zii keiner newerung 
bewegen lassen soil, durcli herr Ciinrat Zartlin, etc., 
German gotl)ic Irttcr, luoodcut portrait of Charles V., and 
woodcut of armoured knight surrounded with border of 
icild ynen in trees being hunted by boys, ivith arms at foot, 
ha^f vellum 

sm. 4to. [s.n., Strassburg, Joh. Sehott, e. 1521] 

*'.j,* FmsT EDITION. The portrait is probably by Weiditz, the 
other woodcut probably by Wechtelin 

Collation : — a-g4 = 28 leaves, unnumbered 

233 HuTTBN (Ulr. von) Invectivae et Bpistolae, full page portrait 
of Hutten on first leaf ivith " Verte " below, by Weiditz, 
ivith 4 coats-of arrns in corners, new green morocco, with 
ex libris of Paul Schmidt 

sm. 4to. [_s.n., Strassburg, Joh. Sehott, 1521-2] 

*^* First Latin edition 

Collation : — a-h4 = 32 leaves, unnumbered 



234 [HuTTEN (Ulrich von)] Title : Beklagunge der Preistette 
deutscher Datio 

Der Nemo Latfc das geticht gemachfc 
Das maDcher jm regiment nit laoht 

Br sey Konigk Birehoff Fiirst ader Graft 
Den alien die vngereohtikeit leufft naoh 

gotl)t'c Ifttrr, 38 lines to a page, title as above over a 
portrait of Hutten, each page ivith a curious woodcut 
border on the right-hand side, calf antique {from the 
HuTH Collection) 

sm. 4to. [SM., ? Erfurt, c. 1522] 

Collation :— a in 4, unnumbered 

235 HuTTiCH (Job.) Imperatorum et Cassarum Vitae, cum 
Imaginibus ad uiuam effigiem expressis. Libellus auctus 
oum elencbo & Iconiis Oonsulum ab Authore, m.d.xxxiiil, 
italic letter, title tvithin a 4,-piece border, printer's device, 
numerous medallions of Emperors, mostly enclosed in 
borders, mostly by Weiditz, vellum extra 

sm. 4to. Strassburg, W. Kopfel, 1534 

»■, '"" Fourth edition, but first with the Blenchus and first with 
this title. An early Italian owner has noted those medals 
that he possessed, with MS. inscriptions from other coins, 

Collation : — Aa, Bb4, a-x4, y6, aa-dd4 = 114 leaves 

236 Imitatio Cheisti. Gerson de ymitatione cristi cum 
tractatulo de meditatione cordis, gotljir Ifttcr, 22 lijies to 
a page, painted initials in red, broton morocco extra, g.e., by 

12mo. Per Johannem Zeiner, Ulm. Anno [14]87 

'■' , '" Early edition of the Imitatio Christi. It is remarkable 
that this edition is printed under the name of Gerson, 
whilst that of Augsburg, c. 1471, has the name of Kempis. 
Hain, --9093. Proctor, 2546 

Collation : — prel. 7 + 1 blank + clxxxij + 2 blanks 
(one missing) = 192 leaves, without signatures 

237 Imitatio Cheisti. Tractatus fratris Thome de Kempis 
canonici regularis ordinis sancti Augustini De Imitatione 
Christi, et de contemtu omnium vanitatum mundi. Cum 
tractatulo lohannis Gerson de Meditatione cordis, etc., 

Face p. 67 


237— co»i. 

gotl)ic Icttci', double columns of 33 lines, signatures anl 
foliation, rubricated, brown morocco extra, g.e. (pine copy), 
Mabquis d'Adda's co2)y 

sm. 4to. [s.»., Maijdcbiorg, Moritz Brandis, c. 1498] 

■,,'" Eaely edition, perhaps the first with the additional 
pieces following the De Meditatione Cordis. Hain, 
•"■9031. Not in Proctor, but in Pollard 

Collation : — 4 prel., a-o8 = 116 leaves 


Hie hebt sich das bljch an, das man nent d/- guldin 
SPiD, vnder DEM begrifpen skind siben spil, etc., 
g;otl)ic letter, 35 long lines to <i fage, 12 fine looodcuts of 
the games of chess, cards, etc., painted initials, red. morocco 
gilt, g.e., by ./. Markrn-de {from the Huth Collection) 
sm. folio. \_Augsburg'\, Cf. Zainer, 1 Aug. 1472 

%, ' First edition, probably never reprinted. Zainer's 4th 
"^ woodcut book. On folio 36 it is mentioned that playing 

cards were first introduced into Germany in 1300. Hain, 
-■•■9187. Proctor, 1531 

Collation : — 48 leaves, unnumbered and unsigned 
[See Illustration] 

239 IsocBATES. Orationes, roman letter, with Greek, title within 

an elaborate border by Ambrohh Holbein, the first fage 
of text (al) having a border by Hans Holbein, also 
ornamental initials -probably by the same hand 

sm. folio. Basileae, A pud Andream Gratandrmu 
[Ilartmcmn^, MarcJi, 1529 

Collation : — a-y, a-z, A-i4 = 140 leaves 

240 Itinbraeium beatab Mabiab Virginis. a2 ; Prefacio in 

itinerarium feu [sic] peregrin atio nem : beate virginis x. 
dei genitricis marie, etc., gotijic letter, 32 lines to a page, 
19 large woodcuts, all except the first in 3 coinpart- 
iiunits, ornaiiieiital miiials, black morocco extra, gx., by 
Joly (pine copy) 

sm. Ito. [s.n., Ulin Joh. Jieger, c. 1489] 

■•■• •■•■ Hain, -"9322 or 9323. Proctor, 2584 

Collation : — a-d8, e4 = 36 leaves, unnumbered (1 leaf 

1-: 1^ 


241 Itinbbaeium beatae Maeiab vikginis, gotljic Utter ,^ 20 hyies 

to a page, with over 50 woodcuts, ornamental initials, title 
in 3 lines of goihic, calf uyith blind tooling 

sm 4to [BasW], Leonhard Eisenhut or Tsenhut, 

[c. 1489] 
.^./^^- Hain, 9324. Proctor, 7716 

Collation:— &--aQ, o4 (last leaf blank, missing) = 108 
leaves, unnumbered, b4 and 6 transposed 

242 JEAN D'AEEAS. Histoeie von Melusina, German 

translation by Thiiring v. Eingoltingen. F. 2 {in red) : 
Dis ouentiirlich btich bewiset wie von einer frauwen 
genantt Melusina die ein merfeye vnd dar zii ein geborne 
konigin vn vff dem berg Awalon kumen was der selbe 
berg lyt in franckrich vnd wart dise merfeye alle samstag 
von dem nabel hinabe ein grosser langer wurm dan sie 
einbalb ein gespanste wa3, etc., goti^it Itttcv, 32 lines to a 
page, 67 large half-page woodcuts, touched ivith coloiir, 
rubricated initials, crimson morocco extra, double of citron 
morocco ivith dentelle border, g.e., by Chambolle-Duru 
(fine copy) 

sm. folio. [s.iL, Strassburg, H. Knoblochtzer, c. 1478] 

"■',,.* Apparently an uneecoedeu edition, and of the 
UTMOST eaeity 

Gollatioyi ; — 78 leaves, tbe first blank (missing). Two 
leaves are in facsimile from a similar edition 

243 Joannes Damascenus. Barlaam und Josapbat, bold gotijir 

Ittttr, 36 lines to a page, without marks, with 64 woodcuts 
loith names of the characters cut on the wood, touched with 
red by the original rubricator, large woodcut initials 
(coloured), half morocco (fine copy) 

sm. folio, [s.w., Augsburg, Gilnther Zainer, c. 1476] 

■",,.■"' FiEST edition in Geeman, and piest with woodcuts. 
Hain, ■■5915 Proctor, 1580 

Collation : — 98 leaves, 1st and last blank (last missing) 

244 Joannes Prbsbytee. De Eitu et moribus Indorum, semi- 

gotljit Ictttr, 31 lijies to a page, coloured initial P. con- 
taining figure of the author, and woodcut border to first 
leaf, other painted initials, parchment 

sm. 4to. \_s.n., Strassburg, H. Knoblochtzer, c. 1482] 

■■..;■■ Hain ■■9429. Proctor, 386 

Collation ;~a in 10, unnumbered, first blank, missing 


245 Jonas (Justus) Adversus lohannem Fabruai Constantien. 

Vicarium scortationis patronum pro conjugio sacerdotali 
Justi lonae defensio, roman letter, border to title hy Hans 
Ceanach, few MS. marginal notes, half morocco, g.e. 

sm. 4to. Wittembergae [? N. ScUrlcntz'], 1523 
■-,,* Probably the first edition 

Collation :— a-g4, h6 (last blank) = 34 leaves 

246 JoENANDES. lornandes de Eebus Gothorum. Paulus 

Diaconus. Foroiuliensis de Gestis Langobardorum, roman 
letter, 44 lines to a page, large full-page woodcut on first 
. page luith title on a shield, by Hans Buegkmair, irith his 
signature, ornamental initials, and printer's device {by 
Hopfer), half calf (Ashbuenham copy) 

sm. folio. Augsburg, Joh. Miller, 21 Mar., 1515 

*.„.■"■ FiEST EDITION of Jornandes. Paulus was first printed 
with Eutropius in 1471. Proctor, 10826 

Collation: — a8, b-d6; aa-ff6, gg-hh4 = 70 leaves, 
unnumbered. dR blank 

247 JosEPHUS (Flavious) De Imperatrice Eatione, deque inclyto 
Eeptem fatrum Macabaeorum . , . . a D. Erasmo Eotero- 
damo, diligenter recognitus, ao emendatus, letter, 
35 lines to a page, with lb full-page woodcuts of tortures 
endured by the Maccabees, woodcut initials, half morocco, 
xciih ex libris Maequis d'Adda 

sm. 4to. [CoZw] Excud. suis typis Eucharius 
Ceruicornus [c. 1517] 

",." Probably the first Latin edition. Proctor, 10580 
, Collation : — a8, bc4, dB, ep4, gh8 = 48 leaves 

248 Kalendbe (Deutsch) Das ist der Teutsch Kalender mit den 
figuren, title with tvoodcut beloiv, German goti)ir Irttfr, 
32 long lines to a page, numerous circular and other 
ivoodcuts, ornamental initials to Almanack (repeated), 
crimson morocco extra, inlaid wreath on sides, g.e., by 
Lortic (Didot's copy) ; fine copy 

sm. 4to. Getruckt zu Augspurg in der Kayserlichcn 
stat von Hannsen Froschauer, 1522 

Collation : — a-f8, g6, h4 = 58 leaves, unnumbered. 
One or two leaves misplaced 


249 [Kael dee Kuhn und dee Buegundische Keieg], semi- 

gotJji'c Uttrr, douhle columns, 32-34 lines to a page, with 
8 full-page remarkable luoodcuts, crimson morocco, gilt 
inside borders, by Trautz-Bauzonnet 

sm. folio. [_s.l., Strassburg, H. Knoblochtzer'], 1477 

" . '■■" FmsT AND ONLY (?) EDITION. Ham, 8345 (8344 in Hain 

being a different work). Not in Brit. Mus. or Bodleian. 

This poem is generally known as the " Historie von Peter 


Collation : — 10 leaves, without signatures or marks 

[See Illusteation] 

250 Kaesthans. aa2 : Dis3 sindt die fiinff, so vnter innen selbs en 

gesprech vnd red halten. Murner, Karsthans, Studens,. 
Luther, Mercurius, German goti)tf Ifttrv, 33 long lines to a 
page, title one line large gothic letter, large woodcut initial, 
half vellum, with ex libris of Paul Schmidt Qoiver corners 
slightly stained) 

sm. 4to. \_s.n., ? Strassburg, ? J. Knoblonch, c. 1521]' 

■"',, ' The -work has been attributed to Ulrich von Hutten 

Collation : — aa-dd4 (last blank, missing) = 15 leaves 

251 Lampadius (Auotor) Compendium Musices, tarn figurati 

quim plant cantus ad formam Dialogi, etc., woodctit 
examples of music, half calf 

12mo. Bernae Helvet. Excud. Mathias Apiarius, 1541 

Collation : — a-g8 = 56 leaves, unnumbered 

252 Lampsonius (Dom.) Lambeiti Lombardi apud Eburones- 

Pictoris Celeberrimi Vita, Pictoribus, Sculptoribus, etc^ 
roman letter, 26 lilies to a page, with fine engraved portrait 
on reverse of title, MS. writing on last leaf, boards 

12 mo. Briigis Fland. Excnd.Huberijis Golteius, 1565 

',,.'■■ FlEST EDITION 

Collation : — ab8, c4, = 20 leaves 

253 [Latoue-Landey (Geoffrey de)] Spiegel der Tugend und 

Ersamkeit, German gotljic Irtttv, 31 long lines to a page, 
40 fi7ie looodcuts (? shoxdd be 46), and cnnamental initials, 

sm. 4to. Getruckt zu Strassburg durch 
loh. Knoblauch, 1519 

'■,""■ The fifth edition in German, the third with the original 
cuts. Nine leaves are in facsimile (a8, e1-4, y1-4) 

Co/Za<jow ;— cxviii + Eegister, 5 leaves + 1 blank = 124 


l-':iri' IV 70 


'154 Lkhenkhcht (Buck duk) ftmnslated by J. I'flanUmann], 
goti)tr Icllfr, 43 lonij Imes to a jinij':, /ii'i'ijf fiill-/iiiiif ivood- 
i:iiL Dii ifiu'i-^i' iij lillc reprcseiiiiiKj tin; I'riiijii'ror, fsi.i-fJi'clm's, 
iviul tkr Court (if Wiirlcmlicrij, 3 oriiamculid vmliiiU^ vitli. 
iiDO rcnuirlciUjIc iniiaiiicntal, vuiodcut pages at hrginiiiiuj and 
end, niidiiiihtcdlji Ike orujinaL irrn/iiwrs (mnidcil aiiil imtdi: 
up at fiinirrH), lidlf ctilf {lUlc lUiil sercyal IfK ni's rfpairiul ) 
sm. folio. (Ivdnii-li'L diircli. vuti^lcr I'lrlniili' Hadtolt 

(si<-) :.ii A iiii.\j)U'nj, 1493 

".,"■ ]<'msT HDiTioN in (j|(!iiiian. Not in iliiin ol' ]^roctor. 
CopinKoi- Hi., 4730 

('iilliU.'iuii,: a~o8 = 40 loavos, unnumlioi'otl 

255 LiOHTKNHi;i«iEK (.loll.) l^KONOSTiCATio Latina Anno Ixxxviij. 
ad maj^tia criiunctionc Saturni t louis q' i'uit i'lno Ixxxiiij. 
ac eclipsini aolis ani soquontis. so/.. Ixxxv c.dfecl.a ac nuc 
de noiio tiiiicdata, ol-c, g;oU)ic ItUci', 43 i ciudrL'alilr inuod- 
ciils (3 fiill-jKiiji'), MS. name ami rcy.s'cs ovi tilli', hyninn 
iiKii'oi-co, ij.r. 

sm. folio. Mainz [_.lai\ McifilciilMcli,'], 1492 

■",,,"■ Se(!0.nd Latin bdjtion i'ublishbd in (Iukmany, with 
the saiiio cuts as the first. Hain, "10082. Proctor, 161 

UollaUdu : a f6 3(j loaves, unnumbered 

250 LiCHTENuioudHK (-loh.) [Pronosticatio |. Title: Hoc practica 
Darrat de presenti Tino ot sequctibus (juamplurimis annis 
de nouis raris el. inauditis i-(^l)us et gost(!s (|ue futura sunt 
in hoc mfido, golijic Irltfr, title inilli iiuHideiU, 44 alher 
fme iruoilriits a.iid lanje niilial, ealf e.etra, (j.e., Oi/ I'etit, 
nii,cei'\K<ir (if Sidiiee (kinb doi'v) 

Bin. 4to. Sirasahuiij [/;. Ki.Hlei- e. 1499] 

■■,,"■ Fourth or Piftli Latin edition. Plain, ■"10084. Proctor, 

Collalidii : -aH h4 (8 and 4 alternately) = 18 leaves, 
unnumborod. Si^;'. u and G transposed by biiuU^r 

257 [jiUh'.K (Thoiiian) [(.Ihkonik] a2 : In (Iottes namhn Aimen. 

VI<;liMEII)EN LANlil'Ht (I ESdHlUli'FT ZU L,ESEN, otc, 23 /«.//- 

jxu/e ■iiwddeiils, noiiie touched leilli colour, cruslted (jreeii 

2 -"7 — cent. 

Levant morocco extra, g.c. by Lloyd ^^Stlltt'lart publk 
Vthrorii stamp on jirst leaf) 

sm. folio. Ulm, Conr. L'inckn.ut. 12 Jan. 14S6 


Proctor, 2567 : b3 is slightly defective and few others 

Collation : — abS, c-i6. klO = 6S leaves, unmimbered : 
al and klO are blank, but missing in this copy 

2J? LocHEE (Jac.) Panegyrici ad Masimilianmn, etc., roma7i 
letter, 31 lines io a page, fuf-page leoodcut of the author 
[verso oftiiie), and other iroodii'ts. uooden boards atid half 
relhini > iidc Irokcn^ 

sm. 4:to. Strasyl'Urg, J. \_jReinhard^ Crrihiinger, 1497 

--. Hain, --lOloS. Proctor. 4S3 

Collation : — ab6, c>. d4, ef6, oi. hS, i4, k6, Li = 64 
leaves, unnumbered 

2o9 LoCHEE ..Jac") [Opuscula] Title: Continentur. In hoc 
opusculo a Jacobo Loeher Philomuso facili Syntaxi con- 
cinnato, ere. roman and gotl)tc Irltrr, 32 lines to a page, 
udth 6 remarkable leoodcuts attributed io Tract [one 
2 pages), large device on last Icaj. hroun morocco extra, 
g.e., by Pratt (fine copy), soone leaves uncut 

sm. 4to. Impressujn Xuinbergc, per dom. Ljaniurn 

Veissenburgei', 1506 
Codiation : — a-d6, eS = 32 leaves, unnumbered 

2C0 LoEicH (\[elchior) Ttirkische Figuren, tcoodciit of a conduit 
en title, cut of the artist's arncs, head of Christ, and 117 
full-page and other tcoodcuis, printed on one side ojihj of 
the leaf, cf soldiers, civil costume, portraits, architecture, 
etc., all signi d and doted (1570-83 V oul calf {title repaired) 
sm. folio. Havhh'n-.i. Bey Michael Bering, Im lahr, 


Cihiation : — 114 leaves 

261 LrciFEE. Ain gios-er Preis3 so der Fiirst der hellen genant 

Lucifer yetzt den gaystUchen als Bapst Bischoff Cardinel 

vnd der gleychen zti weys^t vnd empeiit, -c, iTerjnan 

30tl)tr Irttrr, 31 long lines xo a page, large woodcut on 

title, half moroeeo, g.e. 

sm, 4to. [s.n., Aioishurg ? 2Iclchior Bamminger, 

c. 1520 
'■■\'~ Not in Proctor 

CcIL-ztion : — a in 6, last blank, unnumbered 


'2Q-2 LuDOLPHUs DE Saxonia. Vita Chbisti, semi-^otl)u Itttrr, 
double columns of 55 lines, Icm/e and small initials 
p-j-inied red, without vuirks, iieir critshi'il broirn Levant 
morocco extra, cd/jcs 'plain (^parlli/ uncut), irilh c.r lihris 
G. T. llohinson (fine copy) 

thick folio. [_s.l., s.typ., Strassbtirj, '.'H. Eggestein, or 

the Printer of Henr. Ariminensis, fur the Gnrlhusian 

monastery, Mon.s S. Mari:ie^, 1474 

"■■,,'" First edition. The second edition was printed at Coin. 
Hain, "10290. Proctor, 297. In Hain's copy there was 
a further leaf, a Eegister of quires, but most copies are 
without it, including that in the Brit. Mus. 

Collation ; — 394 leaves (the last blank, missing) 

26-3 LuDOLPHus DB Saxonia. [Leven Jhesu Christi], gotijic 
Irttcr, donble cohnnns of 40 lines, 27 fuU-pafje woodcuts, 
also 130 smaller ones^ mostly filling a lialf-jiaje, all lighfli/ 
coloured, rubricated initials, Idacf mororeu extra, blind 
tooled sides, in 15th Century style, g.e., by liiviere (fine 

sm. folio. Zwolle, Peter van Os, 20 Nov. 1495 

'_,.* Fifth edition, in Dutch. Hain, 10052. Proctor, 9146 

Collation: — 10 unnumbered + ff. cccxlvii (error for 
cccxLv), last a blank (missing) 

264 LuDOLPHus DE S.vxoNiA. [LE^EN Jhesu Christi], gotl)ir 

Ifttrr, double columns of 41 lines, rutn-iraled initials, 
24 full-page woodcuts and 125 smaller ones, printer's 
device [slightly defecticc and supplied from a shorter copij), 
16f/( Century irouden boards, covered ivitli stamped leather 
sm. folio. Antirerp, Henr. Echert, 1503 

Collation : — prel. 8 + ccoxxviii + 1 leaf device. Fol. 77 
is omitted from the numbering 

265 Lupus (Jo.) De libertate ecclesiastica : tractatus loannis 

Lupi . . . . de cOfedera tioe p'ncipu t potetatiO, etc., 
gotf)ic Iftttr, 38 lines to apjage, title within broad ivoodcvt 
liorder, printed in black on a. deep red ground, the high 
lights being left irhite, original binding of wooden boards 
and broirn leather, stamped with figures of S. Michael 
ranqui.sliing evil and the Baptist p)reaching, between each 
figure are a griffin, stag, etc., the whole forming one stamp, 
the stamp is rejieated to fill up the side (rebacki-d), in cloth 


sm. 4to. Strassburg, Joh. Schott, 1511 


9,65— cont. 

*,* The cbiai-osciiro border on title is one of the earliest and 
the first by Wechtlin. This method of colour printing- 
was seldom used, but this printer produced several 
' Collation : 72 leaves, numbered in arabic 

266 Liscixius (Ofchmar) Musurgia sen praxis INIusicae, /'»//-ji)((;/(' 

iroodciit repirsi'iitiiiij Sllvanns and Virdnug, and ahout 
70 -figures of iiislrunwnts, notation, etc., ornanicntat initials, 
vcUnin {title defcclirc and mended) 

oblong sm. 4to. Arqentorati apnd loanneni Scliottum, 

CoJlation : — a-o4 = 56 leaves 

267 LcTHER (Martin) Ain giitte trostliche predig von der wir- 

digen berayttung zii dem hochwirdigen Sacrament, gotl)if 

Irttcr, 34 lines to a paije,tit'e iritliin iroodeiit border, vellum 

sm. 4to. (icdriicli ~-» Angspuiy dnieh Siluanum 

Otmar, iril8 
*.^* FiBST EDITION, and one of the earliest of Luther's works. 
Proctor, 10768 

Collation ; — ab4 (last blank) = 8 leaves, unnumbered 

268 Luther (Martin) De Captivitate Babylonica Ecclesiae, ivnian 

letter, 39 lines, fnll-piiije woodent portrait, attributed to 
Lucas I'ranaeJi, and at end u-oodcut of tiro doijs figliiiiuj, 
calf antique [name on title) 

sm. 4to. [_s.u., Slrassburij, Jolt. Scliott, e. 1520] 
*^* Proctor, 10297 

Coital inn : — a-k4 ^ 40 leaves, unnumbered 

269 LvTHEK (Martin) Ain Sermon von dem neiiwen Testament, 

20tl)ic Ifttcr, •34 lines lo a page, title u-illiin woodcut border, 
half calf 

sm. 4to. [.s',/., Augsburg, S, Otmar], 1520 
*^* Proctor, 10802 

Collation: — a-c'4, d6 (last, ''blank, missing) = 17 leaves, 
unnumbered. d5 is marked d3 

270 LuTHEii (iMartin) Von den guten "Wercken, goH)tf Ifttrr, 

33 lines to a jiage, lille ivitlCui woodcut border, b>/ Hans 
CuvNACH, half 'morocco, ic'ith c.e libris of Loud CKUMainD 
(?1/.S'. noles (in inargins) 

sm. 4to. (let ruck ,.-//. WUlenberg beij dem iungcn 

Melclud'r J.otther, 1520 
*^* Proctor, 11887 


Collation : — a-n4, o6 = 58 leaves, unnumbered (last 
leaf missing). Panzer states that his copy had a out of 
The Crucifixion on 06. This is also wanting in the Brit. 
Mus. copy 

271 LuTHEB (Martin) Djcem Praecepta Vuittenbergensi praedi- 

cata populo, fniuill roman letter, 42 liiieti to a page, title 
purtlii tn red, with woodcut border liaviiuj the Saxon and 
Leipziij arms at foot, fiill-paije iroodcut of Moses on verso, 
and printer's device, boards {some leaves uncut) 

sm. 4to. LipsicB ex Aedibas Vcdentini Schumah, 1521 

Collation : — ab6, c4, de6, f4, g6, h4, 16, k4 = 52 leaves, 

272 [LuTHEB (Martin)] Passional Christi und Antichristi, (jotijir 

Itttfr, title loitJi woodcut border, and 26 full-pafje cuis, by 
Hans Ceaxach, ivrapper 

sm. 4to. [s.7i., Wittcnburfi, J. Illiau, called 
(rriinenberii, 1621 
*.^* PiEST EDITION in German. The authorship has also been 
attributed to Melanchthon 

Collation : — ab4, c6 = 14 leaves, unnumbered 

273 [LuTHEE (Martin)] Passional Christi vnnd Antichristi, 

gotijic letter, ivoodeut border to title and 26 woodcuts, 

crushed crimson morocco extra, g.e., by Trautz-Bauzonnet 

sm. 4to. \_s.n., Erfurt, Matt. Maler], 1521 

*,,* Counterfeit of the above. The title is entirely different, 
and the woodcuts are closely copied 

Collation : — a-c4, d2 = 14 leaves, unnumbered 

274 LuTHBE (Martin) Ain nutzliche Sermon .... von dem 

reich Christi vnnd Herodis, M.D.xxi., gotljic Icttrv, 34 long 
lines to a page (6 leaves), title within fine woodcut border, 
by Wbiditz [s./., Augsb. S. Otmar^, 1521 — Eaidbach 
(Job.) Ain Christnliohe Maynug, gotljic Iftttr (4 leaves), 
title with a border {not by Weiditz) \_s.n. ? Wittenberg, 
c. 1532] — together in 1 vol. hcdf morocco sm. 4to. 

275 LuTHBB (Martin) De Votis Monastiois, roman letter, 33 

lines to a page, title wUhin^ ivoodeut border, by Hans 
Holbein, ornamental initials, sprinkled calf 

sm. 4to. Basle [_? Adam Petri], 1522 
*.* First edition 

Collation : — a-r4 = 68 leaves, unnumbered, the last 


276 Luther (Martinj Bnchlein in aller Widervrarrigkeit, gotljir 
Irttn-, 37 lines to a page, icoodcut title to border, by Haxs 
CsASAca, includinci a representation of a printing ijress, 
half morocco 

sre. ito. Gedruckt tzu IVittembergk diirch Joh. 

l_JRheiu'] Griinenberg. 1522 

Collation : — a-g4 = 23 leaves, unnumbered 

277 LiTHEE (ICarrin) Ordenug eyns gemeynen Kastens, gotljtr 
IrttfC, 34 lines to a page, title icithin border of vine leaf 
and two lions, bg Haxs Craxach, sirrinkled calf {text 
slii'ihtly browned) 

sm. 4:to. [s.Z., Wittenberg. Cranach li Doring^, 1523 

CoUatiion -. — a-d4-= 16 leaves, unnumberei 

27S LuTHEE (Martin) Achfc Sei'mon. D. M. Luthers von jm 
geprediget zii Wittemberg in der fasten, gotljtr Irttrr, 
35 long lines to a page, title within border ascribed to 
Hans Weiditz, half cloth 

sm. 4to. Wiltenherg [? Zwickau, 1 Jorg- GastcV], 1523 

Collation : — A-Dd = 16 leaves, unnumbered 

279 Ll"thee (Martin) Das Eltern die Kinder zii der Ehe nicht 
zwinge noeh hindern, etc, gotljir Iftttr, 35 lines to a jk-'I'IC. 
title icithin one-piece border (4 leava). [s./., ? Erfurt, 
21. dialer], 1524: — Sermon von der Siiode, goti)ic Irttrr, 
34 lines (4 leaves), title within woodcut border [s.?i. 
■? Augsburg, c. 1523] — together in 1 vol. half moro:cv 

sm. 4to. 

2SD LATHEE (Martin) Dat Benedictus (20 Icaies), Wittctihcrij. 
Jo. Bhau, 1525— Der CXXYII Psalm ausgelegt (12 
leaves), Ecutlingen. 1525 — Der Prophet Habacuc aus- 
gelegt (52 leaves), [s./., Wtitenbcr,i, 21. Lotter], 1526 — 
Der CXI Psalm ausgelegt (32 leaver), IVittenberg, Hans 
Weis, 1530— Der LXV Psalm gepredigt (34 leaves), 
Wittenberg, Jo Bhaw, 1534— Auslegung uber das Lied 
Mose (30 leaves). Wittenberg. Jo Bhaw, 1532— Das XV 
cap. der 1 Ep. an die Corinther gepredigt (142 leave-<), 
Wittenberg, J. Elug, 1534—7 vols in 1, black moroxo. 
with the Sutherland Arins 07i sides 

» * 

All in gothic letter, and each with a woodcut title 


281 Luther (Martinj Der Prophet Jona ausgelegt, gotljtt Itttfv, 
title in tablet above large woodcut by Hans Cbanach, 
boards {slightly stained) 

sm. 4to. Gedruckt zu Wittcmbcrii, Michael Lottenis, 

Collation -. — a-l4, m2 = 46 leaves, unnumbered 

282 LuTHEB (Martin) Von heimlichen und gestolen Brieffen, 
etc., gotljtc Ictttr, 33 lines to a page, title within woodcut 
border attributed to Lemberger, sprinkled calf {slighlhj 

sm. 4to. Wittenberg, Hans Ltifft, 1529 

Collation : — a-d4, e2, f4 = 22 leaves, unnumbered 

283 Luther (Martin) Ein Christlich vnd vast wolgegriindet 
beweysung von dem liingsten tag, etc., gotijtc Itttcr, 34 

lines to a page, icoodcut on title, half bound 

sm. 4to. [s.7i.., ? Strassburg, c. 1530] 

Collation : — a-d4 = 16 leaves, unnumbered 

284 LuTHEB (Martin) Ein Sendbrieff von dolmetschen und 

fiirbitte der Heiligen, gotl)ic Icttcc, 31 lilies to a page, with 
woodcut border to tlie title by Hans Cbanach, half 

sm. 4to. Gedruckt zu Wittemberg durch Georgen 

Bhaw, 1530 
Collation : — a-d4 = 16 leaves, last blank 

285 Luther (Martin) Von den Schliisseln, gotlji'c Itttn-, 32 lines 

to a page, fiest edition, title within woodcut border by 
Lemberger, woodcut initials, sprinkled calf [stamp of 
Boy. Lib., Berlin, back of title) 

sm. 4to. Wittemberg, H. Lufft, 1530 

Collation : — a-k4 = 40 leaves, unnumbered 

286 Luther (Martin) De Diidesche Catechismus, small gotljic 

letter, 30 lines to a page, title in red and black within 
woodcut border, and woodcuts (tuants 8 leaves), Wittemb., 
G. Bhaii), 1531 — Gretzingee (B.) Heubtartikel und 
fiirnemste stiick unsus Christenthums, etc., gotljir letter, 
title luithin border by Hans Cranaoh, Wittemb., J. Klug 
[c. 1535] — 2 vols, in 1, red morocco extra, g.e., by Pratt 
(old woodcut pasted inside cover) 



237 Luther (Martin) Von der Winckelmesse vnd Pfaffen 
Weyhe, gotljtc Irttrr, title icith ivoodcut border (56 lea res, 
unnumbered), Wittenb., Nickel Svhirlentz, 1534 — Zwo 
predigt vom Zorn, gotijtc Irttci', title within woodcut border 
{by Lembenjcr) (21 leaves, unnumbered), Wittenb., Jos. 
Kltig, 1536 — together in 1 vol. bhick pigskin 

sm. 4to. 

288 Luther (Martin) Zwo predigb vom Zorn, goUjic Itttrf, with 

woodcut border (as above), boards 

sm. 4to. Wittenberg, Jos. Klug, 1536 

*,/ Second issue, with variations in the printing 

Collation : — a-d4, e2, f4 = 22 leaves 

289 Luther (Martin) Bin einfeltige weise zu beten, fur einen 

guten freund — Dietrich (Y.) Einfeltiger vnterricht, wie 
man das Vater unser beten sol ... . Leipzig — Luther 
(M.) Der Spruch Christi Matthei am xx Capitel — 
Brbntz (Joh.) Der trostliche spruch — Jacobi (L.) Bin 
Christlicher lieblicher trostbrieff wie — bound in the same 
voltime and printed at the same press with the same tijpe 
and borders to each page, original white leather with blind 
scroll design covering each side, gold tooled edges, in cloth 
case, luith date 1554 

12mo. Leipzig, V. Bapst, 1549-51 

290 Luther (Martin) : Melanchthon (Ph.) Historia de Vita 

D. Martini Lutheri, Wittenb., 1549— Luther (M.) Aliquot 
Bpistolae, s.l. et impr., 1549 — De Eebus Adiaphoris 
Epistola Concionatorum Hamburgensium ad D. Ph. 
Melanthonem, etc., s.n. [1549] — Propositiones de digni- 
tate Magistratus, et causis conseruandi Imperia, Stettin, 
Fr. Schlosser [c. 1540] — Christlick bedenoken der Buan- 
gelischen Theologen vnd gelarten tho Wittenberg vp dat 
Interim, (jotljtc Irttrr, portrait, Wittenb., 1549 — Bugen- 
hagen (Job.) Van der jetzigen Kriegsrustung, gotljir 
Irttrr, cuts, Wittenb., 1546— Dietrich (Veit) Bin kurtze 
vnd schiine trostsohrifft, fiir die, so vntor dem Creutz 
ligen, Numb., 1548— etc., in 1 vol., vellum {from C. 
Butler's Collection) 


291 Mandeville (Sir John) Itinerarius domini Ioh.\nis de 

Madeville militis, ptljir Irttrr, double columns of 30 
lines, title in 3 lines of large gothic letter, old half calf 
(Ashburnham copy) 

sm. 4to. [s.n., Strassburg, printer of the 1483 Vitas 

Patrum, c. 1486] 

Face p. 79 




*10643. Proctor, 433. Proctor remarks that "this press 
appears to be intimately connected with that of Griin- 
inger." Portion of top margin of a2 cut away 

Collation : — [a]-i8 (last blank) = 72 leaves, un- 

292 Mandevillb (Sir John) [Itineeaeius in GeemanJ F. 2 : 

[F. 1 blank] Ich Otto von Diemeringen ein Thiimherre 
zii Metz in Lothoringen. han dises biich verwandelt vss 
welschs vnd vss latin zii tutsch durch das die tiitschen 
liite ouch mogent dar inne lesen von menigen wunder- 
lichen sachen die dor inne geschribe sind, etc., (jotf)tc 
letter, 42 lines to a full i:iage, 148 remarkable woodcuts, 
all with contemporary colouring, old yellow morocco {few 
marginal MS. notes) 

sm. folio. [s.7i., Basle, Bern. Bichel, c. 1481] 

*,^* Peobably the first edition, ceetainly the second. 
The cuts are quite different from Sorg's edition of 1481 
(Augsburg), usually considered the first, so it is possible 
both editions were produced at the same time from 
independent MSS. Not in Hain or Proctor 

Collation ; — There are no signatures, but the following 
may be considered the collation : — abIO, c8, d8-1-1, e~g8, 
Hi6, k-m10 = 103 leaves. g7, l8 & 9 are missing. a1 is 
blank, d is a quire of 8 with one leaf added in the centre 

[See Illusteation] 

293 Maecellus (Petrus), Sylv. Girellus, et H. Kellner. De 

Vita, Moribus et Eebus Gestis Omnium Ducum Vene- 
torum, italic letter, tvith 83 figures of the doges Jioldijuj 
their coats-of-arv%s, and 20 cuts of tombs {lost Amman), 
old vellum ivith turned doiun fore-edge 

12mo. Impressiim Francofurti Ad Moenum, apud 
Paulum Beffeler, inpensis Sig. Feyerahent, 1573 

Collation: — prel. 8 + 218, wrongly numbered + 1, 
unnumbered = 224 leaves 

294 Maegaeita Davitica. Fol. 1, verso : H Eegistrum exposi- 

tionum libri psalmorum. regalis p'phete Dauid p' . . . . 
Hieronimu : Augustinu : ac Cassiodorum : p'fessores ad 
sensum, etc., gotljtc letter, 34 lines to a page, with large 
initial, with ornament extending the length of the page, 
and smaller woodcut initials, half morocco 

sm. folio, [s.n., Augsburg, G. Zainer, c. 1476] 



^* FmsT EDITION. Hain, *10764. Proctor, 1582. At end 
of the present -work are 18 leaves of another in the same 
type, i.e. the " De animae quantitate '' of S. Augustine. 
(Hain, *8589) 

295 Maetin (Corneille) Les Genealogies, et Anciennes Descentes, 

des Forestiers et Comtes de Flandre, avec brieves Descrip- 
tions de leurs Vies, etc., italic letter, engraved title, 
dedication, map of Flanders, 2 coats-of-arms, and en- 
graved full-length figures of the Counts of Flanders, with 
their arms, by Pieter de Coster (known as Balthazar), 
half morocco 

sm. folio. En Anvers, Imprimez par Andre Bax, et 
exposes en rente par Pierre Baltazar Peinctre 

Collation: — a-q4 = 64 leaves 

296 Maximus Ttrius. Maximi Tyrii Philosophi Platonici 

Sermones e Graeca in Latinam Linguam versi Cosmo 
Paccio interprete, roman letter, woodcut border to title, by 
Ambrose Holbein (signed), two other woodcut borders by 
the same and Hans Holbein, ornamental head pieces and 
i?iitials, half russia (William Morris's copy), corners of 
viany leaves repaired 

sm. folio. Basle, J. Froben, 1519 

*5^* Second edition in Latin 

Collation: — a4, b-p6 = 88 leaves 

297 [Meditatien des lijdens Jhesu Christi] Fol. 1 : verso : 

Ic sal horen wat die he god in mi spreke sal Salich is die 
ziel de de he in hair spreke hoort, etc., goti)tc Irttrr, 20 
lines to a full page, with 7 large woodcuts and 15 smaller 
ones, painted initials, calf gilt, g.e. 

12mo. Schoonhovcn, canons of the monastery of S. 

Michael in den Hem., 1504 

Collation : — prel. 8, a-dB, e4, f-i8, k4, l-o8, p4 = 116 

298 Messahalah. De Scientia Motus Orbis, roman letter, title 

with large woodcut of an astronomer with compasses and 
globe, attributed to Dijrer, as also arc the 24 other cuts of 
diagrams in the text, cloth 

sm. 4lo. Nilrnberg, Joh. Weissenberger, 1504 

Collation :— ab8, c4, d6 (laE>t blank, missing) 


2!)9 Methodius (S.) Revolationes, qoll)H latcv, '^7 Icmj luus lo 
a jKKjr, u'ooili-iU nn liUr and 60 i-nrioiiti nil,:; in llic Iv.ii 
(inclvdinij it. feiu ri'/n'iiLs), linlf nilf (nil mi, ■mH. rrrso, 
.■ilii/lil/i/ dujiijuri'il) 

Bill. 'Ito. Finil IhihUi'i' jiir Mirhadiuii, Fiirler . 


Colliilinn: aH, 1)4, c6, d4, eG, f4, gC, lit, i8, M, 16, 
ni8 = 68 leaves, unnumberod 

•iOO M I SM/\ LE BENEDICTINUM (Bamiiergbnse). /''. 1. [hliuil.: 
Ii'iif I /''. 2 : J )ominica p'ma aduenl' dni : Ad te leuaui aiaui 
mea. de' meus Ito cofido, lunji'. golljir (fttcr, douhlr coliuims 
of 32 Hni's, PRINTED ON VELLUM, in ml mul hliirh, 

OlillClh'IXION ON A SOLID QOLI) DACKOHOUND, 2 /lll.l/r.s, 
initli Jiiii: iUiliiiinnlcil Ijonlrrs uml iniiiul liilrrs in i/olil 
mill ntluiii-K, ullirr rniliiiU juivnleil ml or hi lie, mini if 
ilciinationii, nriijinul inuuli'ii bnarila lernriri'iL irilh piir/ilr 
miinirrii (fine COI'Y) 

thick folio. Hiiinhcnj .Ink,. Sfn.\eiisrhiiiid, 31 .liilij 

FmsT EDITION OF THE Benedk'tine Missal, and tiih 
FiiiST BOOK liY this i'KINTBh AT Bamheiki. Only seven 
other books frotrj this press are known. :' Hain, 11267. 
Proctor, 7H2. 

The book should, according to the Brit. Mus. Catalogue, 
comni(!nce with four leaves, containing the Calendar, etc., 
but these Icavos were evidently never bound up witli this 
copy, which commences with a blank. The illumination of 
the Crucifixion aiipoais in somo copies as a woodcut painted 
over ; in this copy it is entirely by hand. The volume has 
plaited leather knobs on the fore-edge for the purpose of 
Index. The various examples of music are supplied by hand. 
The fly-leaves are from an earher MS. Missal on vellum 

Colliilion: — 258 leaves. A few MS. signatures 
[See Illustration] 

301 MisSALB Pataviensb. Siij. al : Incipit liber missalis s'm 
chorum Patauiensem. Dnica prima in aduentu dlii 
Oflicium, gotljif letter, ilmibli' culiiiiin^i of 41 lines (^C'anmi 
24 lini'.'i), in riul ami lilacl,-, irith 2 livnjr fiiU-juuji' iroudcKU 
I'BINTBD in COLOURS, .'si'i'end iniodcnl initials prinlcd in 
ml, ivilh irliilr foliaijc on a hliivk ground, and jirinlri's 
dcvici: in 'ml and hlark, old half yigsL-ui (rrri/ sliijlitly 
ii'oniicd, iiiiinjiii of last leaf rv pit irvd); Ashiu'knham cori 
sill, folio. Aiiij.ilinri/, P!. lutldolt, 21 Jan , 1494 



301— con t. 

' " Second edition of the Passau Missal. HaiD, •■11349. 
Not in Proctor. Eemarkable as an early example of 
colour-printiDg. In the second (Crucifixion) woodcut 
slight details are added by hand 
Collation :— prel. 12 + cclxi 

302 [Modelbuch]. Ein nev Furmbiichlein, title in four lines vf 

large gothic letter, then 32 pages of needlework imttcrns, 
boards sm. 4to. Is.n., ? Atujshirg, c. WiS] 

""■,,'" No OTHER COPY KNOWN. The usual method of transferring 
the patterns to the material was by pin-pricks. This will 
explain the scarcity of these needlework books. The 
present book has one design so pricked out 
Collation : — 18 leaves, unnumbered 

303 Modelbuch. Title : 1529 Ein new getruckt model Btichli 

auff auss nehen, vnnd bortten wircken ynn der laden, 
vnnd lanngenn gestell. Ganntz gerecht nach abteilung 
der feden tzal, title in 10 lines of gothic letter, then 45 
jMges of needlework and lace patterns, boards 

sm. 4to. \_s.l. et. typ. n. '.'Augsburg'], 1529 

■",,, No OTHER copy known 

Collation : — a-f4 = 24 leaves, unnumbered 

304 Modelbuch. Schon newes Modelbuch, title ivithin ivoodcut 

border, ivith scene of a ivorkroom with embroidery frames, 
etc. (coloured), and 33 p)ages of lace patterns, tchite on 
black, half morocco, t.'c.g. 

oblong 4to. Frankfurt a. 21., S. Lafomus, 1617 

305 Modus poenitesdi et confitendi. Libellus de modo 

confitendi et penitendi, goti^tr Itttrr of three siscs, tvoodcnt 
of Confession on title, red morocco extra, g.c. (with the 
Syston Paek ex libris) 

sm. 4to. Antwerp, Ger. Lceu, 28 Jan. 1485 
*,j* First edition with date. Hain, 11494. Proctor, 9355 
Collation: — a-c8, dl = 28 leaves 

306 Modus Confitendi. Title : Peniteas cito. a2 : Libellus de 

modo confitendi z penitendi, gotljir Uttrr of three sizes, 
42 lines to c^ page of the smaller type, title of one line with 
icoodcut below, and full-page pi inlcr's device on last leaf, 
rubricated, bevelled wooden boards and brown morocco, 
blind tooled (icith ex libris of G. van Havre) 

sm. 4to. Coin, J. Koclhoff, 20 Dec., 1489 
First dated edition published in Germany. Not in 
Hain, Proctor or Pollard 

CdU-ition : — a-c6, d4 =^ 22 leaves, unnumbered 


•'iDY iMoLITOllIS (Ulficll) De I,\MIIS ET I'HITONICIK [.Sir;] WUr.JEEI- 

iU!S Tei:tonj(:b vniioi.den vel iiEXEN, gotl)tf letter, 
34-35 hiica /() (( /iiiijc, icUli 7 looodciil^, jjiircluiwiiJ. 

sm. 4to. [.v.//., Ui'iillhinjfii, Jdh. Oliiinr, c. 14H9] 

^,,.* PROiniii.v THE EiKHT EDITION. Hain, * 1 1 .03(;. Proctor, 
720, Siijipt. -I, p. 11. A curious book dealing with witch- 
craft, and a popular hook of the li'jth century 

Colliitiou-.— ahS, ciK; (last Ijlank, missing) = 27 leaves, 
unnumbered, hi marked cl 

308 MoLiTOius (Ulrioh) Tractatus per vtilis de phitonicis mulieri- 

bus, gotl)ic {tltrr, 35 Ilhck lo .(- jiinji', ivumli'iil, of loiiches 
rii'i'iiiui ir .shinii, on. lillc, on rcrso iinollnr rid, of ,i. ileuil 
viii.bniclnii (I. wilcli; aho 6 other ciiU (2 ir/iciil.s), jjninlt'il 
ni.'jjitiils, jiiirchiiit'iil {wilh I'.r libriti o/Bahon DE Wakeno- 
HiEN iiikI Ri:\'. W. Sni;vd) 

8111. 4to. [.s.//., '.' liofilc, 1,1. (Ir AmcvhdcU or M. I'lCrlcr, 

V. 1490] 
^' An i'NJiE('(utDED EDITION, no edition being registered 
with the title similar to this 

( 'olhtlioib : — a-c6, d4 = 22 leaves, unnumbered 

309 MoLiTOKJS (Ulrich) De Lamiis et phitonicis mulieribus ad 

Sigismundu archiducem austrie tractatus pulcherrimus, 
gotljtr letter, jminl/'il inil uil!i,iu()(jilcul on litli:,iin(l GoUirrn, 
(jrrrn morori-ii c.rlrii., ionic insidi' ijohl lionlrrs, ij.r., in cii.y. 
(PINE ('()l"i), .sl'i'jlilli/ worini'il 

sm. 4to. \_n.n., ('i)hl, Corn, de Zicriksrc, r. 1495?] 

* ,^* PkOHAHL'i' 'I'HE first of the five EDITIONS liY THIS 

PRINTER, all undated and only one signed. Not in Hain, 
Proctor or Copinger 

C.oUtit.ion: — Aii(), (^l, dG 'J2 leaves, unmimbered. r.l 
is marked ciii 

310 MoLiTORis (Ulrich) De lanijs x phitonicis mulieribus ad. . . . 

Sigismundum archiducem austrie tractatus pulcherrimus, 
gotf)if letter, 34 lines to nyaijc, irooilciil of wilclii-.'i iiiisinij 
II. hIoiiii. on lillc, nnil 6 olhcr rill.s, voloiircil cinbosscil piqicr 


sm. 4to. [.s.//., Coin, Corn, of Zicril:.:cc, r. 1498] 

*,* Probably the second of the five editions by this press. 
Not in Hain or Proctor 

Col III lion ■. — mid, c4, d6 = 22 leaves 

V 2 



311 MoLiToms (Ulrich) De lanijs et phitonicis mulieribus, etc., 

gotijif Iftttr, 34 lines to a page, title tvith same woodcut of 
witches, and 7 other cuts, hoards {the Ashbdrnham copy) 
sm. 4to. [_s.n., Coin, Corn, of Zieiil:-ee, c. 1499] 
^* Probably the third of this printer's editioDS, distinguished 
from the second by the added ornaments to title. Not in 
Hain. Proctor, 1499 

Collation :— asG, c4, d6 = 22 leaves 

312 MoLiTOEis (Ulrich) De lanijs et pbitoicis mulieribus, etc., 

gotJ)tt Ifttcv, 34 lines to a page, "Witch" title, and 7 wood- 
cuts as before, calf gilt {large copy) 

sm. 4to. Impressum Colonie apitd conuentam 

pdicatora In de stolckgasse Per me Corneliil 

de Zyrtchzee, \_c. 1500] 

*^* The fifth edition by this printer, and probably the last 

ever published. It is also the only edition signed by the 

printer. Not in Hain. Proctor, 1505 

Collation : — ab6, c4, d6 = 22 leaves 

313 MOEB (Sir Thomas) Epigrammata, Basileae, apud lo. Fro- 

benium, 1518 — Epigrammata Des Brasmi Eoterodami, 

ibid., 1518 — both titles within woodcut borders, 2 vol. 

broivn caJf, gilt 

sm. 4to. Basle, J. Froben, March, 1518 

Collation :— pp. 166-356 (pp. 1-164 is Froben's edition 
of the Utopia) ; see next lot 

314 MoEE (Sir Thomas) De Optimo Eeip. Statu, deque noua 

insula Vtopia, libellus uere aureus, .... Thomae Mori . . . 
Epigrammata .... etc., roman letter and greek, 26 lines 
to a page, title luithin xvoodcut border, by Holbein, tlie 
second title {Epigrams) is within a border, by Ubs Geap, 
the third {Epigrammata Des Erasmi) is within a border, 
also by Holbein; also 2 woodcuts by Ambbose Holbein, 
caJf gilt {with ex libris of James S. Bubra) 

sm. 4to. Basle, Jo. Froben, Nov.-Dec. 1618 
*j,* The fourth edition of the Utopia, but the second 
WITH the Epigrams 

Collation : — 180 leaves, paged erroneously 356 

315 More (Sir Thomas) Lucubrationes, ab innumeris mendis 

repurgatse. Utopiae libri II. Progymnasmata. Epigram- 
mata, etc., italic letter, with a painted miniature 
PORTRAIT OF More on vellum, inserted as a frontis- 
piece, old vellum {with ex libris of Mabquis d'Adda) 

12mo. Basil, apud Episcopium F. [_Bischoff"\, 1563 


*^* -The fine miniature of More, in gold and brilliant colours, 
represents him in hat, fur-trimmed robes, and gold chain 
■with Tudor rose 

Collation : — 16 11., unnumbered + pp. 530 + 23 11., un- 
numbered (1 leaf is wanting, probably blank) 

316 MuRMELLirs (Jo.) loannis Murmellii Euremundensis Nuclei, 
gotljic Itttcr, 37 li7ies to a page, tvith cut of a female Saint 
on title, ani on last leaf a large cut of Caritas shooting 
airoivs into the ivound in Christ's side, red morocco, g.e., 
by Trautz-Bau-onnet [title sliijlitly defective) 

sm'. 4to. Impressum Dauentrie in off. litteratoria 

Alherti Pafraet, 1514 

Collation : — a6, bc4, d6, ep4 = 21 leaves, unnumbered 

End of Second Dai/'s Sale 

Third Day's Sale. 

AT ONE o'clock pbecisely. 

317 Xeandee (Job.) Tabacologia : hcc est TabacUeu X'lcotianae 
descriptio Medico-Cbeii-m-gicc-Pharmaceutica vel Ejus 
prfeparatio efc nsus in omnibus ferme corporis bumani 
incomodis, roman letter, front, of engraved portrait of the 
author, cnn,.tved title, 3 j^^atcs of pipes and T'ersian 
hookahs, hij Blon, 3 plates of the Plant, and 8 plates of its 
preparation, calf e.vtra, g.e. {pom the ITabqcis d'Adda 

sm. ito. Liigd. Bat., ex of. Israaci Elzevir!. 1626 

3 IS Niger (Franc.) Gnimatica P. Francisci nigri A. veneti 

sacerdotis oratoris facudissimi : cum metrica arte 

eiusdem, etc.. gotljir Irtttv, H lines to a page, printer's 

device ut an angel holding tiro shields, half morocco gilt, 


sm. 4to. Basle. Jac. [TT'o/rr] de Pforzheim. 1500 

*.^* Hain, *11860. Proctor, 7710 

Collation : — 211 unnumbered + iii-xciiii + 9, unnum- 
bered (last leaf, "? blank, missing) = 103 leaves 

319 XiTzscHEwiTz (Hebm.^xx) XorrM Beate Maeie YiEGi> 
P>,VETEEiUM DE DrLCi^siMio nouB legis mirabilib' dini 
amo] is refertis nouit' ad tci jterito^ jfectu, gotijtf Irttrr, 
40 lines to a full page, title-page with 2 lines of type and 
large iroodeiit {in facsimile and without the woodcut on 
verso), 2 leaves icith coloured lioral borders'and initials, 
2 full-page cuts {one a repeat of the title-page). 165 smaller 
cuts eaeli ivith wide p)ictorial border on two sides, modern 
blind tooled morocco, 16ih Century style (l.\ege copy, icith 
some uncut leaves) , 

sm. Ito. Zinna, press of the Cistercian 2Ionastery 

[c. 149i"] 


FBOM THIS PBi>>. in the Cistercian Monastery at Zinna, 
between Potsdam and Wittemberg. Hain, *11S91. 
Proctor, 3-2'2e 

Collation : — .\-i^?, elO; .a-fS[g omitted in all copies', hs. 
[ ]i, hhS, ikS, l6 = 116 leaves. a1 in facsimile (titlei 

rSni: Jllu-.tkation] 


Face p. 86 


320 X()Vi<)MV(ius (*'ei'-J Historia ]>aUvioa, cum Appendice de 

Vetustissima Nobilitate, Eegihus, ac Gestis (lermanorum, 

italic li'llrr, 34 Ihu'^ l<i a jiaiii', ciil o//. title, caiili'iiijioraii/ 
liiiij) vi'.lliim {jilujlitly sliini/'d) 

sm. 4fco. A nifiildidli., (ijnid (Jhiisl. Eiii'iidljihniii., 

Jan. 1530 
,.* Skconmi lOLinioN. The vellum of the cover is a document, 
dated 1432, and refers to b'loronce 

(hjlliilion. : — A^Cii (lust blank) = 'AH leaves 

321 NuBEMiiEiii:. Retormacion der Stat Nuremberg, (li'nium 

Cjotbtc Ifttcr, 36 lo7wj Imrs Id a^ jKi'ili'-, al had: of iillc /.s a 

fall-jHiijc rid allrihiilcd lo DiJBKii, and dniaiiiciilal iriMidciit 

iiiiliah, bmii-ii iiidntccd, liliiul liidlinij, fj.r., bj/ llidv-Nirdrrc 

sm. folio. Naiinljcrij . . . diiirh fin liiu-ijcr Fnd. 

Pidjrus, 15ji'J 
*„, ' Panzer notes two editions of 1522 ; this is the second 

Collatuiii : — AA-cc, aa-ee, a-z, a-l6, m4 = 256 leaves 

322 Officium Bi:\t,io M viuas ViRcixis, Pii V. Pont jMax. iussu 

editum, rdiinin Icllei; in rrd and lilacd.-, 22 fuJI-jiin/f 
cngnioinijH besides luil-pircrs, cdlllnirjxiyary red nidrocrd 
extra, holders dffvliaije, iiediiiP, etc., irilh irreulh uf olive 
branches tn ceiilres, g.e. {''by Chovis Eve) 

4to. Aiilrerpiii', I'lr Off. I'lantiniuiia, apiid loiiiineiii 

Moreliiiii, 1600 
i'ltllalion: — 18 unnumbered leaves + pp. 772 

323 OjtvTio Oratorfi Francisci Regis Gallorum I'rinoipibus 

Electoiibus. Piancoi'ordiam ('■ confluentia missa Die 

xviii Mens. Junij Anno M.D.XIK., roiiian leller, lilla in 

red, irithin line iroodcnl border by Wkiditz, half inoroeeo 

sm 4to. Aiujsbuni, S. ( l-riin <(' M. Wirsiinij, IQ June, 

*^.* Proctor, 10905 

Collalion : — a in (J, unnumbered 

324 Ortelius (Abraham) Tbeatrum < )rbis 'I'errarum Opus nunc 

denuo ab ipso Auctore recognitum multisquc locis casli- 
gatum, & ijuamplurimis nouis Tabulis at(iuc Commentarijs 
auctum, roinaii leller, eiujrared title (inanjined), jiorlniil 
of the aiillior, and 134 double -paije viaps, all coloured, 
vellum (title and few blares stained) 

folio. Anlrerjiiee, In Of/ieinii I'lanlininnii, 1591-2 
» I'ourth edition in Latin. On a3 verso are 1 old signatures 
of the hne of Nassau 

Collat'ton ;-ad6 + 103 maps + n 1 + 26 maps + A-r6, 
<iH (last probably blank, but missing) = 327 leaves 

325 Gill- (Hieron.) Icones Catecheseos Chi-istianae, Item 

Yii-mtum Ac Yitiorum . . a Hieronymo Osio Tyrigeta. 

italic letter, with nearly 50 cuts by various hondi. half 


12mo. Vitebergc? Excud. IcJuvmes Crato, 1569 

CvUation : — a-gS = 56 11, unnumbered, c 5 [marked b5} 

326 Otto von PAiSAV. [Die vierundzwanzig Alten], gort)tr 

Itttrr, 35 long lines to a i^age, without siguattuoi. with 2 
fuU-icige cuts {in facsimile) and 7 coloured, smaller ones. 
?iumerous outline initials, old calf, with the ex libris 
Bateman of Middleton Hall [sliglitly icormed) 

sm. folio. Hie endet sich da: biich gennant die 
vierun-d zwcinc:ig alten. Gedruckt nnd vollendet 
in der keiserlichen stat Aioiiiinrg vo Ant. Sorgen. 



Hain, *12129. Proctor. 1691 

Collation : — prel. 5 + ff. cxcvi + 2. unnumbered = 203 

327 Otto von Passau. [Die vierundzwanzig AltenJ, F. 5 : 

•y Diss biich ist genant die vier vnd zwentzig alten, oder 
der guldin tron gesetzet von briider Otten von passowe 
etwan lessmeister der mindern briider barfiisser closters 
der stat Basel mit vil schoner berichtunge {in yc'I), gotijtf 
Ifttfi, 40 long lines to a page, without signatures, with 2i 
coloured woo'dciits, including repeats, and with coloured 
boxler and large initial to Fo. 5, dark blue morocco, rough 
g.c. (partly uncut), one or two leaves rcjiaii-ed (FIne corr) 
sm. folio. IStrassburg^, Martin Sdioit, 6 Xov. liSo 
* ,* Fiftli edition, but third with date. Third book by this 
printer. Mot in Hain or Proctor 

Collation : — 154 leaves — the first is a blank 

32S Otto von Passau. Die vier und zwenzig alten, gotljir 
Irttfr, double columns of il lines, title in 2 lines of large 
gothic letter cut on icood above a large woodcut repre- 
senting S. John before the Almighty and the 24 elders : 
also 2 other large cuts [repeated over and over again), 
ornamental initials, red morocco gilt, gilt gau/fred edge-' 
(text slightly browned) 

sm. folio. Getria'kt vnd volendet durch Johannem 
Enoblouch :-ii Stra^sbiirg. 18 Feb. loOS 
' Proctor, 10060 

Collation : — aS. b-e6 = 104 leaves, unnumbered 


329 Paltz (Jdh. von) Das buchlein wirt genant die hymelisch 
Puntgrub gemacht und regulierfc nach Hielendischer 
Sprache, gotl)ic Ifttfr, 3-i linvs to a page, cut on vcrno of 
title of Virgin and Child, printer's dcricc on last leaf 

sm. 4to. \^s.n., Leipzig, iMaitin Landsherg, e. 1492] 

■^* Probably the first edition in German. Hain, 9420. 
Proctor, 2972 

Collation: — .\8, b-d6 (last ? blank, missing) = 25 
leaves, unnumbered 

330 Pambst (Paul) Loosjbiich, zii ehren der Eomischen, 

Vngerischen vnnd Bohemischen Kiinigin, gotijic Irtttr, 

double columns of 40 lines, with arms on title of Anne, 
Queen of Ferdinand I., 115 square cuts m the text, cuts 
of various combinations of dice ; also 2 full-page cuts 
with revolcing discs, many of the cuts are after Holbein, 
others possibly by Beham, half calf 

sm. folio. Getruckt zil Strnsshurg bey Bulthassar 

Beck; 1546 
Collation : — Title + pp. 144 

331 Pajiphilus. [De Aiioee.J 

Fol. 1 : Querimonia pamphili 

Vvlneror z clausu porto sb' pecto'e tetu 
Orescit et assidue plaga dolorq3 m 
Et ferietis adhuc E. aud'o dic'e noai 
Nee finit aspcus plaga vid'e suos . 

gotljtf Itttcv, 27 lines to a page, without murks, hroun 
morocco extra, g.e., by Hague 

sm. 4to. \_s.n., Coin, Fruiter of Dares or Printer of 

Dictys, c. 1470-4] 
*,,* Not in Hain. Proctor, 987 

Collation: — 16 leaves, unnumbered 

332 Pamphilus. [De Amoeb.J al ; Pamphilus poeta de amore 

incipit feliciter, etc., goti)t: Icttfr, 27 lines to a page, citron 
morocco, blind tooled, g.e., by Hardy 

sm. 4to. [.S.H., s'Heertogcnbosch, Gerard Lccmpt, 

c. 1484 
* .* An unrecobded edition. Bound in the same volume 
is another poetical piece, " Epistola Cuiusdam puellae 
Eomanae" (? Venice, c. 1490-1510) 

Collation :— ab8 = 16 leaves (Pamphilus only) 


333 I'ATEECTLrs (P. Yelleius) Historia Romana, roman Jeftcr, 

39 liiii'.^ to a page, title irithin woodcut border by AMi;hOM^ 
Holbein, two other inn/es with woodcut I>orders, Froben's 
device, etc., half veUum {slightly .^itaiiicd) 

sm folio. In Aedihus loanni.'t Frobenii mense 

Xor. ir)20 
*,^.'^ First edition 

Collatio)i :— 6 leaves, unnumbered + pp. 70 + 7 leaves, 

334 [Pateexosteb] Hoe Cbristus ons leerb bidden. Den 

Vaderonse. Die XII articulen des geloofs, efi die X 
geboden, goti)ic Irttfr, iroodcut title, large cut on last leaf 
of the Infant Christ, and 30 smaller cuts in te.vt, red 
iiioioecK extra, g.e., by Hiirdy 

l'2mo. Gcdnict tot Leyden bi my Ian :\hrthijszoon 

. . . cnde men salse te coope riiidcn 

Hendrijc Aelbert:i>on, etc. [1;V48] 

Collation : — a~o8 = i-k leaves, bo marked a5 in error 

335 [Peleein (Jean)] Yon der Kunst Perspectiva, iroodeut 

title-page with geometrical figui'es, and irilh Albrecht 
(llockendon's name in type, and 37 leaves of n-oodcuts of 
vieics, etc. {no te.ii), inserted as a fly-leaf is an engraved 
portvait of " (ieorg Lilocl-endan, iluminist, nat. 1492 
ohit. 1553," boards, cuvered leith a vellum leaf fiom a 
XV. Century 31S. service book [title repaired) 

sm. folio, [.s./., Xihiiberg} Alb. Glockendon, 1540 
*jj*' Fifth edition, but second published in Germany 
Collation : — 38 leaves, without marks 

336 Peteabca (Franc.) De Historia Griseldis mulieris maxime 

costantie et patiC'tie. In preconium omnifi laudabilium 
mulieru, gotl)if Ifttrr, '27 lines to a page, painted initials, 
licdf calf (AsHBUENHAM COPY; ivith e.v libi-is B.F.O.) 

sm. 4to. [s.n.. Coin. U. Zcll, c. 1470] 
* J * Petrarch's Latin translation of Boccaccio's tale of Patient 

Collation : — [a] in 12 leaves, without marks 

337 Pi EFFEEKDiix (Joh.) Speculum adhortationis ludaice ad 

Christu. ['(-; SI) of Title : Libellas hie compositus est per 
lohanue cognometo pefferkorn ; qui ex iudaismo . . . 
couersus est, etc., small gotijic Icttrr, double columns of 
49 lines, irith nearly full-page emblematical woodcut o/' 
the Crncifi.vion, half calf 

sm. 4to. Colonic IMaiiin of Wcrden'] p' loaintem. 
]iefl\rl<orii olim ludei'i nuc Christianu, 1508 


*^* Probably the second edition, and possibly a privately 
printed book. The author advocates that i£ Jews were 
deprived of their books their stubbornness and obstinacy 
would be removed 

Colhdioii. — vnS, cG = 22 leaves, unnumbered 
333 PFixr/.ixii (^Ielchior) Die geuermchiuten vxu eixs 


Tewrdaxxtkhs, Gennan g;otl)ic letter, 24 liiifs to a puijr. 
title in four lines of larcjc ijotliic letter, i-ei'sn t)htnl\ with 
118 vemarl-iit}le icoodeuts hij Leoxhard Beck, Hans 
Schaueeleix, BuiicKJiAiK, Weiditz ami others, original 
irooilen iHuirds and pigskin, shiniped udth tioi-tleis en)i- 
taining figures ef infants, heads of the Itefarmcrs. arms 
of the Empire, the Pedettinate, Bavaria, ete., with 
2 elasjis (fixe copy) 

folio. Xiirnlierg, Joh. Schviispei-ger [1 2Iar. 1517] 

*jg* Firm' editiox. The only book printed by Schi.msperger 
at Niirnberg. The poem celebrates the exploits and 
heroic feats of the Emperor ^Maximilian, and may be 
regarded as a privately printed book. No copies were 
circulated until some time after the emperor's death, 
the whole stock of copies being stored in six chests at 
Augsburg until 1526. Copies of the work with the cuts 
uncoloured are of the utmost rarity. Proctor, 11180 

CoUatio)i : — 290 leaves, unnumbered. r5 is a blank 

339 Ppintzixc; (Melchior) Die geueiiicheiten vnd eins tells der 
geschichten des lobliche streitbaren vnd hochberumbten 
helds vnd Eitters Tewrdannckhs, (Terman gotl)if Icttrr, 
24 lines to k 2)age. 18th L'ent. mottled ealf(u-itlt ex libris 
of jMarquis d'Adda and Amadets SrA.XEE) 

folio. Augsburg, Joh. Schiinsiierger, 1519 

*^* Secoxd editiox, printed at Augsburg with the same 
type and woodcuts as used for the first edition at 

Collation : — As 1st edition 

310 I'lCUs ]\liRAXDrLiE [Jo.) Eplstolae, romin letter, 36 lines 
to a paije, woodcut on title, boards 

sm. Ito. [•«./., Anttrerp, Thierry Martens], 

28 Xov. 1509 
Collation -.—aG, bl, c8, dl-, eS, fl (last blank) = 31 


341 PixDEE (Ulrich) Der beschlossene Garten des Bosenkranzes 

Mariae, gotfjir Irttrr, double columns of 53 lines, title of 

2 li)ies of large gothic letter^ on verso a full-page cut in 

3 compart incuts, other fuU-iujgc cuts and a large number of 
smaller cuts, attributed to Duber, Hans von Kulmbach, 
Baldung, Schaupeleix, etc. original binding of ivooclen 
hoards and piiisl-in, luith ornamental roll borders, clasps 

thick folio. Xiirnberg [prin ter for the Sodalitas Celtica, 

' ?Fc;/pus2, 9 Oct. 1605 

,,.'•■; The FiES't BOOK with woodcuts by Schaufelein. 
Proctor, 11030. 

Collation : — Books 1-5: 1 unnumbered + ff. cccij + 

1 blank. Books 6-11: 1 unnumbered + ff. ccxcvii + Table 

2 11. 

[See Illustration] 

342 PiNDEE (Ulrich) Speculum passionis donini nostri Ihesu 

christi, etc., roman letter, double columns, icith numerous 
tine {manji full-page) woodcuts, incliiding 32 62/ Hans 
Schaufelein (tiuo ivith his signature), old sheep (name 
and MS. note on title) 

sm. folio. Xiirnberg [printer for the Sodalitas Celtica, 

■!Peijpus'], ^0 Aug. 1507 


CUTS WITH Schaufelein's SIGNATURE. The Same cuts 
were used in the second edition (1519) by F. Peypus for 
Georg Glockendon 

Collation : — A-06, i'y4 (last blank, missing) = 93 leaves 
[See Illustration] 

343 PiECKHEiJiER (Wilibald) Theatrum Virtutis >.^- Honoris; Oder 
Tugend Biichlin: Auss otlichen fiirtreflfiiohen Griechischen 
vnd Lateinischen Scribenten ins Teutsch gebracht, etc., 
(icnnan goti)if Icttrr, f>hhng portrait of the author, by 
DiJRER, his aj-ms by Heinrich Ullrich, an emblematical 
plate (by Duker), and long folding plate of" The Triumphal 
Cat " (reduced from the original by Diirer), original vellum 
witli ties.(i), enclosed in cloth case 

thick 12mo. (icdrucld in Xiirmberg bey Paul 

Kauffmann, 1603 

Bound up with this is " Auss/.ug dern Embleraatum vnnd 
Schulgaben,"with engraved plates of medals, Frankf. a. M 


Face p. 92 

Pars tctch 



344 [Plenarium. Evangelia et Epistolae, in German] Fol. 1 : 

H In dem namen des herren ame. Hie vaoliet sich an 
ein plenari nach ordenung der lieilige cristelichen kirchen 
Iri dem man hat epistel vnd ewangeli als die gesungen 
vnd gelesen werden in dem ampt der heiligen mess3, in 
massen hernacl:i volget, etc., hold gotI)ir Ifttcr, 34 lines to 
a page, 49 woodcuts (54 iriih repeats) iUustrnttiig the Life 
of Christ, all with contemporary colourimi, mid orjiamentnl 
initials, viodern pigskin, g.e. (fine copy) 

sm. folio. \_s.l. et ti/p., Aiiiishunj, (ianther Zaiiier], 

*,,""■ Second edition. Not in Hain or Proctor. Wanting tlie 

Collation:— [¥}cont.] H- j -clvi [error for civii] and 

345 Plbnabiusi. A Set op the Woodcuts, 49 in number, taken 

from the first (?) edition, coloured, cut close cuid Jdnged hi 
a ito volume, brown morocco extra, g.e. 

\_s.n., Augsburg, G. Zaiiier, c. 1473-4] 
■''.,,.'' Thiere is one cut missing (as compared with the 1474 
edition), viz. No. 25, the Transfiguration, and there are no 
duplicates as in the complete book 

346 [Plenarium] Dat boek des hylligen Evvangelij Profecien 

vii Epistelen ouer dat ghantze yaer myt der Glosen vnde 
Bxempelen, gotljic Uttcf, double columns of 49 lines, 
numerous woodcuts, 18th Cent, calf gilt, luith crowns and 
Tudor rose on hack [from the library o/ William Morris) 
sm. folio. Steffani Andes iniconer vnde borgher der 

stad Liibeck, 1506 
Collation : — a-o, a-y, aa-dd6 (last leaf blank) = 228 

347 Plenarium oder Bwangelij buch : Summer vnd Winter tey], 

durch dz gantz iar in eine ieden Sontag, von der zeyt, vfi 
vo den Heilige, German goti^t'c httn; double columns of 
48 lines, title in red and black gothic letter tuithin a border 
with Ues Gbaf's monogram, tuith full-page cut of the 
Crucifixion on verso, 5 large cuts by Schaupelein, also 
52 smaller ones by him, another small set by Ubs Geaf, 
ornamental icoodcuts, etc., original tcooden hoards and 
stamped pigskin 

folio. Basle, Adam Petri, 24 Mar. 1514 

'■•■,,"■ The first op A. Petri's four editions 

Collation : — prel. 8, a-z, a-y6, z8 = 286 leaves 


348 Plutaechus. Ex Plutarcho versa per Des. Brasmum Eotero- 

damum recognita per eundera, ex collatioe Grsecoru uolu- 
minu, etc., romaii letter, 36 lines to (A pcuje, title within a, 
Holbein border, 2 otlicr leaves vntli borders, ornamental 
initicds {some by Holb^i's), and printer' s device, half vellum 
sm. 4to. Basle, J. Froben, 1520 
. ■■■■ Erasmus's name is carefully lined through every time. 
MS. marginal notes 

Collation : — a-x4 = 84 leaves, numbered 

349 roGGio (Giov. Franc.) O-gevOj, roman letter, 49 lines to a page, 

title in red and black, with full-page cut representing the 
assassination of Amasa by Joab, signed hi/ Ubs Geap, 
several interesting initials, 18th Cent. French red morocco, 
in the style of Derome, g.c., luith initicd B at tail (.John 
Mitfoed's copy) 

sm. folio. Strassburg, J. Schott for J. Knoblouch, 

1 Sept. 1513 
Collation : — 186 leaves, numbered 

350 PoGGio (Giov. Franc) Facetiae, scmi-Qotl)u Irttrr, 33 long lines 

to a page, at commencement a fine illuminated initial in 
gold and colours vitli extensions down the margin to the 
foot of the page, other initials painted red or blue, calf 
gilt, ivith the arms of Marquis d'Adda on sides 

sm. folio, [sji., Xiirnberg, A. Koberger, c. 1472] 

- Early edition. Hain, 13183. Proctor, 1975 

Collation:— 4:8 leaves, without marks (the first and 
last two are blanks, the latter missing) 

351 PoGGio (Giov. Franc). Facetiae, semi-^otijic Itttn, 30 lines 

to a page, illuminated initial, calf gilt (Hebbr copy) 

sm. foho. [.S.Z., Xiirnberg^, F. Creussncr, 1475 
■ Hain, 13188. Not in Proctor or Pollard 

Collation :— 68 leaves, the first blank, without marks 

352 PoGGio (Giov. Franc.) Facetie poggij, gotljir letter, 33 Unci to 

a page, the title is i<nc line if large gothic type, the vena 
blank, old calf, with ai morial rx lib) is uf Eichaed de 
EuFFEY {ivritmg on title and few fore edges stained) 

sm. 4to. Impssus Basilcc p. X. K[eslcr], 14 Mar., 

.. „ . 1188 

■■'.■ Ham, 13195. Proctor, 7666 

Collatwn :- a-g8, hi6 (last blank, m'ssing) = 67 1. aves 


353 PoNTUS uxD SiDOxiA. Yoa Adelischen Mannlichen Tugen- 

ten, Erbarkeyt, vnnd Zucht, Eitter Pontus. Ein Ebiim- 
reich, Zierlich, vnnd Fruchtbare Histori, etc., C];oti)ic Iclttv, 

5'2 hues ill (I page, iitlc nhoce n lanjc iri>o:lciit hij Schal'fe- 
LEiN and over 40 othfr cuts bij hun, Weiditz and others 
(manji front the Thcuerdanl;),' erun\on morocco c.rti'it, g.e., 
icitli the arms of Bakom Seillieee on sides (pine copy) 
sm. folio. Isd., Augsburg '.' H. Slciner, 1548] 
Collation : — *4, a-i6, k8 = 66 leaves 

354 PosTHius (Job.). Tefcrasfcicha in Ovidii Metamor. Lib. XV. 

quibus access. Yergilij Solis figure elegantiss. .'c iam 
primum in lucem editse, italic and gotljtc Irttrr, 178 cuts 
by V. Solis, calf extra, g.e., hi/ Simici-, witJi, c.v lihris 

12mo. [^Fi-an.kfurt-a-21., (r. Bab, S. Fei/erabent, etc., 

■-■,.'- FiEST EDITION and fine impressions of the woodcuts. 
According to Brunet the imprint should be on aQ, but is 
missing in this copy 

Collation: — a-z, aS = 192 leaves, last missing 

355 PsALTERiuM Latino-Gee:manicum. Psalterium cum appar- 

atu vulgari familiariter appresso. Lateinisch psalter mit 
dem teiitschen niitzlichen dabey gedruckt, gotijtc Ittttr of 
two si.ces, ill red and black, 27 and 45 lines to a page, 
coloured historutcd initieds, printer's device in red and 
black, original wooden boards and brown leather, stamped 
icitli branches and leaves, one clasp, in cloth case [slightlij 
ii-ormcd and few marcjins repaired) 

sm. 4to. Gcdr ticket c.;u Atigsptirg von minister 
Erhartc Batdolt, 1499 
" ■ Fourth edition, the second by Eatdolt. Hain, ''ISSll. 
Proctor, 1914 

Collatioit : —14 unnumbered + ff. ex + 2 unnumbered. 
The second and last leaves are blanks, wanting the former 

356 Psalterium. Psalteriu summi fuditoris et Bgregii cytharedi 

Dauidis p'phete excelletissimi filij lesse, etc., gotijic Icttrr, 

32 lony lines to a pcagc, wide tvoodcut border to title, 
representing King David kneeling ivilh a harp (by Hans 
Ceanach), lightly coloured, and 7 large and beautiful 
tvoodcut initials (coloured), icith copious Ms. notes and a 
gloss interlinear and marginal by a former owner in a 
minute hand, crushed morocco e.rtra. g.e. on the rough 

sm. folio. Leipzig, Melehior Lofter, 1518 
Collation : — ff. liii] + 1 leaf, unnumbered + 1 blank 
= 56 leaves 


3-37 Ptolemaeus (Claudius) Geographie opus nouissima tra- 
ductione e Grecorum archetypis castigatissime pressum : 
ceteris ante lucubratorum multo prestantius, cum Supple- 
mentum, roman and greek f'jpe, 2 and 3 columns, 47 
u-oodcut maps, original Italian binding of luooden hoards 
and hrou-n leather, with arabesque rolls in blind forniimj 
panels, the centre of eacli being in gold, with arms of a 
Cardinal in blind within a gold wreath {the arms are 
repeated in red on title), i)i cloth case 

large folio. Strassburg, J. Schott, 12 Mar., 1513 
•'■■,,'"• Probably tbe first Strassburg edition. The map of 
Lorraine is in three colours, and is probably the first map 
to be so printed. The map of Switzerland is also said to 
be the earliest of that country. On the map ' Tabula 
Terre Nove ' is printed " Hec terra C2wi adiacentiW insulis 
inuenta est per Columhii ianuensem ex mandato Begis 
C as telle ' 

Collation ;— [a]2, b-l6, h6, n6 + 27 maps (26 double, 
1 single) + Title + 20 maps (19 double, 1 single), a6, b4, 
c6 = 181 leaves 

35S Ptolemaeus (Claudius) Geographia, another issue of the 
same date, with the maps coloured, IQih-lTth Cent. 
French calf, gold lines and rich gold corners, loith arms 
of Du Prat, xvith coronet and cross, within a centre block 
of gold irreatlis 

large folio. Strassburg, J. Schott, 12 Mar., 1513 
■ "■ This issue of the same date as the abore differs in several 
respects, some sheets being reprinted and one substitution 
made, i.e. a new map of Switzerland 
Collation : — As above 

359 [Ptolemaeus.] Introductio in Ptolomei Cosmographiam 

cum longitudinibus & lalitudinibus regionum & ciuitatum 
celebriorum, roman letter, 42 lines to a page, 2 cuts of 
astronomical instruments, the first one luith figure of 
Ptolemy, half vellum [with ex libris of the Marquis 
D Adda), Ictst few leaves tuormed 

sm. 4to. Impressum Cracouiae per Hier. Vietorem, 

Collation : — a-c4, d6, e4, fg6, h-k4 = 46 leaves 

360 Eabanus Maueus. De Laudib' sancte Crucis opus. 

erudicione versu prosaq3 mirificum, roman letter, in black 
and red, title in gothic witli large initial M, with 2 u-ood- 
cuts {besides the cuts enclosed with text), painted initials, 
calf extra, g e. 

small folio. Phorclieim in aedibiis Thome Anslielmi, 

Martio niensc. 1503 


''*,,''■ A curious and remarkable book. Opposite eacli page ot 
verse the text is repeated without any break between the 
words and presents to the eye a mass of single letters, the 
page also contains woodcut figures printed over tlio 
letters. This migli!i be considered as a late instance ot a 
block-book, as some of these curious pages are entirely 
cut (with the figures) on blocks in imitation of type 

Culldl i-dii : — 10 unnumbered + lix + 1 unnumbered 
+ XI 11 1 + 1 unnumbered 

361 Eeoimen Sanitatis. Disj ist das Eegiment der gesuntheyt 

durch all monat des gantzen iars wie man sich halten sol 
mit essen vn trincken. vnd auch von lassen, etc., (Icnniin 
gotljtc Icttti", 31 iiiti'H in a jkhjc, vdodciii (III. title of 
ti. (ri'i'ijoi'i/ mill tiro srhootlioi/ti, half iiiorocro 

sm. 4to. IiiiiirvHsmn Auijioitc prr Inluiiiiineii [-s*''] 

Fmschaiirr, 1502 
*^* Not in Proctor 

(Uilliitiim. :— a6, hi (last leaf, '.' blank, missing) = 9 leaves 

362 Eeoimhn S.vnitatis. Dis ist ein Eegiment der gesuntheyt 

durch alle Monadt des gantzen lares, wie man sich halte 
sol mit essen, etc., (lennmi gotljir Ictlfr, 23 liiifn to n. juiije, 
cut on title of II' (Jiieeii' in n. both aitendeil by two vieii, 
liiitf moroero {timl teuf meiiileil iiiiil sl'oihtlii wonneil } 

sm. 4to. Iiiijiressiiiii Anieiitiiic per Miitllimiii, lliipfiiff, 

*^* Not in Proctor 

Col lilt ion : - ab6 (last leaf, '.' blank, missing) 

363 Eegiomonte (Job. de) De triangulis : Cusani's (N.) De 

quadratura circuH; roiinni let lei; lonij ■ liiieH, itiniieroiis 
iliiii/roiii.s, rriisjir'l ihirk ijreeii iiiororeo e.rtri.i, ij.e. (with 
iliitoiinipli of AriDUOVANDl (eiiiiiieiit iiiiluriiloil) mi title) 

sm. folio, Niiniberij, Joh. Petri; 1533 

Collation :— a-.j4, 146; ab6, c4, d-11 = 236 leaves 

364 Ebichenthal (Ulrioh von) Das Conciliumbuch gescheben 

zu Konstanz, gotljic letter, loiuj lines niul ilmible eiiliiiiiiis, 
35-36 lines to o /niije, with 39 iiiost inleresi imj filll-piiiie 
iroDileiits, eon Is-of -anus {.some eoloui ed), ele., ivnoileii bonrih 
eorereil leith brown lenther, embossed and enijnired nielul 
earners, with elnsp Jitliniis, in elntli ease {sold not suhjeet 

to return) 

folio. Aiiiisbiirij, A. Sorij, 2 Sept. 1483 

364:— cont. 

■" ■' FiBST EDITION. This copy, as all others known, com- 
mences with fol. 2. Fol. 1 may have been a blank. 
Hain's copy had a title, but it was in MS. This copy 
wants fols. 1, 70, 231, 245-8; half of 12, and in one or 
two cases coats-of-arms have been cut out. Hain, "5610. 
Proctor, 1690. 

[See Illustration] 

365 Eeisch (Gregorius) Margarita Philosophica cu additionibus 
nouis : ab auotore suo studiosissima reuisione quarto 
super additis Anno domini M.D.XVII., gotf)t'c letter, 

title ivithin a border, 11 full-page luoodcuts, and numerous 
smaller ones, viusic, and printer's device, green morocco 
extra, g.c., by Lloyd 

sm. 4to. Basle, M. Furter, 5 Mar. 1517 

*,t'* Probably the 8th edition of the first modern encyclopaedia 
to appear in print. Does not contain the map, nor the 
2 diagrams relating to music, which are found in some 

Collation : — a-d8, ei, f-z, a-o8 = 292 leaves, unnum- 

366 [Bembeandt] Six (Jan) Medea. Treurspel. Twede Druk ; 

roman letter, folding frontisp)iece, etched by Eembeandt, 
un,signed, and without lettering {Marriage of Jason and 
Crcusa), crimson morocco extra, g.c., by Thibaron 

sm. 4to. Te Amsterdam, By Jacob Lescailje, 1680 
*^* Bartsch, 112 

Collation : — a-g4 (last leaf blank, missing) 

367 [Eembeandt] Herckmans (Elia) Der Zee-vaert lof Han- 

delende vande gedenckwaerdighste Zee vaerden met de 
daeranklevende op en onderganghen der Voornaemste 
Heerschappijen der gantscher Wereld, half-title of 4 lines 
and engraved title, with 18 engravings, the one on p. 97 is 
by Eembeandt, his signature (indistinct) is on the gmiwcde 
of the boat, vellum 

sm. folio. t'Amstelrcdam, Ghcdruckt voor J. Bidersz 
Wachtcr, By Ian Fred. Stam in de Hoi ''. 1634 

*»* The name of Columbus occurs on page 167, and that of 
Vespucci on page 161 

Collation :— 10 11, unnumbered + pp. 235 -i- 4 leaves, 

gen erwic&itgct vnb bcgRbct mit Cccpffcl 


Face p. 98 


368 [Eetza (Fbanciscus de) Defensoeium Vieginitatis 

Maeiae], sc?;w-gotijtt Icttfr, 32 lines to a paije, with over 
50 woodcuts, loithout marJxs, rubricated, green morocco 
extra, ej e., by Trautz-Jlniizoniiet, with ex tibris of J. Gomez 
DE LA Cobtixa a?id H. Huth (fine copy) 

sm. 4to. [s.ii., Sjjeicr, (f. Uciiser7 de Sjnra ivith 

Joh. Bccl-enhab ? c. 1479] 
*■,* FiEST TYPOGEAPHicAL EDITION and first in both Latin 
and German, and preceded only by two block-books. 
Hain, *6085. Not in Proctor. The woodcuts in this 
edition differ in shape and size from those in the Basle 
edition, q.v. 

Collation :— 30 leaves (the first blank) 

369 [Eetza (Pranciscus de) Defensorium Virginitatis Mariae], 

5e??u'-gotljic Ittttr, 31 lines to a, page, without marls, tvood- 
cuts (as above), old half calf (with ex libris G. Kloss) 

sm. 4to. [s.w., Speier, Joh. et Conrad Hist, c. 1483] 

*^* Second edition. Hain, *6084. Proctor, 2406 

CcjUalion : — 30 leaves, first blank. Wanting the blank 
a2 and d6. Shghtly wormed 

370 [Eetza (Franciscus de)] Defensoriu inuiolate perpetueq3 

virginitatis. castissime dei ganetricis Marie, gotljtr Itttcr, 

tuith over 50 woodcuts, green morocco extra, g.e , by 
C. Smith, fine copy (with ex libris E. G. Hibbeet) 

sm. 4to. [s.»., Basic, Leonh. Eisenlvut, c. 1490] 

*.^* Third edition. Hain, *6086. Proctor, 7717 (Brit. 
Mus. copy lacks title) 

Collation : — a-c8, d6 = 30 leaves, unnumbered 

371 Eeusnee (Nic.) Summorum Eegum, sive Imperatorum, 

Assyriorum, Persarum, Graecorum, Eomanorum, Byzan- 
tinorum, Germanicorum, libri septom, italic letter, border 
to title and wcjodeut portrait of the author, brown leather 
luitli Slink stamped panel on each side, on recto is a 
painted portrait of Augustus, Duke of Saxony, and on 
the verso his coat-of-arms, both coloured by the original 
binder, on the recto arc the initials H.A.P.S. and date 
1579, edges are gilt, gauffred and painted, in cloth case 
(though slightly repaired, in fine peeseevation) 

12mo. Augustse Vindeliconnn Excud. Michael 

Manger, 1578 
Collation : — a8-y4, z8, a4-f8 (8 and 4 alternately 
throughout), last leaf blank, missing 

G 2 


372 Eeusnek (Nio.) Icones sive Imagines Yirorum Literis Illus- 

trium, italic letter, title with printei's dcviee and coat-of- 
anns on rerso, irith 100 iroodeiit jiortraits by T. Stimmee, 
each paijc with narrow border, crushed ijreen. morocco 
extra, ij.e., by Lloyd {with er Ubri^ of Maequis d'Adda) 
sm. 8vo. Curante Bernhardo lobino . . . 

Anjeniorati, 1590 
*,,* Bound up with this is the same author's "Januarius, 
sive Fastorum Sacrorum et Historicorum liber primus," 
by the same printer, 1531 

373 Eeusnek (Nic.) Bmblematum liber singularis. Thobiae 

Stimmeri Iconibus Affabre Bffietis exornatus, italic and 
gotijtf Iftttr, 172 woodcuts of emblems, within borders, 
origined vellum 

12mo. Arijentorati apud. Bern. lobinmn, 1591 

*^* First edition with Stimmer's cuts 

Collation : — prel. 8, a-nB, o6 = 118 leaves 

374 EiEDEEEE (Friedrich) Spiegel der waren Ehetoric us3 

M. Tulio 0. vnd andern getutscht : mit Irn glidern cliiger 
reden sandbriefen, vnd formen. menicher contract, 
seltzam. EeguHerts Tiifcschs vnd nutzbar exempliert, 
mit fiigen vff gottlich vnd keiserlioh schrifft vnd rechte 
gegrundt, etc., Gennan gotl)k Ictttv, 43 lines to a iMije, 
the title-page is a hloch of 10 lines of gotJtic letter flanked 
by tiro angels, and printer s device {repeated on last leaf), 
witli full page woodcut on rero'se ; also one other lialf- 
page woodcni, dark blue crushed Levant morocco extra, 
ij.e., by Lloyd (fine copy) 

sm. folio. Freiberg im Breisgau, Friedr. Biedorcr, 

11 Dec, 1493 
*^* FiEST Edition, the second being probably that of 
Mainz, 1508. The first book by this printer. Hain, 
13914. Proctor, 3216 

Collation :— ff. clxxx + 8 11. unnumbered = 188 leaves. 
[See Illusteation] 

375 EiTius (Michael) De Eegibus Francorum, Hispaniae, etc., 

title within- vxiodcui border by Holbein and large initials 
by the same, nigcr morocco 

sm. 4to. Basileae, apiid loaunem Frohcniuui. Mcnse 

Julio, 1517 


* Probably the second complete edition 

Collation : — 90 leaves (84 numbered + 6 unnumbered) 

?? Ketones 


Face J). 100 

^\.#^w '^3^^Vr' if'^^^v if 




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Face p. 101 



376 RoPERicrs [Sanchez] Episc. Zamorensis. Spiegel des 

jrENSOHLiCHEN Lehens. Fo. 1 : Dises Inichlin geoannt 
d' Spiegel des menschliehen lebens. von dem hochwirdigen 
Eodorico von hj'spania b5'scboffen Zamorensi gemachet, 
etc., cj;otI)tf Ifttn-, 36 Uiirx to n jHnje, with fine fuU-patie 
woodcut {tincohmrcd) of the gciicaloiji/ of' the House of 
Httpxtiuiii, coiitainiiiij 52 Jtalf-lcngtJi fignrex, also 54 
coloured u'oodcuts aud oi lunnental initials, ciiuisoii 
morocco e.rtra, g.e. (fine lorv) 

sm. folio, [s.n.. Augsburg, G. Zainer, c. 1476] 

■^^* FiKST EDITION IN Geeiian and first with woodcuts. 
Hain, *13948. Proctor, l.")84. With large armorial 
ex libris '■ Bibliothecio Electoralis Monacensis, ' stamp of 
the Eoyal Library, MuniL'h, and Didot's book-label 

Collation. : — 174 leaves (10 unnumbered + ff. 1-clxiiii) 

[Sr.E Illcstk.vtionJ 

377 EoDLER (Hier.) Eyu schon niitzlieh biichlin vnd vnder- 

weisung der kunst des Messens, etc., (Jerman cjotiiu' 
Irttfr, 37 lines to a full puije. title di red. irith large 
woodcut sliou'ing a pai)iter. an embroiderer, and gold- 
smiths at work, 57 woodcuts and diagrams, many being 
i}iteriors of houses, and jiri)iter's device at end, old rcUum 
[corner of title repaired) 

sm. folio. Sinnncin, Bier. Bodler. 1531 

''.^■' One of the earliest ]500ks printed at Shlmern. 
The author states that the work is intended to be a 
shorter and more practical treatise than that of Diirer's 

Collation : — .\-g6, h4 = 46 leaves 

37S EoLEWiNCK (Wernen Fasciculus Temporum, goti)tf kttrr. 
58 to tirst piage {tabic in 3 columnsX large initial illu- 
minated and others painted in red or blue, several large 
woodcuts, including view of Coin, calf gilt, with crest of 
Sir A. Fountaine on back [iin elephant) 

folio. Impre^snm per me ninricil qucntel Ft admissil 
ab alma vniucrsitate Colon icFi. 1479 

*^''" Probably the firsi- book printed by Qventell, in 
any case the first of his \\tth woodcuts. hain, 
6923. Proctor, 1.'40. One or two leaves with repaired 

Co//rt/(o» :— b-flO, ghS, [i]6 = 72 leaves. Xo sig. a 
was provided, bl blank 


379 [EoLEWiNCiK (Werner)] Fasciculus Temporum, goti^if IrttJr, 

iS long lines to a full paije, without marks, 30 curious 
woodcuts, boards 

sm. folio. Bougemont, Heinr. Wirzhurg, 1481 

■ , ■• The only book feinted at Kougbmont, diocese of 
Lausanne, the press being in the Cluniac priory there. 
Hain, 6930. Proctor, 7823 

Collation : — 96 leaves, unsigned and unnumbered 

380 [Rome (Sack of)] Warhaftige vnd kurtze berichfc in der 

Summa, wie es yetzo, im Tausent Piinffhundert vnd 
siben vnd zweintzigsten jar, den. vj tag May, durch 
Eomischer Keyserlicher, vnd Hispanischer Konigklicher 
Maiestet kriegs3uolck, etc., gotl)it \AUx, 36 lines to a 
page, cut on title, parchment 

sm. 4to. \_s.n., ? Wittenb%irg, J. Bhau, c. 1528] 

Collation : — a4, b2, c4 = 10 leaves 

381 [EoME (Sack of)] Wahrhaftige und kurze Bericht, gotijic 

Irttfr, 34 li)ies to a page, woodcut of a battle on title, and 
2 other cuts, half morocco 

sm. 4to. \_s.n., 1 Augsburg, c. 1528] 

Collation : — a-c4 = 12 leaves 

382 [Rome (Back of)] Eyn Sendbrieff so eyner seinem bruder 

von Venedig herauss geschickt bat, darynn begriffen, wie 
es zu Rom newlichen ergangen ist. M.D.xxvij., gotl)ic 
letter, 34 long lines to a page,ivoodcut on title, half morocco 
{stamp of Caelo Maestallbb on title) 

.sm. 4to. [s.n., 7 Erfurt, Maler ; 7 Leipzig, Lotter, 

c. 1528] 
Collation : — a in 4 (last blank) 

383 [RosARius (Simon)] Antithesis Christi et Anti-christi, vide- 

licet Papse, id est, exemplorum, factorum, vitge & doctrinee 
vtriusque,ex aduerso collata comparatio, *^rt/tc and roman. 
letter, 34 woodcuts, calf gilt, uncut, by Petit 

sm. 8vo. [_Gcncva^ upud Eustatlmmi Vignon, 1578 
Collation : — a-i8, k2 = pp. 147 

384 EuBFF (Jacob) De Conceptu et Generatione Hominis : de 

Matrice et eius partibus neo non de conditione Inlantis 

in Utero, et gravidarum cura et officio, libri sex, italic 

letter, woodcut on title, and 74 other cuts {by Jost Amman), 

limp vellum {comers of title repaired) 

sm. 4to. Frankf. aM., G. Coruinum impensis Sig. 

Feyerabendij, 1580 
■"".,,.'" Second edition 

Collation :— a4, b2, a-z, ab4 = 106 leaves 


385 EiixNEE (Georg) [Turnierbuch] Anfang, vrspriig vnd hm-- 
komen des Thurniers inn Teutscher nation. Wieuil 
Thurnier bisj yS. den letstenn zii Womilis : Auch wio 
vnnd an welchen orten die gehalten, vn durch was 
Piirsten, Grauen, Herrn, Eitter vn voin Adel, sie iederzeit 
besiiclit worden sindt, etc., (IcniKin gotiji'c Icttfr, tiro full- 
jiiiiic, ciiiUh-oJ'-(U-iiis, 39 ciiU (if Utnniaiiie.iUn, ilanciiuj anil 
other fr.'iti.rities, 246 hiiuM roa.ts-of-iii'iiis, and jiniiirr'H 
(tr.ricr, 'iroodrii tjoiii-ttn corrred with Ht<iiiijir<t tiuclcsldn, one 
clasp ("(■,/' bibliottuuM Windhaobana " ivritten on title) 

sm. Tolio. Siiiiineni, Titer. Ilodter, 1532 

'■.,.■" Second edition, and by the same printer as the first 

Collation : — a-e6, £8, g-z, Aa-Mm6, Nn8 = 220 leaves, 
numbered. Last leal slightly torn 

386 EiJXNER (Georg) Thurnier Buoli. Von Anfang, Vrsachen, 
vrsprung, vnd herkommen der Thurnier im heyligen 
Eomischen Eeich Teutscher Nation, etc., Gertium gotljtr 
Itttcr, tilla in reA aiul black loith lanje woodcut (^rej)iidred), 
and 112 other icoodeuiH,iiicludinij fohluKj cut of a tonrna- 
'ineid (^ri'pealed), noine by JiisT Amman, and coitta-of-iiims, 
vellnin (jlli, tj.e. (^niitJi Didot's e.c libris), one folduuj eitt 
slifjlitly defectiee 

sm. folio, (letritekt su b'ranekfnrt a. l\f., be;/ G. lliiben, 
in- veide<ian-(i Sii/. l''ei/ral)cndK luid Simon Iliilers, 

■'"■„,'■ Thibd edition, with new cuts throughout 

387 Sachs (Hans) Disputatio zwischen eynem Chorherren v)id 
Schuchmacher, darinn das wort Gottis, vnd ein reoht 
Ghristlioh wesen verlochten wirt, gotijic Utter, 35 long 
linen to <!■ pioje, woodcut on title, brown- morocco extra,, ij.e., 
bji Lloijil 

sm. 4to. (ledrnckt tzn- J'ii/hoibiinik dnrch Nicolaum 

'M'ldenLur [c. 1524] 
Colliilion : — a-c4 (last blank) 

388 Sachs (Hans) Ursprung des Behemischen Landes, vnd 
Kiinigreychs, (lennan, gotljir Iftttv, 24 li-nrs to a jiaijc, title 
ivitli. jianel of ornoincnt, lialf morocco 

sui. 4to. Ciedriickt zii. Niircmbenj, dnrcli Geonj 

Mcrcket, 1553 

G-ollaUon :— ab4 = 8 leaves. b2 marked iiiij 


389 Sachs (Hans) Klagredt der waren Preiindtschalft, vber das 
volck Christlicher landt, welches si fliichtig verlassen 
mtiss, Gmncm gotljif Irttrr, 25 lines to a paijc, woodcuts on 
titles (2), half morocco 

sm. 4to. Gedruclxt zu Xiiremhcnj, dureh Gcorg 

Merchel \_c. 1553] 
Collation : — AB-i = 8 leaves 

390 [Saints] Vita sancte Adelhaydis, gotijtc Ifttff, 32 lutes to a 
paijc, title of one line of text and laiyc woodcut of the 
Saint, f/recit tiiorocco extra 

sm. 4to. Iinpressuin in Durlach \_Nic Eeibs or 

Kcinbons, c. 1512] 

■".,,."' This press was the first established at Durlach, a town 
near Carlsruhe. Proctor, 11964 

Collation : — 4 leaves 

391 [Saints] [Legende von Sant Anna] Title : Dys3 ist eyn 
seltzeme vn giite legede von sant Annan vnd von jrem 
gantze geslecht welche sant Anna gebore hatt die mutter 
gottes die jugfrowe Maria : Title -. Dis3e ist eyn fure 
redde jn das leben der heiligen bischoff Eiicharij Uale rij 
vnd Materni die do disje tiit3lant zii de criste glaube 
habe bekort, gotljit Irttfr, in 2 parts, with separate titles, 
loooelcuts, brown morocco extra, g.e., bij Lloyd 

sm. 4to. (ictrucld vff Griineel- [Strassbwy, B. Kistler, 

*., * FiEST Gebman edition. Not in Hain or Proctor. 

Collation :— a8-h4 (8 and 4 alternately), i6 ; a4, b6 = 
64 leaves 

392 [Saints] Petrus ( Frater, Ord S. Joannis Hierus.) Hec est 
noua quedaj. singular, atquj rara legenda. ex alijo sex 
legedis collecta et perfecta. tractans de origine. et vite. 
ordine. de conuersione .... sancte Katherine, 2otl)ic 
Irttt)-, double columns of 34 lines, woodcut on title, and 16 
others in the text, urnamental initials, calf red edges 

sn;. 4to. Impressa^ per . ... Jo. Grunvigcr ciuo. 

argeni'inen, 1500 
*, -' FiEST Latin edition. Hain, *12850. Proctor, 492 

Collation^ :— a4, b-k6 = 58 leaves 


393 [Saints] Passio sive Hysteria X. milium Martyrum, gotljic 

IttUr, 33 lines to a ficuje, double, u'oodctit on title, repre- 
senting Aeheititis and Eliades, an/l on last leeif a woodcut 
of the Crucifixion., olive morocco extra, by Lortic 

sm. 4to. \_s.n.. Coin, H. Bunujart, c. 1500-5] 

*^; Not in Hain. Proctor, 1475 

Collation :— 4 leaves, unnumbered 

394 [Saints] [Legenda S. Dympnao] : Legeda see dympne 

virginis et martyris filie regis hybernie Inoipit feliciter, 
gntijic letter, 31 long lines to a full -page, woodcut on title, 
another on verso, small ornainental initials, red morocco, 
uncut, by Hayday (Ashbuenhaxi copy) 

sm. 4to. Infrcssum Tmtwepic per me Go. Hue., 1496 

*** The only edition. Hain, 6523. Proctor, 9435 

Collation : — 6 leaves, unnumbered 

395 [Saints] Berken (Job.) Vita sanctoru Geruasij ct Prothasij 

cii.sermone et translatioe Ad oppidum Brisach quorum 
ossa ibidem habentur, g;otl)tc Ifttcr, 36 lines to a pcuje, title 
above a iroodcut and coat-of-arms, rjrnamental 'Uiitials, 
sprinlded calf, g.e., by F. Bedford (a few headlines shaved) 
sm. 4to. Imprcssum Argetine p' .Toll. Gruniger \_sic'] 

*^* Proctor, 9896 

Collation -. — ab6 = 12 leaves, unnumbered 

396 [Saints] [Bonstetten (Alb. von.)] Incipit passio sancti 

Meynrhadi martyris et beremite, gotf)tc Iftttr, 36 lines to 
a page, 21 ivoodcuts, including that on title, li)np vellum 
sm. 4to. Basle, M. Furter, 20 Sept. 1496 


poetical colophon by S. Brant. Hain, *12453. Proctor, 

Collation : — ad, b8 = 14 leaves 

397 [Saints] [Passio S. Ursulas] Title -. Passio siue Historia 

XI. milium Virginum, goti)ic Iftttr, 38 lines to a page, large 
cut on title of S. Ursula, with hook, standing by a tree with 
two arrows, the emblems of her martyrdom, device at end, 
olive morocco extra, g.e., by ChinvJioUc-Duru 

sm. 4to. \_s.n., Coin, ? J. Koclhoff, c. 1502] 

Collation -. — a-g4 = 28 leaves 


398 _; [Saints] [Passio S. Ursulas] Title : Passio siue Historia. 

XI. miliu v'ginu, gotl^tc Iftttr, 33 lojig lines to a page, 
woodcut on title of the martyrdom of the Saint, loith view 
of Coin, another cut of the Saint withi^i borders, 2 initials 
in gohl and red, others -painted red or blue, dark red 
jnorocco, with Grolieresqtie strapworh in black outlined 
with gold on sides, with " lo. Grolierii et Amicorum" on 
end side [bound by Hagui} 

sm. 4to. [_Gdln, Hermann Bumgart, c. 1503-11] 

*jif* This copy has 2 extra leaves (1 blank) at end, with 
woodcut coat-of-arms with text above, saying that the 
book was printed to the order of Eaymund Peraudi, or 
P^rault, cardinal, for distribution, and on verso is the 
Pope's authority. Hain, *12457. Proctor, 1474 

Collation -. — a4, bc6, de4, f6 [g]2 = 32 leaves 

399 [Saints] [Historia S. Ursulas]. Historia Vndecim Milium 

Virginum breuiori atq3 faciliori mode pulcerrime collecta, 
etc., small gotljtr Ittttr, 48 lines to a, full page, ivoodcut on 
title, crimson morocco extra, g.e., by Niedree 

sm. 4to. Impressa Colonic p' Martinu de Werdena 

[c. 1508-9] 
*^* Not in Hain. Proctor, 10521 

Collation -. — 4 leaves, without marks 

400 [Saints] [Traotatus super Naviculam S. Ursulae], gotljic 

Ifttfi', rubricated, double columns of 38 lines, the first leaf 
is occupied by a full-page ivoodcut of S. Ursula's boat, the 
mast in the form of a crucifix, in the centre of the boat is 
the ccjmmunion table with the Saint and others standing 
round, broicn morocco extra, t.e.g. 

sm. 4to. [s.n., Strassburg, ? Griininger or Eistler, 

c. 1500] 
*^* Fikst and peobably only edition in Latin. Not in 
Hain. Copinger III., 5909 

Cdlla.tion : — a-d4 = 16 leaves 

401 [Saints] [Weiditz (Hans)] Sanctorum et Martyrum 

Christi Icones quaedam artificiosissimas, 86 tvoodcuts (2 
only not by Weiditz), roan binding {tvith ex libris 
W. Bell Scott) 

12mo. Franc. Apud Chr. Egenolphum, 1551 
••',,'"• FiEST edition. The first cut (on title) is interesting as 
being the third and last cut with the artist's signature 
HW on the clothing of the standing figure 
Collation : — a-e8, f4 = 44 leaves 



Face p. 107 


402 Salomon episc. Constantiensis. Glossae ex illustr. collectae 

auctoribus, ruiiuiu loiter, doiildc coluvuis of 55 linc'i, large, 
looodciit initials coloured green, crimson, red and blue, also 
smaller iminied initials, original wooden boards covered 
with v'hite ijigskin, stamped irith figures of Agnus Dei, etc., 
luithfine ivoodcut ex lihris of "Joannes Ecolphus " (bisJiop 
of Augsburg, 1573-5), slightly wormed, but a^ pine copy 
large folio, [s./t., Augsburg, Mouusteri/ of SS. Urich 

£ Afra. c. 1474] 

■".,.""■ PlEST AND PEOBABLY ONLY EDITION. Ham, ■"14134. 

Proctor, 1636 

Collation : — 288 leaves, unnumbered, the first blank. 
With many MS. signatures 

403 Sambucus (Jo.). Bmblemata, cum aliquot Nummis Antiqui 

Operis lo. Sambuci, etc., italic letter, title within borders, 
portrait and 167 cuts, by Anton Silvius and others, vellum 


sm. 8vo. Excud. Christ. Plantinus Ajitverpiae, 1564 
%."" FiEST edition 

Collation : — a-p8 = 120 leaves 

404 Schatzbehaltee (Deb) odeb schbein deb waben beich- 

tijmeb des hbils vnnd ewygeb selig keit genant, 
etc., Cierman goti)tc Ittttr, double coluuins o/ 41 lilies, with 
91 fine anil remarkable full-page woodcuts (with repeats 
96), all coloured, by Mblch.Wohlgemut {Master of Albert 
DiJrer), two large painted initials in gold and colours, 
others painted red or blue, original Niirnberg binding of 
luooden boards covered with leather, stamped, with curved 
branches, enclosing circular stamps of grotesqtie archers, 
borders of roses, etc., lettered on top panel with title, the 
end side has different stamps 

folio. Niirnberg, Ant. Koberger, 8 Nov., 1491 

■".,,■"■ FiEST AND ONLY EDITION. Hain, "14507. Proctor, 2070. 
"Wanting 7 leaves besides the 2 blanks 

Collation : — a-z, ab, ac, ad, ae8, a-z, Aa-Gg6, uhlO 
= 354 leaves (first and last blank). The missing leaves 
are g2 and 7, q3 and 4, ac2, ae4 and 5, and the 2 blanks. 
(5 cuts on these leaves) 

[See IllusteationJ 

405 ScHATZBEHALTER. Anotheb COPY, ivatitiug Sig. a6 and 

first and last blanks, piainted 'initials, wooden boards and 
half pigskin, luiih 2 clasps {slightly icormed and stained) 


406 SoHAUFEi.KiN (Hans Leonhard) Doctrina, Vita et Passio 

Jesns Christi .... arfcificiosissime efligiata, litle in 
Latin and (Icniuin, wiiJi tlie iroodciit mark of Sclk'iiifclcin, 
73 lanji' and Jinc woodcuts mostly signed, all hciiuj by 
ScHAUPELEiN except the fii'st, crimson moiveco c.iirn, ij.e., 
by Tniut.;-Ban::onnct 

sm. Ito. Getruclt zu Franchenfurt, am ^leyn, Bci 

Cliristian Egcnoljf, 1537 


Collation: — a-kI (last blank) = 40 leaves 

407 SoHEDEL (Hartmann) [Nuenheku Cheonicle]. Eegistrum 

huius operis libri cronicarum cu figuris et ymaglbus ab 
inicio mudi, gotljir Irttfv, 64 long lines to a page, .vi/lograpliic 
iille-jiage, there are said to be 645 dijfcrcnt iroodcnts in the 
book plus 1164 rejjeat^, this includes 31 double page cuts, 
chiejii/ by Wohlgemut and Pleydenwukff, initials in 
the Table coloured by hand, old half binding, u-itli arniorial 
stamp on title of Cardinal Alex. d'Bste (tall and 
Fi-N'F. corv) 

large folio. Xiirnberg, Ant. Kohurgcr, 12 July, 1493 

•„."'•' Fiusr edition, witb the ''De Sarmacia regione Europe" 
and the 3 blank leaves 

( 'ollation : — 20 11., unnurabered + tf. ccxfix + 9 leaves, 
unnumbered. There are no signatures 

408 ScHEURL (Chr.) Epistolae, &c. : Pirckheimee (Charitas) 

Epistolae : ronian. letter, title in gothic and ronian, with 
large full-page icoodcut in of S. CJeristopher and the 
Child {rejieatcd at end) half viorocco [slighlli/ u-onucd) 

sm. 4to. Niirnlii'rg, F. Pei/pus, 1515 
( 'ollation : — A-fl = 12 leaves 

409 ScHOEFFEB (Peter). Advertisement of his edition op 

S. HiERONYBii Epistolae, pti)if Uttrr, 46 lo7ig lines, 
1 leaf, crushed Levant morocco extra (from Georgenthal 

Mauu, r. Schoeffer ■\_bef>re Kept.}, 1470 

■■.,,."■ The third coi'y kno\\n. This example was originally 
pasted in as lining of the front cover of the Hieronymus, 
to which it refers (No. 213 in this catalogue). The other 
copies are in the Brit. Mus., and at Munich. It is 
described in the B. M. Cat. as : " An advertisement that 
an edition of the Epistles of S. Jerome from the press of 
Peter Sohoeffer would be completed by the following 
Michaelmas, warning the friendly reader not in the mean- 
time to purchase any inferior edition, i.e., Mentelin's " 


410 Sc'HBENfK (Jac.) Augustissiiuorum Imperatorum Serenissi- 

morum Eegum Atque Archiducum lUustrissimorum 
Principum, necnon Comitum, Baronum, Nobilium 
aliorumq ; clarissimorum virorum . . verissimae 

imagines, & rerum ab ipsis donii, forisq, etc , roman letter, 
title leithin. d iroodeut border, 126 full-lenijtli eiiijrni-inijs 
of emperors, Jcingn, arehdid-es, ele., in full arimwr hij Dom. 
CrsTODis after Pontana {and 1 ertra), original piijskin 
binding, stamped with borders and panels 

folio. Oeniponti E.rcud. loannes Agricola, 1601 
■"',,""' First edition 

Collation ; — 6 prel. + 126 portraits (including repeat) 
+ 1 extra 

411 Septem Sapientks. Pontianus Dicta aut facta septem 

Sapientum, miro quodam artificio in se compleotens ; 
cum parabolis ac similitudinibus, baud spernendis, quo 
lectorem mediocritir eruditum oblectabut, goti)tf letter, 37 

/;/(('.s' to a page, title in 8 lines, icitli full-page cut on verso 
of Pontianus at the death-bed of his wife, their son (the 
hero of the story) in the foreground, and 27 othei- irood- 
euts, erimson inoroeeo, t.e.g. 

sm. 4to. Strassbnrg [? Gruninger or HUpfiiff~\, 1512 
■"'. ■' Not in Brunet or Proctor 

Collation : — a4, b8, cd4, e8, fg4, h6, i4 = 46 leaves, 
not numbered 

412 SoiTER (Melcboir) De Bello Pannonico, Per . , Fridericum 

Gomitem Palatinum, etc., roman letter, full-page eut on 
verso of title, representing Friedrich II. on horseback, old 
calf gilt 

sm. 4to. Augustae Vind. Alex. Vueissenhorn 

e.vcudebat, 1538 
Collation: — a-s4 = 72 leaves 


OF THE Fifteenth Centuky, old red morocco e.rti-a, g.e. 
{from the Pembroke Collection) 

sm. folio, [s./;. (? Holland, ? Lourcns Janszoon 

Coster, before 1471)] 
■"■„■"■ Seconii Latin edition, known as tbe "Latin mixed 
editioG," tbe text of 20 leaves being printed from vyooden 
blocks, whilst the other 46 leaves are printed as far as 
the text is concerned from movable types ; the illustra- 
tions have all been printed from wooden blocks. Tbe 
64 leaves are printed on one side of the paper, the blank 
sides being pasted together. This copy wants the six 
preliminary leave;!, also the first and last leaves of text. 



but the illustratioDS of these two leaves have been supplied, 
one in printed facsimile, the other in pen-and-ink. BroWn 
ink has been used for the illustrations, the letterpress 
being in black. A few small portions of letterpress along 
the inner margins of some leaves have been rubbed ; leaf 
42 is defective in one corner, small hole in last two 
leaves, and the first and last leaves are much discoloured. 
A long bibliographical note and collation by J. H. Hessels 
accompanies the volume. Although the defect? have as 
far as possible been noticed, the block-book will be sold 
as usual not subject to return 

manioum, cum speculo Sanctse Mariae editum a fratre 
Johanne], gotijic Itttfr, 35 lojuj lines to a full page, ivith- 
out siijnatures, with 192 boldUj desirpied cuts, all 7ieatly 
coloured, half vellum 

folio. \_Augshurg, G. Zainer, at the Monastery of 
SS. Ulrich and Afra, c. 1473 
"',,/■'" First edition in L.^tin and German together, and 
FIRST OP THE German text. First entirely typo- 
graphical EDITION. Besides the German text there are 
certain supplementary pieces which appear for the first 

Collation : — There are no signatures or other marks, 
but quires count a-z, a-d, the last leaf blank. A few 
original MS. signatures remain. Hain, *14929. Proctor, 

415 [Speculum] Spiegel deb Mbnschlichbn Behaltniss, 
gotfjtc Irttrr, double columns of 48 lines, without marks, 
278 remarkable uwodcuts by tiro or three hands, large and 
small ornamental woodcut initials, light brown calf with 
blind tooling, with original brass fittings for clasps (fetv 
leaves loose at end and a few inside margins repaired at 

folio. Gctruckct durch Bernhart Bichel zu Basel, 

Aug. 31, 1476 

■ .„/" Second edition op the German text, but the first 

published by itself, the first with these cuts, and the first 

edition printed in Switzerland. Hain, '••14936 Proctor 


Collation: — 237 leaves, unnumbered. Wanting the 
first blank and the corresponding leaf (Table). Hain 
mentions 3 leaves following the colophon, but these are 
not in this copy. Towards the end of the book a blank 
has been cut away leaving only a guard, but reckoned as 
a leaf 


416 Spiegel dek Laien, gotljic letter, 30 Uiich to a. jiaijr, IIU,' in, 
(iiw I'uii: of fjoUu,o l.jijx: heloin a lanj,'. iiiLpcnal croirn, 'inilli. 
31 moiidriUH mill pi-liiJcr's ilrru-c (Uiri'i: iiiijijiifH, vlr.)^ 
niiKiiiicn.lid inUiiih, plnlu cn'.iiiHd/i, monu-ct) 

sm. 4to. Tjiilirck [Ihc, " Po/i/jij j)riiili:r," '!}[<ill. 
JJiyiiiilis^ ()!■ S. A utiles] 141)0 
Ai mil (h6): 

iJrr h'l/ra sjiri/ijcl licfl hijr ri/ii fiiilr. 
Dm. Ii'fi gh.i'iiir tii ilrs.sriii.r rli'ii,ili> 
U/ijir. iliiJ, '^iiil ilji si/ii.e ijiuidi' scii.ili' 
Vih ifiil li'nlr ih/ii.i; tsrii: eii.lfiuuic in kijih'. Iinulc 
he dijt bnri: Irrlli. nuil.-r vii, nk ilc ilnr iiiiii: h'uni, 
Li'iir lii'rr ijiul ini/l den io ijiiedirli, wrsrii Allien 
Anno dne Mcccoxcvi Liibeck 

■"■ ■"' The only edition known. Only two copies are registered, 
these are at Oottingen and Wollenbiittel 

(\illiilion : — A-u8, h6 = 62 leaves, numbered in gothic 

417 Steinmeyeb (Vine.) Newe Kiinstliche, Wohlgerissene, 
vnnd in Holt;^ geschnittene Figuren, v/)v7/i 350 hirrje imoil- 
eids (Koiiie. fiddinij), rhiejii/ lii/ Hans Weiditz, Init a fern 
lire hij BuEGKWAIR, SCHAUFELBIN, Amman itiid ntliers, eiilf\ 
g.e. {from llie Huth Collection) 

oblong sm. 4to. Gelniekt zw J''riuie. a., il/. beij loli. 
N. Sloll.venhen/er in, verlegirnij Vine. Steiniiiei/ers, 


", * The blocks represent the publisher's stock, the earliest of 
them (apart from a few odd ones) dating about 1520 

418 Stoepfler (Jo.) Calondarium Eomanum Magnum, Caesaree 
maiestati dicatum, D. Joanne StcefHer iustingensi IMathe- 
matico authore, roiniin leller, 'i.n red mid liliiel:, tille irilh 
iroudeiil border of I'oitls-of-mins, uniiill rieirs of toirns, 
oeeiijiiilionH of llie luoiilh ,enh of 'istniii.oniinil inatriiiiienls, 
orniiineiital iniliitls, ele., 16th Cent. Sjimiiuli hindiiuj of 
eidf gilt, with u.rni.s of llie Marquis op Moya or MoijA, 
edges gilt and gmiffred, lellereil on. fore-edge n-illi diiie of 
binding, (?) 1593 : Uro elasjis, in eloili ease 

sm. folio. Ini/iressiint in Ojipenliei/in per lacobum 

Kobef 1518 

■■'■." First edition. Proctor, 11939 


419 Suso (Henricus de) F. 2 : Hie seind geschriben die capitel 

des biichs d3 do der Seiisse beisset vnd die zal der selbea 
capitel vfl an welhem blat man d3 vindefc, gotljic Iftttr, 

34 lines to It pcitjc, 6 full-page woodcuts, 7 lialf-page and 
si.v siiialler cats {all coloiirnl), old half-pigsl-in {witli ex 
lihfis G. Kloss) 

sm. folio. Gcdnickt . . . von Ant. Sorg .... 

Aiigspurg, 1482 

'",.;'■ First edition in German. Not in Hain. Proctor, 
1685. Wanting the first leaf (blank) and the last 8 leaves 

Collation :— 6 unnumbered leaves + ff. vi-cviii + 2 
unnumbered + ff. iii-cxLvi 

420 Tbeentius (Publius). Comoediae, roman letter, te.rt 

surrounded hi/ coinnientari/ in smaller ti/jie, large wood- 
cut " Tlieatriim" on title, 6 other full-page luoodctcts, and 
upwards of 150 sntaller ones, reUuni 

folio. Arijent. per loanne tiriiningcr mira etiam arte 

ac diligentia, 1503 
Collation : — a6, b8, c-z, aa6, bb4, C'c6 = 156 leaves. 
A few leaves stained and wormed 

421 Thekamo (Jacobus de) BeHal. ^ Een rechtelick ghedinghe 

tusschen Belyal den helsohen procureur als claghere aen 
dat een deel. ende lesu cristo hemelsohe god. antwoei'dere 
aent ander deel Op dat Ihesus die belle ende dye helsche 
vorsten rechtelick verstoert ende berooft heeft, etc., 
gotl)ic letter, 42 lines to a page, full-page tvoodcut and 
70 others, ornamental initials, green crushed Levant 
morocco extra, g.e., by Biciere (pine copy), name of Jesuit 
College, BruxcUes, on title 

sm. folio. Antwerpen, H. Eckert, 1516 

.' The Dutch edition, first printed at Haarlem in 1484. 
Title slightly mended 

Collation : — a-t6 = 114 leaves 

422 Thucydides. De Bello Peloponnensium Atheniensiumque 

libri YIII. Laurentis Valla interprete : & nunc k Oonrado 
Heresbraohio ad graecum exemplar diligentissime re- 
cogniti, roman letter, title loithin icoodcui border by 
HoLHKiN, and ornamental initials, luiJf russia (William 
MoKEis's cojiy) 

sm. folio. Coin, apucl Eucliarium Ceruicornu, lere 
((' inipensa M. G. Hittorpij, 1527 
Collation : — A(prel.)6, a-t6, v4 


423 Thuboc'z (Joh, de) [Chronica HuNOAKORuir]. a. 2 ; Ad 
egregiil dnm Thomfi de drag p'sonalis p'aentie sereu- 
issimi principis dni Mathie : hugarie : bohemie to regis 
Austrieq3 ducis cancellariu3 Prefatio magistri lohfinis de 
thwrocz : in prima libru Clironice hungaroz;! foeliciter 
inoipif;, gotijir (rtttr, 36 lines to a pcit/c, In'sidi'^ a fitU-paije 
frontisptccc there arc 41 rctnurkable cuts of Hnnfiiiriiin 
2)ri>jccs, 16tJt coit. relate slampcd luickshin, conhiining 
half-lciiijllt figures, etc. [7 Mnnicli liiuiJiuij), finm copy 
sm. folio, Briiiui [Conr. StaJicl d' ]\[ath. Picinlcin], 


",,.■"' First edition. Perhaps the second booli printed at 
Briinn (Brno, Moravia). Hain, '■15517. Proctor, 9193 

CoUatioti : — a-xS = 168 leaves, not numbered 

121 Thi'uoc/. (Job. de) [Chronica HrNi.iAR0uuM]. al : Ad 
egregiu dTim Thoma de drag personalis presentie seren- 
issimi principis dni Mathie ; hungarie : bohemie ro. regis 
cancellariii. Prefatio magistri iohannis de thwrocz : in 
primii libru Chronice hungaroi; foeliciter incipit, gotijtr 
Iflttv, 38 lines to (I jicii/e, leaf (in facsimile) inis the 
arms of Cori'iiius, a fuU-jiaijc frontispiece of S. Ladislaus 
pursuiiKj tlie Hun «'//o is carri/imj off the I'ishop of 
Waradin's daughter, 11 woodcuts of Hungarian ))toni(rc]is 
and 22 smaller cuts of battles, ornamental initials, dark- 
blue )norocco, c/.c. 

sm. Ito. [Au<isburii. E. Batdolt for Tlieob. Fcgher, 

June 3, 1488] 

■",..■■■ Second edition, issued 10 weeks after the first. Hain, 
■■•15518. Proctor, 1874 

Collation :— prel. 2, a-g8, h6, ilO, k-o8, p6, q--l.8, v4, 
x8, ylO =■ 174 leaves. Tliis copy wants all after v2 
(including the colophon), a few leaves have been repaired 

425 Thylf.sius (Ant.) Conmientarius de Coronls, roman letter, 
title U'ithin a-oodcut border, boards, uncut 

12mo. Cohviiae . . . loanncs Gi/innicus c.rcudebat, 


Collatio)! : — ab8^=16 len.ves unuumbero.l. no ^narked nS 



•±23 ToDSUNDEN rxD TutiENDBN. Fol. 1 : 1[ Heinach volget 
ein sehone mafceri vo Siben todsiinden vn von den Syben 
tugende darwid', nach aussweysung d' figure hernach 
volgende Also isfc dise materi durcb eine hoohgelerte man 
ziisame geseczet vu gepredigefc worden, CTeniian gotljir 
(fttfr, 27 lines to a jntgc, with 14 itxxxJciits fmblemiitlral 
of 17f('.s and Thtues, female fiijures riding chunicteri.stic 
animals and hohlini/ shields and hanncrs, and lariie orna- 
mental initials, mottled ealf\ with elaborate tjold desiipi 
on sides, (jreen sill:en tooled ends and fly-leares (fine 


sm. folio. Gedruclit r)id rolenndt zii Aiujspurg. vow 

loh. Bdinlcr', 1474 
■'•■.,'"■ First edition. The same printer published the second 
in 1482. Hain, 15535. Proctor, 1609 

Collation : — 28 leaves, without marks. Corner of 
fol. 26 made up in facsimile 

427 ToDTBNTAxz (Der) : Title : Der doten dantz mit figuren 

clage vnd antwort schon von alien staten der werlt, 
German, gotljif Ifttrr, doable coliimiis, without marks, title 
ill three lines of ijothie letter, the first part of the poem 
commewcinij o)i, verso, 38 lanjc ivoodeiits of "Der doit," 
and 3 oiliers of skeletons, charnel-house, ete. ; also 78 
/((;•;/(' a)ul fine ornamental initials, crushed dark blue 
moroeeo extra, silken ends and fly-leaves, ij.e., in pull-off 
cloth case (fine cdry) 

sm. folio. [■? Ulvi, Joh. Zaincr, e. 1488, or Mainz, 

J. Mcydenbach, c. 1490] 
Pkobably the first edition. Most of the leaves have 
sliijJit I'cjxiirs 

Gollalion : — [a-e4, f2] = 22 leaves 

428 [ToRTOREL (Jean) et Jacques Perrissin.J [Histoire des 

troubles au sujet de la religion, tant en Prance que dans 
des Pays-Bas, 1559 a 1599]: 145 engravings of battles, 
massacres, views of t(}ivns, etc., n-iih German text descrip- 
tions beneath, in many cases the 1< reneJi description is 
added as ivell, oi-iijinal stamjied calf {iritli nain-es or 
ex libris of various ou-ners) 

oblong sm. folio, [s.l., 1600] 

429 Teeitzsaurwein (IVIarx) und Maximilian I. Der Weiss 

Kunig, ivilli 237 full-page woodcuts by Burgkimair, 
ScHAUFELnix, L. Beck, etc., parchment gilt, g.e. {with 
cv libris (f the Mah(,uis d'Adda) 

folio. Wien, Jos. Kuiwbiicken, 1775 


First edition. Der Weisskunig, an unfinished work of 
the Emperor: Maximilian, is an historical romance sup- 
plementary to Theuerdank. Accompanying this copy is 
a Supplement published at Paris by Tross in 1869 (folio, 
half morocco), consisting of facsimiles of 8 of the 13 
missing blocks (lost from the original set before 1775) 

GoUaiion :— ab2. Table 4, pp. 308 + 237 leaves of 

130 TuNDALUS. Fol. 2 : Incipit libellus de Eaptu anime Tundali 
et eius visione Tractans de penis inferni et gaudijs 
paradisi, sc^tt-golljic Irtttv, 29-32 lines to a paije, 21 wood- 
cuts, ijrccn crushed vwrojco extra,, r/.e., 1»j Llui/il 

sm. 4to. [.v.«., S])eier, Joli. (f' C\>nr. Hist., c. 1483] 

",, ' Probably the first edition in Latin. Hain, ■'■15540. 
Proctor, 2410 

Collation: — 30 leaves, without marks (first and last 
leaves blanks, the latter missing) 

431 VALERIUS MAXIMUS [Facta et DictaJ. Fol. 1 : 

Valerii Maximi Romane urbis iurispitissimi, in librii 
facto:;! et dictorum memorabiliu ad Tiberiu cesarem 
Prefatio incipit, gotljtc Irttfr, 30 titles to a jiaf/e, ivithout 
marl,-s, PRINTED ON VELLUM, ornamental initial on 
fol. 1 in gold and colours, irith beautiful ilUnninated border 
tlie whole Icnijtli of one side, initials painted in red or blue 
and otherwise rubricated, old English red morocco e.vtra, 
ij.c. (fine copy), from the Pembroke Collection 

sm. folio. In nobili urbe Jlogntina Bheni, tcrminata^ 

anno 1471. xviij haledis iulijs per . . , Petrn 

Scltoiifl'ei- de Gems' hem . . [14 June, 1171] 

*^* First edition \vith a date. Hain, 15774. Proctor, 95. 
Only abovi' six copies are known 

Collation, : — 198 leaves, without marks 

432 Varthejia (Lodovicodi) Die Ritterlich vnd lobwi^irdig reis5 

des gestrengen vu iiber all ander weyt crfarne Bitters vu 
landtfarers, Sagend von den landen, Egypto, Syria, von 
beiden Arabia, Persia, India, etc., German goti)ic Irtttr, 

32 hncs to a page, 49 woodcuts, including the two on title- 
leaf, and ornamental initials, half calf 

sm. 4to. Strassburg, durch den Ersam'e lohannem 

Knobloch, 1516 

ColUdion :— a8, bc4, alternately to s4, t6, v4, x8 (last 

H 2 

11 G 

433 Vegeth's (Flavius; [Von der Eitterschaft] iFoI. 1 : Dem 
wolgebornen herren hen-en lohansen Grauen von Lupffen 
landgrauen zu Stielingen vnd herren zu Hewen Embeut 
ich ludwig Hohenwanng von Tal Blchingen gehorsam 
mifc diensten, .scmZ-goHjir Ifttrc, 31 lines to a puijc, 63 
piiijrs of woodcnis of ciigliws and implements of tvaifavv, 
old ealf {slighth/ stained and f oh 1 //; facsiniilc) 

sm. folio, [s.n., Auiisbuni, loJi. IJ'ieuer, c. 1476] 

*^* The first and only XVth century edition in 
(lerman, and the only woodcl't book by this 
PKiNTEB. Hain, *15916, Proctor, 1729 

Collation : — 108 leaves, without marks 

434 VECiius (Maffaeus) [Phil ilethes] Fol. 1 : Maffei Vegii Lav- 
densis ad Evstathivm Praefatio, etc., roman letter, 30 lines 
to a [Hiife, fnll-paije irondcut with the title " Piiihilethes 
Veritas "cut above on the block, ivith contemporaii/ colouring, 
2 handsome woodcut initials, brou-)i. morocco c.rtra, (j.e. 
sm. 4to. \_s.n., Xiirnberg, Joh. MiiUcr of Konigslierg, 

f .' 1474] 
*^* Probably the second edition, but first with the 
wooncuT. Hain, ''■15925. Proctor, 2215 

Collation : — [a] in 12, vyithout marks 

435 Vegius (IMaffaeus) [Philalethes] Fol. 2 : INlaffei vegij lau- 
densis ad eustathium praetatio. Cum reperterem nuper 
animo Eustathi frater id q'd sepe soleo, gotljif Ifttcr, 30 

lines to a page, large wmtdcnt, 2 ornamental initials, half 
morocco, g.c. 

sm. 4to, [sjt., Strassburg, H. Knoblochtier, c. 1477] 

*5K* Probably THE THIRD EDI I'loN. nain,*15926. Proctor, 368 

Collation : — 14 leaves, without marks 

436 Veuius (Maffaeus) Philalethes, gotijir letter, 36 long lines to 
a jiage, and double columns of 46 lines, iroodcut, limp 
hoards {icith r,r liliris of Jules du Moulin) 

sm. 4to. [sm., Basic, Joh. dc Amorhach, c. 1492] 

*,* Third edition with a woohcut. Hain, *15927. Proctor, 

Colla'ion -. — ah8 = 16 leaves 


437 Verakdus (Carolus) Title : In laudem Serenissimi Fer- 

dinandi Hispaniaz? regis, Bethicm & regni Gracata?, 
obsidio, victoria, & triuphus, Et de Insulis in mari Indico 
nuper inuentis, romaii letter, 28 li)tes to a paije, u-oodcut 
oil title and 5 others in the te.rl, crimson morocco extra. 
[I.e., by Tmutz-Bauzonnet (fine copy) 

sm. 4to. Basle. J. B[_cr,jmann.], 1494 

*^* The second edition of Verardus, but the first 

WITH THE Columbus letter to the King of Spain 


Proctor, 7770 

Collation : — aa-cc8, ddee6 = 36 leaves 

438 Yergilu'S (Polydorus) Von den Erfindern der ding. WIe, 

vnnd durcli wolche, alle ding, Namlichen, alle Kiinster, 
Handtwereker, etc., German goti)tc Iftttr, 46 linvs to a 
pcKje, title irith lunje woodcut by Weiditz, and over 100 
lavije and .S)n(dl woodcuts ;/»// tlie same, Schaufelein, 
Brbu, Schwarzenburg, etc., hedf morocco 

sm. folio, (ietruckt vnd voJendet . . Au(jspur<i, 

durch H. Stayuer, 1544 
*^* Second edition in German of "de inventoribus rerum." 
Eirst published in 1537 liy Stainer 

Collation : — 10 unnumbered + ff. clxxi. Last leaf 
( ? blank) missing 

439 Vihgilius. Vergilii marciis dryzebe Aeneadische Biicber von 

Troianiscber zerstorung vnd \ffgang des Eomische Eeichs. 
durch doctor Murner v'tiist, (lerman gotl)tr Ifttfi", double 
columns of 42 lines, title in red and black u-ithin fine 
woodcut border, icitli 113 remarlrtble woodcuts (one two 
wJiole paijes), oriijinal wooden boards and stamped brown 
leather, meted comers and centres, clasjjs, in cloth case 
{marfjin of title and 1st leaf leornied, some learcs sUijlitly 

sm. folio. Strassburg, J. GrUninger, 27 Amj., 1515 
*-^* First edition and prob.vhly the first German 
translation of any part of Virgil, Not in Proctor 

Collation:— x6, b8, c-z, a-i'6, gS = 184 leaves, with 
erroneous foliation 

440 ViRiDARiu.M MoRALis PHiLOSOPHiiE, per Fabulus Animahbus 

brulis attributas tradita?, iconibus artificiosissime in ses 
insoulptis exornatum, itcdic letter, enijraved title and 128 
plates attributed to Marc Gheeraerts or Gebard, half 
sm. 4to. Coloniic, edebat Cieonjius MuHikjus, 1594 
Collation : — 411. unnumbered + pp. 251 


441 VoCABULABis Gbmma Gemmabum, gotljtc Ictttr, title in red 
and black with woodcut border, with MS. name of Ant. 
Mollitor, Strassburg, B. Beck, 1514-15 — Torrentinus 
(Herm.) Blucidarius Carminum & Historiarum, etc., 
gotijtc Itttcf, title within a woodcut border, ibid., 1513-14 
— Auotoritates Aristofcelis, gotijic Irttev, title ivith woodcut 
of master and pupils {wormed), [Cdbi,so}2S of H. Quentell, 
1509] — together in 1 vol. half pigskin, stamped, over 
wooden boards (lower side broken) 

thick sm. 4to 

442 VoGTHEEB (Heinrich I and 11) [Kunstbdchlein] Ein 
Prembds vnd wunderbars kunstbiichlin alien Molern, 
Bildschnitzern, Goldschmiden, Steinmefczen, Schreinern 
Platnern, Waffen vii Messerschmiden hochnutzlioh zii 
gebrauchen, gotijic Utter, inedallion portraits of the tiro 
Vogtherrs on title dated 1537, and 51 pages of designs of 
female heads, hands, feet, helmets, swords, daggers, capitals 
and bases, candelabra, etc., broivn morocco, g.e. (3 leaves in 
, facsimile) 

sm. 4fco. Cietrnckt zii Strassburg dwrch Hein. 

Vogtherren, 1538 

... ■"■ Apparently the fibst edition. Not in Brunet or 
Muther. Very few of those who describe the book 
appear to have seen it 

Collation: — a-g4 = 28 leaves. b2, 3 and g4 are in 

443 VoGTHEEE (Heinrich I & II) Libellus Arlificiosus Omnibus 
Pictoribus, Statuariis, Aurifabris, Lapidicidis, Arcularijs 
& Cultrarijs fabris, etc., printer's device on title, 53 pages 
of icoodcuts of heads, hands, feet, helmets, swords, capitals 
and bases, candelabra, etc., etc., IGtli century vellum binding, 
gilt design on sides 

sm. 4to. Impressus Argentorati per Heinricum 

Vogtherreu, 1639 

■',. " Second edition op the original blocks, the fiest 
WITH A Latin title. Bound up with the above is 
"Eaison d'Architeoture antique," by Diego de Sagredo, 
Paris [c. 1539], with woodcuts 

Collation :— (1) a-g4 = 28 leaves. (2) Fo. 1-51. 


444 VoGTHERE (Heim-ich I & II) Kunstbiiohlein, Vonn allei'ley 

seltzmen, vnd wunderbaren frembden Stucken, . . 
Allen Mahlern, Bildschnitzern, Goldschmiden, Stein- 
metzen, Waffen vnd Messersohmiden nothwendig, etc., 
gotljtc letter, 2 ci}-cular portraits on title, ivhich is followed 
by 56 2Mges of woodeuts similar to those i)i the forciioiiuj 
but co)itai)ii)ui additional subjects, brown morocco extra, 
(/.('., /'// Chambolle-Din-ii 

sm. 4to. Getruckt zu Strasshurij diircli Ant. Bertram 

[_c. 1600] 
■■■ "" This edition is usually described as the first, but the outs 
are in a later state, and additional subjects are added 

Collatioit : — a-g4, h2 = 30 leaves 

445 [VoGTHEBR (Heinrich I & II)] Een niew Constioh Boeck 

voor Schilders, Beeltsnijders, Goutsmeden, Steenhouwers, 
etc., title in gothic, with 'printer's device followed bij 
55 paijes {including rerso of title) of cuts similar to the 
foregoing, old calf gilt 

sm. 4to. Tantwerpen . by Jan Bijekaei'dt, 1649 

""■,,■" The only Dutch edition. The cuts are probably 
close copies of the original blocks. Title-page slightly 
stained and written on 

Collation : — .\.-g4 = 28 leaves 

446 YoEAGiNE (Jao. de) [Legenda Sanctorum] Fol. 1 : 
1 Incipit p'logus sup' legenda s'cto;y qua jpilauit f'r 
iacob' natoe lannesD ordis fr'm p'dioato:^, semi-roman 
lette); 44 long lines to a full page, fine illuminated initia'l 
in gold and- colours on Fol. 1 with floral decoration c.e- 
tending the length of the p>agc, with a bishop's coat-of-arms 
in gold and colours at foot, with 163 woodcuts, ornament at 
initials, original wooden boards and stamped brown 
leather {wor)t and u-ith broken joints), in cloth case 

sm. folio. [s.?;., Augsburg, G. Zainer, c. 1474] 

■ „.'■■ The first (and only XV. cent.) Latin edition 


Proctor, 1559. Copinger III, 6387. The margins of 
two last leaves of Table are defective, and one leaf is 
slightly stuck to the preceding one. A few leaves are 
stained. MS. marginal notes 

Collation:— iOO leaves, numbered to 397 m reman 
letters, without signatures ; 14 leaves and the Table are 
not numbered ; there are several errors in numbering 


-14:7 [VoHAGiNE (Jac. de)] [Der Heiligen Leben : Summerteil] 
F. 3 : Hye hebett sieh an das Summer teyl der heyligen 
leben. Unnd zii dem ersten vonn dem lieben heylige lerer 
sand Ambrosio dem heyligen Byschoff, German gotI)ic 
Irttrr, double columns of 31 lines, full-page frontispiece and 
127 othei- looodcuts, coloured, dark hroivn morocco extra, 
blind tooled, g.e., by Chamholle-Duru (fine copy) 

sm. folio. loJiannes Bdmler zil Augspurg, 1480 

■■■_,,."■■' Bamleb's second edition, seldom found together with 
the Winter part. Hain, '■■9973. Not in Proctor or 
Pollard. The woodcut of S. Dominic (fol. 211 verso) 
has been pasted over by another out. On the fly-leaf 
(repeated below the colophon) is written: "Das piich 
gehort jn das closter zii dem hailligen Creiitz jn Eeges- 
purg p'diger ordes " (the Dominican monastery of the 
Holy Gross at Eegensburg) i.e. Eatisbon 

Collation : — 380 leaves, without marks 

448 [VoEAGiNE (Jac de)] [Der Heiligen Leben] Fol. 1 verso : 

Diss Eegister gibet anzeygug an welchem blat durch 
das gantz lar die legend eynes yeglichen heyhgen sich 
aufeht, German, g;oti)tc Irttrr, double columns of 50 lines, 
2 half -page cuts and over 250 others, 2 initials in gold 
and colours, 16th cent, binding of loooden boards and 
pigskin, stamped with roll borders, with centre panel on 
sides (1) '' Justice," (2) "Lucrctia," clasps, with initials of 
the binder, O.KW. [Caspar Kraft, a Wittenberg binder), 
FINE COPY -{from the library of William Morbis) 

foho. Nilrnberg, Ant. Koberger, 5 Dec. 1488 

"-s"'' Kobebgee's only edition and the only one with 
THE CUTS. He printed several Latin editions without 
illustralions. Hain, 9981. Proctor, 2065 

Collation: — 2 unnumbered + ff. ccclxxxv = 387 
leaves, without signatures 

[See Illustration] 

449 [VoBAGiNE (Jac. de)] [Der Heiligen Leben] Hye hebt sich 

an d3 wynterteyl der heyhg en leben vnd 3iim erst en von 
dem heyligen Eerc3engell sannt Michael, goti)ic Irttrr, 

double columns of 42 lines, title in six lines of gothic 
letter, 132 uoodcu/s {including the fill-page frontispiece), 
•all coloured, boards 

sm. folio. Das hat gcdruckct Hanns Schonsperger zii 

Augspurg, 1 Sept., 1489 





Face p. 120 




*.** ScHONsrEBGEE's FOURTH EDITION. HaiD, 9982. Schreiber 
only knew of one copy, and that imperfect. Not in 
Proctor or Pollard. The corner of title is wanting, with 
small portion of text from verso, also small holes in hh2 
and rp6. One or two margins repaired and a few leaves 

Collation : — [*]2, a-v, \\-, x-z, aa-pp8 (last 2 blanks, 
missing), 4 pages are separately printed on i leaves 

450 [VoEAGiNE (Jac. de)] [Passionael, Winterstuc] F. 2 : Hier 

beghint dat prologus van dat passimael. ende is geheyten 
in latijn aurea legenda. dat beduyt in duytsche dye 
gulden legende, gotI)tc tfttcr, double columns of 34-36 
lines, fine woodcut border to a2, painted initials, half 
russia (uiartjins defective in a few cases) 

sm folio. Gouda, G. Leeu, 10 Feb., 1480 
*^* Second edition in Dutch, the first, also by Leeu, 
having appeared in 1478. Not in Hain. Proctor, 8918-19 
Collation : — 1st blank (missing) + Table 1 leaf + Pro- 
logue 1 leaf + ff. 1-cclxiij + 9 leaves, unnumbered 

451 [Voeagine (Jac. de)] Passionael twinter stuc Datmen hiet 

die gulden legende, goti)if Iftttv, double columns of 41 
lines, title in 2 lines, the first being xtlogeaphic above a, 
large woodc2it of Die Mensche and shoiuimj a smcdl librari/ ; 
the title to Part II. has a xylogeaphic title of 2 lines over 
a woodcut representing Pentecoste, within borders on 2 
sides, with over 200 other woodcuts, initials painted red, 
origincd wooden boards and broioi leather, stamped with 
latticed lines with fleur-de-lis, catches for clasps (fine 

sm. foho. Gheprcnt tot Antwcrper . . . By vit 

Henrick JSckert, 1505 
*.^* Eckeet's second edition. On fly-leaf is the early 
signature of Frans Coerten, with coloured coat-ofarms 

Collation : — 2 unnumbered + ff. ccvi -f 1 blank ; 2 
unnumbered -H ff. ccxii 

[See IllusteationJ 

452 [Voeagine (Jac. de)] Passionael. Het winter stuck. 

Datman heet die gulden legende : Hie beghit tsomer 
stuc, gotljtc fctttr, double columns, the xvorcl "Passionael" 
(xylogeaphic) on first title in red, rest in black, luith 
woodcut beneath, the second title in. large gothic letter in 
black, with numerous. fine ivoodcuts, brown morocco with 
blind tooling {from library of William Mobeis) : fine 

sm. folio. Antw., H. Eckert, 1516 \_fiummer part, 



452 — cont. 

'■%* Eckeet's third edition of the Winter part, bound with 
the 1505 edition of the Summer part, by the same printer 
Collation -.—{l) A-v, w, xy, aa-hh6, ii8 (last blank). 
(2) A-z, aa-iijj6, xn6 

463 Waldseemulleb (Marlin) Cosmographie introductio : 
cum quibusdam Geometrie ac Astronomie principijs ad 
earn rem necessarijs. Insuper qualtuor Americi Uespucii 
nauigationes, gotljic letter, 37 long lines to a page, mmierous 
woodcut diagiams, hroivn crushed morocco extra, g.c. on 
the rough, uncut edges, by Lortic 

sm. 4to. Pressit apud Argentoracos hoc opus 
Ingeniosus vir loan, grwtigcr \_sic'\, 1509 
'"■,. Third edition with date, originally printed at St. Die, 
in Lorraine, in 1507. It was in this book that the name 
of America was first (1507) suggested for the continent 
supposed to be newly discovered by Amerigo Yespucct. 
The first part of the book is followed (d1) by Vespucci's 
description of his four voyages 

Collation '.—ABi, c6, d4, e6, f8 = 32 leaves, un- 
numbered + double-page diagram 

454 [Wimtfelinu (Jac.)]. Avisamentum de conoubinariis non 

absolvendis, etc., gotijic Irttcv, 38 lines to a page, title 
orer a iroodcut of a wo))ian and two devils, attributed 
to W. Teaut, calf extra, g.e., by F. Bedford {from the 
HuTH Collection) 

sm. 4to. Imprcssuiii Nuremberge p Hier. HoUzel, 

"•'■.,,.■"' Probably the first edition. Proctor, 10992 

Collation : — a4, b6 = 10 leaves 

455 Wimpfeling (Jac.) De fide cocubinaru in sacerdotes. 

Questio accessoria causa ioci r vrbanitatis in quodlibets 
Heidelbergensi determinata a magistro Paulo oleario 
heidelbergensi, gotijtc Ictttv, 36 lines to a page, large wood- 
cut on title and 11 others in the text, half vellum 

sm. 4to. [s.;;., Basle, Jac. Wolff of Pforzlwiin, 

c. 1501 
.,,■■'• Second edition 

Collation : — a-c6, d8 (last blank) = 26 leaves 

456 WiMPFELiNG (Jac.) De Fide Concubinarum in suos Pfaffos, 

roman letter, 33 lines to a page, woodcut border to title, 
and 16 curious cuts, half calf 

sm. 4to. [s.n., Strassburg, Jac. Camirierhnider, 

c. 1540 
Collation : — a-h4 = 32 leaves 


4.37 [WiKEKER (Xioel)]. Bruuellus iu speculo stiillo,, gotijic 
Ifttcr, 32 li)ics to a jiiiiir, tillc ,,iic line of ti/jic over n irooil- 
cut rcprcscniinij (inUeiius in cJoijs, " Bnindhm ' and fool. 
crimson morocco extra, ij.c, joi)its, bi/ Bclz-Xicdrcc, iritJi 
arms i]f livuox SEiLLitm-. on sides 

sm. -ito. [x.«., Lcipiiij, Conr. Kaciiclofm, c. 1490 

•■■■■" The first edition imunted in (1er:\iax\, and the 
FiKST \\iTH ILIA'S risATioxs. Haiii, '"16217. Proctor, 
2;)01. Two library stamps on back of title 

Collation : — a-fS, gbti = 60 leaves 

458 Woi,iKUES\N(; (Das). Eyn ander hertz, ein anJer kleid, 
Tragi" falsche wolff in d' hej'd Do mit sy den gesen 
lupllen. Den pfliun ab de kriipflen rupfen Ma^^stu hie by 
garwol version, Ucrnuni gotljif Ifttrr, 34 lines to a jui'jc. 
title ni one line laiiie gotliic iihore a hu'ije icoodcut repre- 
sentuhj the I'ojic. C/rci///, lic, as irolrcs oitrajijiina (jeexe, 
heloir arc six verses printed in tliree lines [as i(hore), half 

sm. 4to. \_s.n., ? Sirasslmrij. c. I"i22] 

Collation : — .\-d4, f.6 ;^last blank, missing) 

4.39 Wyle (Nic. von) Tvans^lat^ion oder ttitscbunge des boch- 
geachten Nic. von wyle, etc., cjotl)tr Ifttfr, 40 lines to a 
paijc, title in ciijiit lines of larije (jothic letter, the first line 
a n-oi'd block, o lare/c and 13 smaller icoodeuts, ornamental 
ini'liiils. lialf calf (last leaf molded) 

sm. folio. Stnissliiira. Joh. Bri/sc \_Pri(ss^, 

29 Ana. 1.310 
■■•■,,'■ The FIKST EDITION WITH ILLUSTRATIONS, and probably 
the second edition of the work 

Collation : — .8 prel., a-y6, z8 = 148 leaves, unnumbered 

460 ^YYLK (Nic. von) Translation, oder Deiitschungen, dt -. 
hochgeachten Xieolai von Weil. . . .etlicher biicher Enee 
Siluij, Pogii Florentini, etc., g;otl)tf Ifttrr, on verso of title 
is a lanie cat of Snismnnd enthroned, and numerous other 
n'oodcuts bjj ^YEIDITz, BuRGKMAiR, Breu and ScH^r- 
felein, boards 

sm. folio. Credriickt vnd rolendet inn. . .Aiiaspiim, 
durcJi Haynricli stai/ncr, IS Feb. 1336 

"■''.,..* Third kdition, the first with these cuts 

Collation : — a. a-q6, k4 i^last blank) 


46 L Wyss (U.rbanus) Libellus Vallde Doctus elegans, et utilis, 
multa et uaria scribendarum literarum genera complec- 
teos, title in red, ivilh elaborate decoration (inlaid), then 
on 57 leaves different alpJiabets, cut of a boys' school, 
iinother of the author in his studi/, etc., etc., each vjitJiin a 
u:oodcut tiordcr, olive vtorocco, gilt inside borders, g.e. 
obi. sm 4to, Iiiip'ssTi Tiijuri p' Vrb Wys. Anno 15^9 

^,* FiHST EDITION. 'Unknown to Brunet, Deschamps, or 
Graesse. One of tho first books on Calligraphy pub- 
lished in Switzerland 

Collation : — a-o4, p2 = 58 leaves 

462 Wyj'fliet (Corn.) Descriptionis Ptolemaicae augmentum. 

siue Occidentis Notitia Breui commentario, etc., roman 
letter, 28 lines to a paije, engraved title ivith 19 engraved 
maps, some dated 1697, each double page, original vellum 
(ivith ex libris of Mabquis d'Adda) 

sm. folio. Lovanii Typis Joh. Bogardi, 1597 

*,,* FiBST EDITION (errata corrected) of the first special 
Atlas of the New World. On page 96 Vespucci is men- 
tioned, and that America was named after him 

Collation : — 4 prel. leaves, unnumbered + 192 + 19 

463 MuBBAY (C. Fairfax) Catalogue of his Collection of Early 

German Books, compiled by Hugh W. Davies (one 
hundred copies only printed), profusely illustrated, 2 vol. 

4to, Privately Printed, 1913 


Block Books. 

Apocalypsis . . :\C,. ?>7 
Ars Meiiioraiiili 
Avs Moi'ieudi .... 
Biblia Pciupernm . 
I'anticum Crtnticoruui {I leaf) 
Spt'culnin Humanae 8;il\a- 
tionis . ... 




Alhu-di Koster (H.) and D. 

de Mcyne .... 100 
Leseailje (Jae.) . . . ;'>60 
Smiu (J. F.) .... 307 


Back (_G.) . . . 1-25, 


B.ix (A.) .... 


Copeiiius van Diest (G.) 

;!5. l',>.i, I'.iO. 


Doesliorob (J. van) 


Eckert(H.) 121, -204, 421,451 


Luet (Jan) . 


Leen (G .), see also at Gonda. 





iloivt (J.) . 


Fetrus (^^Martiuus) . 


Plantiu (,C.) 08. O'.i. 14s. ;i24 


Raplieleng (Fr.) (^Plantin) . 


Kic'.mrd or Eijckaerdt (J.) . 


Stuo'is (J.) 


Vorstermau (^^'.) . 


UnideutitieJ Pre^s. 



Paiukn- (.Toh.) . 1;;4. 420, 447 
Frosehauer (J.) . 24s. .'Uil 

Grim (^.'>.) and if. AViisuuu' 

22s, 32:'. 
Grim (S.l alone . . 121) 

:\tanuev (M.) .... Wll 
Miller ^.1.) . . . 227, 240 
Otmar (8. ) . . 207. 209, 274 
Ramminger (M.) ? . . . 201 

.l//;/s/'//;-(/— (cont.) ,.,,1, 

Patdnlt (E.) 

T.I, 2(1. 2:'., 34. 254, :!01, :;55, 424 
S.S riiieli and Afra ]\Ioiiasterv 

111-,), 4o2,'414 
Si'hanr (H.) .... 124 
Si'Uuljsser (J.), see also at 

Mtinehcn . 12ii. 190, 2U; 

Sulioiisperu'er (.7.), .syv alffn at 

Xlirnberg 15, 117, 215. ? :',o:.', 

? :;03. 4411 

Si'ldisslor (.loll.) . . l:;i; 

Sur^- (Ant.) 11, 49, so. 90. 104. 

122. 12:1. 1S9, :;20. :UU. 419 

Steiiier(H.) 51. S7. 127. 128. 172. 

211. 35:!. 4;;8. 400 

"Weissenliorn (A.) . ;'.9, 412 

Wiener (J.) .... 433 

Zainer (G.) 174, 2:i8, 24:!. 294, 

344, 845. 371!, 414. 440 

Zeissenmair (Ij.) . . 104 

Unidentified Presses . 51. :lsl 


Pfeil (Jo'.i.) . . 54, 55 

Si'iisj^iiscbinid (J.). . . :!iiH 


Amorbach (J. de) 

12, 61, 00, 3us, 430 
Bergmann I .J.) . . 99. 4:;7 
Biss'choff (X.) . . .315 
Cratander (A.) . . . 2;!li 
Curio (V.) . 147. 170. Isr, 

Eisenhut (L.). . 241. :!7ii 

Flach (M. ) . . 199 

Frobeii (.T.) 105. 167. 290. 313. 
314. ;:3.0. :Us. :;75 
Froben(Hier.)and X.Bi>Mliotf lO'.i 
Furter (M.) 

12. 14. 92. 299. Siis. 305. ;;9(! 
(ieDgeiibaeli (P.) l>"i 

Gwarin (T.) .... 75 
Isenurin l^iLV . . 1>1 

Kesler(X.) . 
Lamparter (X'.) 
Perua (P.) . . . 19: 


I lush' — (coiit.) 


Petri (A.) . . . •■i'il>, ;!-t7 
Richel (B.) . . . -'9:.', 415 
Wolff (J.) de Pforzheim 

];i, ;!is, 4:ir. 
Wolff (Th.) . . . .17 
riiideiitified Press. . 41, l;!o 

Apiariiis or Bieiier (M.) S5, 251 


(,'lcrck (P. de) . . . 17;! 
Goltz (H..) . . . 11)7, L'.-.2 


StJihel (<-'onr.) and j\f. Preiii- 
leiii . . . ■ 4^;! 


Fratres vitse communis (mon- 
astery) . . . .40 
Mommart (J.) . . . I."i7 

( 'nlil. 

Anonymous : 

Printer of Dares . . 331 

Printer of Dictys . . ;!•'!] 

Printer of " Salamonis et 
Marcolphi Dialogus " . 1^7 
Birckmann (A.), heirs of . 21H 
Bumgart (Herin.) . . 303, 398 
Cervicornns(E.) 177, i'12, 2 f 7, 422 
<;o])s (Goiswin) . . 4ii, l.sT 
C.otz (N.) . . . 45, 4 (J 
Guldcnsdiaff (.foh.) . 1, 114 
Gymnicus (.To.) . . . 425 
Koelhoff (.J.J . 13',), 3<)(;, ;;!)7 

Tianden (.I.j . . 179 

.Mutinous (G.) . . . 440 ! 

Xo\-e.<ianns (:\I.) , ISd \ J-'reihurg im llreisiiaii. 

Pfefferhorn (.loli.) ? ]jrivate 

press, .s<'f Warden (Jlartinde). 
(juei)tell (H.) 

2, 5, 21, 62, (i:;, \>^->. ;i7.s 
Qiioutell (H,), sons of 90J 441 
<,)neiitell (P.) . , , , 11!) 

? ]irivate press, ■««(! Ijanden. 
AVei'ileii ( Mailiih de) 

53, 1S4, 337, 399 
ZelKU.) ., ;-;:-!(•, 

Zierikzee (G. de)3(i'.i. 3lo, 311, 312 
TnidentiKed Press , , 2oii 


Gornelissen ((',) . 


Breda (J, de) . . , 

4, 7 

Paffraet (R,) . , ,3, s 

, 171 

Paftraet (Alb.) . (15 

, 3 If; 


Esch (H. van) 



Keibs (N,) or Keinbons 

3 DO 


Widemar (X.) 



Maler (:\r,) , , 273, 279 


Unidentified Press 


Fraiilcftirt am JDi/ii. 

Beatus (Romanus) 


Bry (T. de) , . . . 


Egenolff (('.) 

72, 126, 209, 401, 

4 or, 

Egenolff (C), heirs of, see- also 

at Strassburg 

* .') 

Peyrabend (S,) . . 2 

1, 5:.' 

Latomus (S,) , . . , 


Lechler (M,) . . , . 


Rabe (G,), Feyrabend (8,j, 

and heirs of W, Han 

16, 20, 354 


Piabe ((;.) alone . 


Reffeler {!>.) , . , , 


Stolzenberirer (.1. N,) , 


Zephelins (Dav,) and others , 




( riif/r. 

Victor [or Binder] (Hier.) 

Uiederer (F.). 
( ii'iierii. 

Vii!H0)i (E,) . 

( Idiiilii.. 

('ollacie Brooders (Franeisi-Ui 

monastery) , . . 191 

Leeii (G.), Kse itho al Antwerp 

143, 144, 145, 45U 

Fi-dben ((i, B.) . , 25 

Hering (M,) . , 2(;o 

•s' Hertngenbofirh. 

Leeinpt ((;.). . , 332 




Agricola {.^ .) . 



Rapst ( V,) . 


Karliolofen i^l'.) 



L \iu1s1k"vo- (>[.) 


Lotter t^^I.'). senr. . 



Seliuinaim i^V.) 


Yogelin (E.) 




Elzevir (Is.! . 


Mathiis/Aion (^J.) . 



IVigar.l (J.) . 


llecrstraten {E. van der) 



Martens (T.) . 

O b 

Yelilciier (J.). 


Wonturs (^S.) and J. llatlian. 



Anuli'S ( S.) . , 71, 



(iliotau (^rianlO 


Poppy Printer"" (^The) 



Clein (Jo.) 



Rrandis (^^lor.) 

2, ",7 


Meydenbaeh i.l.) iMiG, 


, 427 

UeuwiL'h yV..) . . loO, 


. 10.". 

Schoeffor i T.) 

l;ll. -JOi, 213. 


. 4:U 

Seliocrt'er (^Joh.) ■22<i). 


. 2:U 

Jli inni'iiicii. 

Kuane (^A.) ."m 


llelleiuH. V. d.1 . li>7 


lu'ru'iii ( Anna) 1 .>"< 

SL•Ilo^^Sl'l■ (.r.) from AtigsburL;- 

."ii!. .".7 


Andrfii (Hier.~) . I.V.). li'.l. lirj 
Caymoex {11.) . 14(; 

Cri'nssner {V.) ".2. I'.o. :1.">1 

l)ii!\'r"s Widow, f^ce irit/i 

Andreii (II.). 
(^erlaoh (Kath.) . 10:! 

Glockendon (Alb.^i. . . 3."..'. 

Xiinihen/ — (cent.) 


Heussler ( L.) . ;'.(i 

Hiilzel (11.) ;i(;. .".'.I, 14',». l.">2, l.".."\ 
170. L'di. 4.". 4 
llolzel (H.) or Sncicssni- . .'.',) 
Kautt'Liianu (P.) . . 34:! 

Kolierger (Ant.) 7o, 80, N2, >.);'.. 
K:;, :;.")0. 404, 4o.5. 407, 44S 
Kob:rger (Joli. ) . . .si 
Merckel (li.) . . . :)S8. :;,si) 
Miiller (.loll.). . . 4:U 

Putri (J.) ' . . . :!('.:! 

Peypus (F.) 

■SI, 220. 321. :U1. :;42. 40s 
Sclionspergor (,l.) the elder 

:;3s. 3:;;) 
Sodatitas Celtioa (Printer for 

the) . . no. 22i;. ;;41, :142 
Weigel(H.) ... 27 

Weissenburger (J.) 47, 2.')0, 208 


Koebel (Jac.) . . 41.^ 


Petri (.Toh.) . . . 203. 204 


Ansbelm (T.). . . 4;). :U;0 


(»tmar (Job.) . . . 307 

Unidentified Pre^s . . 28ii 

Dietz (L.) . ;i,s 


AVirzbnrg (Hein.) . . 3.70 

^'(7///' liiiii. 

Unidentified Prcs^ . . loi', 

Seidell St a'lt. 

.Schiirer ( Laz.) . 107 


S. ifichael in deu Hem 

(monastery) . . l".i7 

Si)-iviii'ni . 

UoJIcr (Hier.) . ".77. .".s.". 

Si'i ler. 

Draeh (P.") . . lol. 102. 13,7 

tieorgius [!- lu'\.^cr].de Spira 
and .1. Pcol--oiilinl' (?) . 3,i>'. 

Hist (( 'onr.) . . . 17.'. 

Hist (.lob. and Coiir.) ".I'.O. 430 

128 IN HEX OF r 


Sclili.s^er (Fr.) 


Anonymous 214,291 (printer 

of the 14S3 Vitas Patrum) 
Beck (B.) .... 
Beck (R.) . . ■ ^''8, 
Bertram (Ant.) 
Gammerlander (Jac.) . 
Eggestein (H.) ? . • • 
Egenolff (C.) .... 
Farckal (A.) .... 
Flack (M.) .... 
(Iriiningev (J. Reiuliard, 

called) 140, 217, 221, 2.5.S, 
39.5, 4(i0, 411, 420, 439, 
Hupfuff (M.) . . 362, 

Hnsuer (ti.) . 

J o1.)in (!''•) • 76,220,372, 
Kistter (B.) . 2.5G, 391, 

Knoblochtzer (H.) 

■•1, us.' 242, 244, 249, 
Knobloncli (.J.) 

1(16, 250. 2.")3, ;-;28, 
Kopfel (W.) . 
Mentelin (Juh.) 
Priiss (J.), f^cur. 

04, 77, 207, 214, 
Schott (.1.) lOs, 167, 210, 

2;>-'., 2(;.'i. 200, 208, 349, 357, 
Scliott(M.) .' 6,22,133, 
Sclitirer (Matt.) 
Vni;-tiirrr (H.) . 442, 

Wabiiiger (.Toh.) . 
Uiiidi.'ntified Press. 





Ulm — (cont.) 

HoU (L.) 
Keger (J.) 
Zainer (J.) 


. 78 
. 112, 113, 240 

18, 83, 230, 427 


DJnckmnt (Conr.) 
Clanm (J. F.) . 













Berntsz or Bernardi (J.) 


Bissuccio (D.) 

Wien . 


Alberti (la veuve) . . . 5;) 
Kurzbocken (Jos.). . . 429 
Victor (or Binder) (Hier.) and 
Job. Singriener . . .141 


Cranacb and Doring . .277 
O'rato (J.) . ." . . 325 
Slug (Jos.) 280. 2.s(;, 287, 28.s 
Krafft (H.) .... .S9 
Letter (M.), junr. 270, 2S(.», 281 
Lufft (Hans) . . 51, 2X2. l>s5 
Rhau or Griinenberg (G.) 

l;;5, 272, 270, 28(), 284, 286, 380 
Scbirlentz (X.) . . 245, 287 
AVeis (Hans) .... 28(i 


Cistercian Monastery . . 319 


Wyss (Urb.) . . . .461 

ZnurJcau ( ? ) 

Oastel (Jorg) (?) . . . 27s 


Os (P. van) . . . 223, 263 


London : Printed by William Clowes and Sons, Limited, 
Gieat W.indmill Street, W., and Dulie Street, Stamford Street, S.E. 


The Second JPortion of the C. Fairfax Murray 
LiBEAEY, consisting of rare early printed Feench 
and Italian Books (collected chiefly for their illus- 
tratio7is), will be sold in the New Year. Catalogues 
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